In our society, motherhood is presented as a wonderful event without problems, where the mother is always radiant..
This is not a lie, but it is only part of the reality. Mothers, especially first-time mothers, have expectations that may not be met.
As a result of this "good myth", mothers do not create good coping strategies for problems that arise when the baby is born, such as: gas, crying, or detecting communication signals from the baby. Given this, mothers become saturated and the so-called "postpartum depression".
Before triggering postpartum depression, the mother may have the so-called "Maternity Blues" which is a set of bouts of crying, tiredness, or insomnia that the mother may go through after feeling overwhelmed by this situation of uncertainty before the baby.
These sensations are normal while they last between 2 and 7 days, until the situation normalizes and the mother regains her calm. The problem appears when this maternity blues is lengthened in time more than normal and finally triggers postpartum depression.
Faced with this type of event that we can find among mothers, we must act and develop a prevention and psychoeducation plan of the mood or depression treatment if it is already present.
The problem comes when we take a look at our health system and verify that a psychological evaluation trying to assess the mental state of mothers during your pregnancy and postpartum. The perinatal depression is a major problem with very little intervention at present.
Recurring demands of mothers who should be worked with, would be:
To do this, first of all, you have to know and take into account the possible consequences of depression. Assessing the mother regarding her physical health, be it sugar or cholesterol level for example, should be just as important as assessing her regarding her mental health, such as depressive or anxiety episodes.
Referring to the mother's mental health, and more specifically to the depressive pathology that can trigger, taking into account that up to 20% of mothers may suffer from depression, the professional in charge should consider these possibilities:
As we have highlighted above, the emotional aspects of the mother are important as they can influence the fetus. Furthermore, these may be related to parenting practices and the baby's attachment to the mother..
Jane Barlow, Professor at the University of Oxford, President of the UK Children's Mental Health Association and editor of the journal Child and Adolescent Mental Health, is currently dedicated to investigating how the earliest stages influence (maternal aspects, health behaviors, thoughts about the baby ...) in raising children and in the origin of psychological problems.
In his lecture "Starting Before Birth: Maternal Functioning and Later Child Development" he highlights the importance of two factors that begin before the baby is born. These are: health behaviors dedicated to protecting the baby and the development of the relationship with the baby through the thoughts that parents have about it.
Thus, we conclude that the aspects of parenthood before the baby is born are of great relevance for both the baby and the parents..
Therefore, the most favorable thing for mothers and therefore for their babies, will be to have a relaxed and positive attitude and ask for help from the agreed professionals, such as a perinatal psychologist, when there is a greater concern..
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