There seems to be no difference between browser and search engine, we use the two terms as if they were interchangeable and mean the same thing, and it is not really like that. Because we use both on a daily basis, it is important to know what each is..
A browser is an application that is installed on our devices to access the Internet, such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. A search engine is a program that searches for information on the Internet (like Yahoo!) and can be accessed from different browsers.
Both are fundamental tools to function on the internet and each one has different characteristics.
Browser | Seeker | |
Definition | An application, software or program that is installed on a computer, mobile phone, tablet or any other electronic device to access the internet. | Program to search for information within the internet, which can be accessed from different browsers. |
Installation | It is necessary to install the program on the device and sometimes it is built-in. | It is not necessary to download them, it is accessed through a browser. |
Components (edit) | Title bar, menus, toolbar, tabs, address bar, workspace, and status bar. | Robot, index, search interface, search results, settings. |
Uses / applications | Internet access; web pages, files, documents, programs, etc.. | They are used to search for information and web pages. |
Other features and applications | Download audiovisual content, watch conferences, hold meetings, download documents, etc.. | |
Examples | Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera. | Google, Bing, Yahoo. |
A browser is an application, software or program that is installed on a computer, mobile phone, tablet or any other electronic device to access the internet..
The first browser was developed at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), in 1990, by Tim Berners-Lee: the WorldWideWeb.
To install a browser, you must download or save the chosen web browsing program, although it is often already incorporated into operating systems..
A browser is made up of the following components: title bar, menus, toolbar, tabs, address bar, work area, and status bar.
It's where the app's title and icon go.
They are the classic window menus, where the common indicators go, as well as those specific to the browsers (such as "favorites", histories, etc.).
Includes navigation bar, bookmarks bar and search bar.
Allows you to change what is being seen on the screen without closing windows. With them it is possible to load different elements that are separated in the same window and work more comfortably.
It also allows you to keep several websites open at the same time.
It is where the address or URL of the website we want to access is placed.
Here the web page is loaded and it is the area where we work.
It is the one that provides information about the situation of the page with which you are working (percentage that has been loaded).
A browser is used primarily to access the Internet, but also to access documents, files and programs that can be found both on the computer or mobile phone and in other Internet spaces.
The main function of a browser is to download HTML files and display them on the screen; facilitate the storage of this information or bookmark the page for later reference.
Navigation consists of going from one link to another, from one web page to another, through the application to navigate. In a browser you can access several search engines.
In addition to moving around the web through different links, browsers also serve to organize the database contained both on the hard drive of the computer or mobile phone, as well as the information gathered on the web..
A browser allows you to organize information in the cloud, a larger volume of information that you can easily access.
Browsers, in addition to facilitating the download of documents and creating databases, allow you to bookmark the most visited pages, download images and sound, and access presentations, conferences and events in real time.
Browsers can be affected if the computer suffers any failure or attack. Browsers also provide news and email or messaging services..
The best known and most used browsers are: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Netscape, Amaya, Opera, Konquerr, etc..
A search engine or search engine is a program to search for information within the internet, which can be accessed from different browsers. The search engine uses keywords or hierarchical trees to perform the search and establish relationships.
The first search engine developed was "Wandex", an index created by a robot (the World Wide Web Wanderer), which in turn was developed by Matthew Gray, at MIT, in 1993. That same year another search engine was developed that is still there. in use: Aliweb.
No need to download search engines. Search engine pages are accessed through different browsers.
The main components of a search engine are the robot or spider, the index and the search interface.
It is a program that explores the pages of a site on the web looking for the links and relationships between the different pages. The spider classifies the contents of the pages and organizes them for easy access.
It is the place where the information sought by the spider is stored. Every time we start a search with the same word, the same index appears, which is updated when the search is renewed.
It is the presentation of the pages that most closely approximate the requested search. It is the way in which the search engine exposes the information that matches the keywords.
Search engines are used to locate information contained in different web servers and organize them in directories, according to the proximity to the keywords used..
Search engines also serve to organize existing information on the network according to topic and relevance. You can access the same search engine or search engine from different browsers.
Search engines establish directories and indexes of various databases on servers around the world. There are search engines for different specialties and academic disciplines, or just for news or services, among others.
Search engines can be general or specialized. As it is not part of the team but of the web, the search engines remain intact if the computer suffers any damage.
The most used search engines in the world are Google, Bing and Yahoo, but search engines such as Yandex, in Russia, and Baidu, in China are also popular in other regions of the world..
You can also mention vertical or specialized search engines, such as Google Scholar (Scholar Google), Nestoria (real estate market), Science Research (scientific publications), etc..
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