Dicente origin, meaning, etymology, synonyms

Sherman Hoover

The word "dicent”Refers to a person who says, who speaks, who addresses one or more individuals. An action or fact that speaks for itself or that is evident and very clear is also called as saying..

Etymologically speaking, the word "dicente" comes from the Latin "dicens" and "entis" and is an old active participle of the verb say.

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Article index

  • 1 Origin and meaning
  • 2 Synonyms
  • 3 Antonyms
  • 4 Examples of use
  • 5 References

Origin and meaning

Although it cannot be specified at what time it began to be used, the word was incorporated into the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy in 1884. Currently, the RAE recognizes both “dicente” and “diciente”, after the deformation that it acquired through popular usage. In both cases to point to that person "who says".

A person becomes a "talker" or "talker" when he says something that takes public knowledge. That is, when someone addresses an audience or group, or to another person through writing and expresses himself in the third person.

It is also used to talk about a specific fact "that says" something by itself, that is, it is explicit or does not need more words to give an account of its meaning..

The use of this word is not in popular use and it can be found more than anything in articles of law, contracts or journalistic notes, especially in police chronicles..

Do not confuse "saying" with "discente" or "dissent". The second term refers to the person who receives teaching from a teacher, while the third refers to the individual who does not agree with something or someone.


Some words similar to "speaker" are, "speaker", "speaker", "speaker", "speaker", "protester", "talker", "declarant", "alludes", "name", or "reciter".


Words that mean the opposite of "saying" are, "quiet", "introverted", "mute", "withdrawn", "off", "closed", "

Examples of use

-"The speaker at today's press conference was the team's technical director".

-"The speaker stirred the crowd so that in the next elections they would vote for change".

-"Many are terrified of being talkative in front of a large audience".

-"The fact that he does not reply to your messages is telling that he has no interest in you".

-"The knowledge of the poverty figure during this government is telling of his mismanagement".

-"Today a letter was presented in court where the complainant claims not to have been responsible for what happened".

-"You must train your public speaking skills to be able to be a speaker at the next congress".

-"There was an uncomfortable moment when the speaker claimed some policies taken during the military dictatorship".

-"The mere mention of the number of deaths during a war is telling of the atrocity of its existence".

-"Once in the courtyard, the man took the girl in his arms and went towards the entrance of the aforementioned sector, the person remaining (for the complainant) in the back".

-“On February 5 of this year, the minor ran away from the home that she shared with her mother, having made this exposition due to escape on the 14th of the current month and year, she did not do it before, because the caller had knowledge that his daughter was on the 9 de julio street ”. (Example of a judicial article).


  1. Saying or saying. (2019). Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from: dle.rae.es
  2. Dicente. (2019). "A businesswoman investigated for scams in Chaco and Corrientes took her daughter out of the country without the father's authorization." Recovered from: Agencianova.com
  3. Example of dicente (2019). "Prisoner of spite: he wanted to steal his daughter in jail." Recovered from: lanueva.com
  4. Maria Elena Flores. (2011). "Judicialized childhoods: itinerary of children under judicial guardianship". Recovered from: books.google.it

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