Daflon What it is, what it is for and additional features

Philip Kelley
Daflon What it is, what it is for and additional features

You have probably heard the name Daflon somewhere, because it is one of the most famous drugs today. However, it is important that you are clear about its instructions before using it and that is why in this article we will tell you what is daflon, what it is for and what are its most common uses.

Everything you need to know about Daflon

What is Daflon?

If we make a scientific approach to the Daflon, it must be said that it is a fraction of purified flavonoids that contain 90% diosmin and 10% other flavonoids. Flavonoids are a series of secondary metabolites found in plants. I know you are saying Whateee? that is why we are going to speak in more general terms.

Daflon is a drug of great popularity in Europe and China, recognized for its results to improve problems of vascular origin such as varicose veins or venous insufficiency. It is also widely used for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The main function of Daflon is to protect the vessels and veins, in order to reduce the ailments of the vascular system.

Is Daflon a total cure?

It should be noted that although it is used to improve vascular problems, it is not a miracle cure in itself. In addition to consuming the drug, patients must have a healthy lifestyle, which is reflected in their eating habits and a good amount of sport, which allows them to have their body in perfect working order.

What is Daflon for

The Daflon It has vasoprotective and vasotonic properties, which is why it is a widely used drug in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The benefits of Daflon have been proven in cases of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, venous insufficiency, hypertension, diabetes and eye problems, among others.

Next we will tell you what each disease is about and how Daflon works in each specific case.

Chronic venous insufficiency:

Chronic venous insufficiency results from inadequate function of the valves in the legs. The blood that reaches the legs cannot effectively return to the heart, due to the weakness of the veins in this area. In this case, Daflon stimulates circulation through its vasodilator effect and contributes to the strengthening of the veins in the legs..

Varicose veins:

Linked to the above, varicose veins result from having weak leg veins. Normal veins have valves that help blood flow easily from the legs to the heart. When these valves fail or are weak, the blood stops and accumulates in the veins, and thus varicose veins are born. Daflon in these cases has a vasoprotective effect, strengthens the valves and stimulates circulation. That is why it is considered one of the best drugs against varicose veins..


Hemorrhoids work the same as varicose veins, it is just that the inflammation occurs in the veins of the rectum and anus. This condition is very common in pregnant women due to increased blood pressure and inflammation due to fluid retention in the gestation process. However, not only pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids.

In the case of pregnant women, it is best not to use Daflon, research has not confirmed that it has adverse effects on pregnant and lactating women, but it is better not to resort to any type of medication during pregnancy..

In the case of other people, the consumption of Daflon benefits the circulation, causing the conditions of hemorrhoids to cease, when the inflammation ceases.


Edema is an inflammation caused by fluid retention in the body's tissues. This condition is generally located in the legs, but it can also affect other parts of the body. In this case, Daflon by stimulating circulation in the lower extremities, contributes to reducing inflammation. For patients suffering from edema, it is ideal to combine the consumption of Daflon, with moderate exercise, such as walks.

It should be noted that although Daflon is used to strengthen the vascular system, it indirectly benefits the circulatory system in general. That is why patients suffering from diabetes, hypertension or eye problems, They have noticed a substantial improvement in their condition through the use of the drug. This is an unavoidable consequence, because as the vascular system is strengthened, the circulatory system will function optimally..

Daflon contraindications

  • It should not be consumed by children.
  • It should not be consumed by pregnant or lactating women, unless your doctor recommends it directly as the only solution..
  • The use should not be combined with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Consumption should not extend for more than two or three weeks.

If you are thinking of consuming this drug, it is best to do it only under medical authorization. In fact, self-medicating no matter what the drug is can have adverse effects on your health. One way to take care of yourself is to turn to a health professional before consuming any type of medicine..

Daflon side effects

  • In some cases there may be digestive disorders such as vomiting, nausea and difficult digestion problems.
  • In few cases the use of Daflon has been associated with migraines and vertigo.
  • Skin reactions are not common during the consumption of Daflon, however in exceptional cases it has generated hives.

In this type of case, consumption should be interrupted until consulting with a health professional. The point is that each organism is different and that is why it reacts differently to different substances..

As you can see, Daflon can be of great help and that is why today it is one of the most used vascular drugs in Europe. If you think it can be of great help to you, consult your doctor before starting to use it..

If you have any additional questions or want to tell us about your experience with Daflon, do not hesitate to leave us your comments..

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