Delimitation of the research topic what it consists of and examples

Basil Manning
Delimitation of the research topic what it consists of and examples

The delimitation of the research topic It consists of choosing the specific content that will be developed in an investigative work from a general theme. The delimitation is essential to ensure that an investigative work is useful and really responds to the central element of a given problem.

In this way, it is possible to limit the subject so that the research can be as approachable as possible, which also implies that the results obtained will be more relevant and timely for the people who may be interested. The greater the delimitation, the greater the accuracy and the greater impact.

Delimiting the research topic is essential to generate relevant and accurate results. Source:

Already the fact of choosing a topic implies carrying out a delimitation; however, it is necessary to further limit the subject so that the research work is viable and the researcher has control over the information. Likewise, the reader will have knowledge of the scope of the investigation and will be able to determine if it is really of interest to him..

Article index

  • 1 What is the delimitation of the subject?
    • 1.1 Specific objective
    • 1.2 Time
    • 1.3 Place
    • 1.4 Population
  • 2 Examples
    • 2.1 Research on school performance
    • 2.2 Analysis of the effects of an exercise program for the elderly
  • 3 Topics of interest
  • 4 References

What is the delimitation of the subject?

The delimitation of the research topic has to do with reducing the topic to be dealt with in such a way that the results of the research work are of great relevance. The more delimited the topic, the more viable and controlled the investigation will be.

To delimit a topic, various factors must be considered: what is the specific objective of the research must be taken into account, what period will be taken into account, what geographical location will be the research scenario and what will be the population to be studied.

Specific goal

For a good delimitation of the research topic, it is necessary to know exactly what is the main objective pursued.

The boundary of the topic must respond directly to the purpose of the investigative work, and the main question that the researcher asks must reflect that motivation..


The temporal delimitation of the subject of an investigation has to do with indicating the length of time that will be considered by the investigators. It is important to clarify that this delimitation is related to the term to be studied, not to the time that the researchers will take to carry out the observation work..

The choice of this period will be determined by the main objective of the research and can include days, weeks, months or years, depending on the chosen topic..

It is possible that the temporal delimitation implies a direct and constant observation during the chosen period, but it can also imply observation by intervals, taking into account certain pauses that are relevant to the object of study..


The spatial delimitation of the research topic considers the geographic context related to the topic to be developed.

It can be a global, national, municipal or local investigative work. In other cases, it is even possible that an institutional context is considered, such as the workers of a specific organization or the people who live in a particular condominium..

The more precise the chosen spatial coordinates, the more controlled and relevant the investigation will be..



If the research work will focus on populations, it is necessary for the researchers to define exactly what will be the demographic delimitation that they will take into account.

For example, if a research work is proposed to determine the effects of bullying in young people, it is necessary for researchers to define what the characteristics of said young people will be: age, gender, academic level, socioeconomic level and family group, among others.

On the other hand, an investigation may not take into account a population as such, but may focus on more theoretical or academic aspects. In these cases, in the same way, the researchers must define with specificity what will be the conceptualization context on which they will base their work..


Research on school performance

As a general topic, an investigation on scholastic achievement can be presented. The objective of this research is to analyze which are the factors that positively and negatively influence children's school performance.

To delimit the subject temporarily, an extension of time that covers the first semester of 2019 can be considered. Regarding the spatial delimitation, students from the Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia school, located in the La Candelaria parish, in the Libertador municipality will be taken into account. from the city of Caracas, in Venezuela.

By delimiting the subject demographically, it can be determined that the population to which the study will be directed will be made up of boys and girls between 8 and 11 years of age who attend the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade courses of basic education at the school. aforementioned.

The final delimitation of the research topic is as follows: analysis of the factors that have positively and negatively influenced the school performance of children between 8 and 11 years of age from the Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia school between January and July 2019.

Analysis on the effects of an exercise program for the elderly

An investigation has been raised to delve into the positive impacts of an exercise program aimed at overweight seniors. Once the general theme has been raised, it is necessary to define it to carry out a more precise investigation.

In this case, the specific objective of the research is to determine in a concrete way what physical and psychological benefits had a specific exercise program that was offered to older people who are overweight.

The temporal delimitation may consider the interval between 2017 and 2018, the period in which said program was carried out, and the spatial delimitation takes into account the inhabitants of the Fine Arts sector, located in the Santiago commune, in Santiago de Chile. chili.

The population to be considered in the research will be made up of men and women between 60 and 70 years of age who are overweight (considering the relationship between their height and weight).

The final delimitation of the research topic in this case is as follows: determination of the positive impacts that an exercise program applied between 2017 and 2018 has had on men and women between 60 and 70 years of age with overweight inhabitants of the Fine Arts sector.

Themes of interest

Kind of investigation.

Scientific method.


  1. "How to delimit a topic" at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Retrieved on October 25, 2019 from Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú:
  2. "Criteria to determine a research topic" at the University of Guadalajara. Retrieved on October 25, 2019 from the University of Guadalajara:
  3. "How to define a research topic?" at the University of Chile. Retrieved on October 25, 2019 from Universidad de Chile:
  4. "Election and delimitation" at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Retrieved on October 25, 2019 from the National Autonomous University of Mexico:
  5. "Delimitation and justification of research problems in social sciences" in Redalyc. Retrieved on October 25, 2019 from Redalyc:
  6. "Limitations and delimitations in research" at St Cloud State University. Retrieved on October 25, 2019 from St Cloud State University:
  7. "Organizing Academic Research Papers: Limitations of the Study" in Sacred Heart University Library. Retrieved on October 25, 2019 from Sacred Heart University Library:

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