How many parts does an essay have? General characteristics

Sherman Hoover
How many parts does an essay have? General characteristics

You ask yourself How many parts does an essay have? Know that you are on the right track. If you intend to write a perfect essay, the first thing you should do is know the structure so that you develop the topic with a coherent thread from beginning to end.

Essays are one of the most required academic texts at different educational levels, the reason is simple, an essay is an argumentative text Thanks to its characteristics, it allows to expose a topic in depth and the greatest advantage over other types of texts is that it gives us the possibility of raising our own ideas on a particular topic. 

How many parts does an essay have?

The parts of an essay are four: Introduction, development, conclusions and bibliographic references. This is the conventional structure of an essay, and taking it into account is important in order to create a quality text.

The title of your essay must be concrete, powerful and reflect the main theme of the text, after this we concentrate on each of the parts and their characteristics, so that you know how you can make a perfect essay. 

Now that you know how many parts does an essay have, it's time to go a little further.

The 4 parts of an essay with its characteristics

Next we will delve into the parts of an essay with its most relevant characteristics. If you follow our advice, you will most likely get a text so well written that you will get all the congratulations. 

Before starting, remember that taking care of your spelling is a tool that reinforces your arguments and gives you an excellent image. 

Now, to the point, let's see how many parts an essay has and how to elaborate them. 


An essay introduction is your cover letter. As this is the hook with which it is intended to arouse the interest of readers, it must be powerful, forceful and well structured.

The length of the introduction should be a maximum of two paragraphs, although the main idea is to create a single paragraph in which the information is perfectly condensed.

A good introduction should give a brief context to the topic and answer the following questions That because? And for what?.

The idea is to present the topic to argue in such a way that the participants are clear about what they can find in your essay. 

Additional tip: An excellent idea is that before starting to write your essay, brainstorm the most important concepts or topics, so that later you will have a logical order that will allow you to write a good text without redundancies or inconsistencies between the topics..


As its name indicates, the development part of an essay is the one in which all the arguments are given to support the hypothesis that you propose in the introduction..

The development of an essay must be written in prose, It must have a logical order and here all the arguments you have regarding the subject will be exposed.

The idea is that you have a structure in which you talk about the background, context, main topic and subtopics that are linked to or follow from this. 

A trick to make reading and writing easier is to create subtitles that can serve as a mind map that guides reading.. 

Also, it is important to bear in mind that one of the most important points for an essay to have scientific rigor is that it is supported by a good bibliography base.

What does this mean? The above means that if you want to have an essay that is up to par, you must include quotes from authors and important theories that support your arguments.. 

Remember that in the development you must be detailed, you can delve into the contexts and as one of the objectives of the essay is the argumentation of an idea, you must convince the reader of what you say.


The conclusions are the part of your essay where the most relevant findings regarding the topic studied are exposed.

The conclusions should be proportional to the size of your research, however, taking into account that everything addressed in the research is partially summarized here, the idea is not to tire the reader with a lot of repeated information, and that is why they are generally recommended from 3 to 5 conclusions. 

In many academic texts it is customary to put the conclusions separated from the main text and structured with points, dashes or bullets. In the case of the trial, the recommendation is to abandon this idea.

If we take into account that the essay is a text written in prose, of an argumentative nature, it is easy to assume that the reader connects with the rhythm of the text, and therefore, the recommendation is not to separate the conclusions but rather write them in prose as the final section of the text. 

Regarding the conclusions and their structural form, it is recommended that they be brief, and if possible shed new light on the issue raised, this without losing sight of the fact that the main objective of a conclusion is to highlight the most relevant information addressed in the text..

Bibliographic references

Bibliographic references are the theoretical support for any research. This means that every good essay must have at least 3 to 5 bibliographic references different that contribute to argue our ideas from prestigious concepts or theories or with weight in the area of ​​study.

Bibliographic references are a separate section from the main text, they must be organized in alphabetical order and following the indications of the chosen citation format.

Bibliographic references are almost always constructed, including the following information:

  • First and last name of the author
  • Year of publication
  • Qualification
  • Editorial
  • Publishing city. 

It is also important to highlight that when bibliographic references are cited within an essay and any text, it must be referenced that it is a verbatim quote or a paraphrase of the ideas of an author, this in order to respect copyright. 

We hope that with this article you have learned not only how many parts an essay has, but also that you have the necessary bases to create an essay that meets all the characteristics and that captivates by its order, clarity and coherence. 

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