Disulfiram what it is and what it is used for

Simon Doyle
Disulfiram what it is and what it is used for

The medicine used is known as Disulfiram to combat chronic alcoholism, It is not a drug that should be bought and taken lightly, the recommendation is to be under medical supervision and follow the process step by step to obtain the desired result without complications..

What is Disulfiram?

It is a medicine recognized and accepted by the Food and Drug Administration (known by its acronym in English FDA), the American regulatory agency for the regulations for the manufacture of drugs for people and animals. It is also known as a drug capable of acting with side effects on people who consume it and drink a minimum of alcohol or any product that contains it, for example, mouthwashes..

An unexpected discovery

Part of the history of this drug is due to the study in a Danish company in 1948 by researchers Erik Jacobsen, Jens Hald and Keneth Ferguson, who carried out analyzes to find a remedy for parasitic diseases, however, testing on themselves this drug noticed the reaction to alcohol intake.

Disulfiram, Antabuse and antabus

Used worldwide, although recognized primarily as disulfiram, it is also distributed by many countries under the trade name of Antabuse and Antabus. In either case, each of these brand names works safely and with normal drug results..

How does Disulfiram work?

When a person is on disulfiram medication and makes the mistake of drinking alcohol, it acts as a blockade of the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which is responsible for metabolizing acetaldehyde, the latter is the cause of the well-known "hangover".

As a result of the aforementioned and in the action of disulfiram, the plasma levels of acetaldehyde are doubled, generating a strong and intense hangover, to levels that are not tolerable for some people suffering from heart or liver diseases.

Disulfiram and other medications

The interaction of this medicine with other medications is strictly delicate, that is why anyone should promptly notify their doctor of the medicines that accompany them in their control to verify that there may be a balance between disulfiram and the rest, thus avoiding consequences of drug activation.

What are the secondary effects?

We have explained only a little of the negative effect caused by consuming alcohol when taking disulfiram, however, I will leave a brief description of its major effects.

  • Depression.
  • Headache.
  • Optic and peripheral neuritis.
  • Vomiting.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Confusion.
  • Unstable liver function.
  • Fatigue and malaise.
  • Metallic or garlic taste in the mouth.
  • The consequences may take up to 2 weeks to wear off.
  • The effects increase over time, in no case are they tolerable.

Do the side effects vary depending on the amount of alcohol ingested?

Each organism is different and the reaction of disulfiram will depend on it in addition to the amount of alcohol ingested, that is, the more intoxication, the increase in side effects will be noticeable and severe, and can reach the case of fatality, that is why it is strongly recommended to avoid mixing the medicine with alcohol

Precautions when consuming Disulfiram

This is a medicine that requires full attention since in the day to day there is an interaction with a large number of products that contain alcohol and that is why caution is important, in addition to these we also find:

  • Products like colognes, perfumes.
  • Astringent and antiseptic skin products.
  • Mouth rinses.
  • Chemicals, which can be aspirated through vapors.
  • Cough syrups.
  • Vinegar, sauces.

How long does Disulfiram take to work?

Within 10 minutes of ingesting the alcohol, the effects of disulfiram will begin to be noticeable and can last up to an hour or more depending on the reaction and the level of alcohol in the body..

Another influencing factor is the ingested dose of disulfiram, the smaller or larger the amount, the more or less high the level of the effects.

Who can take Disulfiram?

Anyone who is in a state of chronic alcoholism, this person must be supported by their loved ones and fully recognize the problem of alcoholism to start the process and make it satisfactory.

Self-medication is not feasible and the necessary supervision, since this drug must follow strict control and attention to the doses.

Disulfiram contraindications

  • It is not indicated to mix with medicines that contain or may contain alcohol, for them the doctor or pharmacist is notified what is consumed.
  • Pregnant women or those who have become pregnant.
  • Babies cannot be breastfed.
  • Diseases such as thyroid, diabetes, epilepsy.
  • Kidney and liver conditions.
  • If you are going to have dental work or repairs.
  • Any type of surgery.
  • Professionals behind the wheel or operators of heavy machinery, since the drug causes drowsiness.

In all these cases, recognizing and informing about the use of disulfiram is vital..

Disulfiram how to take

Normally the dose indicated by the doctor is taken only once a day, in the case of pills as an oral method, what the patient must take into account is the time at which to take it since one of the side effects is a state of drowsiness, and therefore it may or may not be recommended to take it at daylight hours.

Injectable disulfiram

Its placement is intramuscular but it is not fully approved and its application is not recommended, as is known, it was only applied in a trial test to 5 patients who experienced a placebo effect in addition to side effects such as fever and associated with the area of ​​the injection.

Disulfiram implant

Applied at the subcutaneous level, this is a risky method, since there have been cases in which the high level of alcoholism and the known and severe negative effects have brought a wild and self-injurious behavior in people with implants, managing to tear off the skin to remove.

Is Disulfiram a real solution to alcoholism?

It cannot be assumed that disulfiram alone will solve the problem of alcoholism, this state of addiction corrupts the psychological state of people and they are highly vulnerable, to the point of neglecting any type of treatment, that is why disulfiram should be used as an aid to support a psychological recovery process with a specialist in addition to all the family support to recover that alcoholic person.

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