What are the best natural fat burners?

Egbert Haynes
What are the best natural fat burners?

We are not going to invent the wheel saying that to lose weight you need to exercise and eat healthy. That is the basis of any attempt to get the silhouette you are looking for..

However, there are a series of completely natural products and foods that can help this process to accelerate, and also not have to starve. In this article we are going to do a review of the best foods that are natural fat burners.


One of the main characteristics of pineapple is its fantastic diuretic properties that prevent fluid retention. In addition, this tropical fruit has many other vitamin benefits. On the other hand, it has a large amount of water and fiber, which provides a feeling of satiety that helps control weight.


The great contribution of fiber that spinach contains helps accelerate intestinal transit and prevent bloating and heavy digestion. One of its great properties is that it has the presence of two types of fibers. On the one hand we find soluble fiber that is characterized by reducing fat in the abdomen area. On the other hand, insoluble fiber is responsible for regulating intestinal transit and promoting the digestive system..

Actually the secret of spinach lies in this last type of fiber, the insoluble one, since it contains very few calories and also generates a feeling of satiety.

Despite being such a nutritious product and with so many beneficial properties to regulate weight, it is necessary to apply a little creativity in the kitchen to be able to enjoy spinach beyond the typical boil. Nowadays, spinach has become fashionable as an essential ingredient in the well-known "green smoothies" that can be accompanied by some fruit (such as pears or apples) to give it a sweet touch that compensates for the bitter taste of spinach..

Another way to consume them can be through sautéed vegetables in the pan or even in salads with a good dressing.


The apple is a fruit rich in a fiber called pectin. It is a natural fiber that helps eliminate waste from our body and also regulates blood sugar levels.

In addition to this essential fiber, apples are also characterized by low calories and fat. As with spinach, we can also apply some creativity to take this wonderful fruit more often. We can blend it and take it in smoothies together with other fruits and vegetables or we can even cut it into small cubes and add them to our salads..

It is also important to note that not all apples are the same. Some studies have proven that compared to other varieties, it is precisely the green apple that has the greatest properties to help lose weight.


Grapefruit is a fruit that belongs to the citrus category and is characterized by having powerful diuretic and cleansing properties, and for this reason it has become the star product of weight loss diets.

Its characteristic bitter taste is a consequence of naringerin, an antioxidant that acts on the liver and can help patients with diabetes.

Green Tea

Currently, green tea is consumed throughout the world, although it is a drink originally from China. Among its most outstanding characteristics we can point out its ability to prevent fluid retention. It is also recommended not to take it immediately after eating and wait at least 45 minutes so that it does not interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

This is a small selection of healthy and nutritious foods that, thanks to their properties, can help us lose fat. However, they should always be taken as a complement to balanced diets and a healthy and active lifestyle..

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