DMT or dimethyltryptamine, a natural psychedelic substance

Egbert Haynes
DMT or dimethyltryptamine, a natural psychedelic substance

DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is a hallucinogenic compound that occurs naturally in a variety of plant species and is produced endogenously in the human brain.

As a drug, this substance can be consumed as an infusion of Amazonian psychedelic plants known as ayahuasca, it can be inhaled or injected in the form of a synthetic white crystalline powder..

DMT does not appear to produce tolerance and dependence in the same way as other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. However, there are numerous adverse effects associated with the use and abuse of DMT..


  • What is DMT
  • Effects of DMT
    • Physical effects
    • Cognitive effects
    • Bad trips
  • Possible side effects of DMT
  • Long-term effects of DMT abuse
  • DMT addiction

What is DMT

DMT is a naturally occurring psychedelic substance of the tryptamine class, which produces unique highly potent but short-lived psychedelic effects when administered.

Depending on the dose and method of administration, the effects of DMT can range from mild psychedelic states to powerful immersive experiences that are often described as shifting consciousness in which users are placed in a subjective state where they can experience and explore ineffable spiritual states or alternate dimensions.

DMT is present in more than 65 plant species and has been identified as a normal constituent of human metabolism and an endogenous neurotransmitter in certain rodents. It is also known that its presence is widespread throughout the plant kingdom. Although various theories have been postulated, its neurobiological function has yet to be determined.

Today, DMT is known as an extremely powerful psychedelic substance that, when vaporized or smoked, produces short-lasting effects with a very rapid onset that is sometimes described as an "incredibly high-speed roller coaster." When ingested in combination with an MAOI or RIMA agent, it becomes orally active and significantly more long-lasting, immersive and interactive in nature - this combination is known as ayahuasca. Ayahuasca beers have been traditionally used in South America since at least around 1500.

Unlike most banned substances, the scientific community does not consider DMT to be addictive or toxic. However, unpredictable adverse reactions such as uncontrollable anxiety, delusions and psychosis can always occur, particularly among those predisposed to mental disorders. While these negative reactions or "bad trips" can often be attributed to the inexperience of the user or improper substance preparation, they are known to occur spontaneously even among highly experienced users..

Effects of DMT

DMT is consumed by people seeking a psychedelic "high" similar to those produced by LSD or psilocybin. Many drug users choose DMT as an alternative to LSD because the duration of the trip is much shorter, lasting approximately 30 to 45 minutes instead of several hours, as is the case with LSD..

This substance has a rapid onset and the effects are felt almost immediately.

Physical effects

  • Feelings of intense joy and physical euphoria.
  • Changes in the sensation of gravity: at high doses, physical sensations of being thrown across great distances at incredible speeds can appear.
  • Changes in visual perception: color enhancement, with intensified brightness and colors, increased visual acuity and pattern recognition.
  • Changes in auditory perception: improvements in hearing acuity.
  • Spatial disorientation.
  • Changes in perception of body shape.
  • Sickness.
  • Pupillary dilation.
  • Incrise of cardiac frecuency.
  • Temperature regulation suppression.
  • Seizures - This is a very rare effect, but is believed to occur in those who are predisposed to them, especially in physically demanding conditions, such as being dehydrated, fatigued, or malnourished.

Cognitive effects

  • Anxiety.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Feeling of being out of body
  • Cognitive euphoria.
  • Feelings of impending doom.
  • Increased appreciation of music.
  • Memory loss.
  • Mindfulness: This effect tends to occur after the experience has ended and the individual has returned to ordinary waking consciousness, but with a sense of presence and sensitivity to the internal and external sensations of the environment..
  • Multiple streams of thought: this effect tends to manifest itself in a much more chaotic way, in conjunction with the feeling of cognitive overload.
  • Feeling of rejuvenation: this effect tends to occur after the experience is over, often in the near-death variants that a DMT experience can generate.
  • Time Warp - This effect is a very prominent aspect of the DMT experience, which only tends to last less than 15 minutes.
  • Feeling of death.

Bad trips

While the DMT trip may be psychologically enjoyable for some users, others may experience what is commonly known as a "bad trip.".

A bad trip can consist of the following symptoms:

  • Feelings of loss of control.
  • Disorientation or confusion.
  • Negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, pain, anger, or agitation.
  • Fear of going crazy
  • Violent or unpleasant images or sounds.
  • Reliving painful memories or trauma.
  • Fear of death.

Possible side effects of DMT

  • Dilated pupils.
  • Involuntary rapid eye movement.
  • Incrise of cardiac frecuency.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Coordination problems.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea and vomiting (usually when taken in oral forms such as ayahuasca).
  • Coma and / or respiratory arrest (reported in high doses).
  • Fear of death.

Long-term effects of DMT abuse

It seems that the greatest risks of long-term use of DMT are the psychological effects, since its consumption puts the individual at risk of developing psychosis and experiencing flashbacks and hallucinations. Flashbacks can occur frequently and spontaneously. Some users may experience flashbacks of drug experiences months or even years after use. They can also cause a feeling of re-experiencing the hallucinogenic trip, resulting in a resurgence of visual or auditory hallucinations or a revival of traumatic memories or experiences..

DMT addiction

While DMT does not cause physical dependence, some people can abuse the drug to the point where they experience numerous problems as a result. This can be especially true in cases of multiple substance abuse, where the user combines DMT with other psychoactive substances. A problematic hallucinogen use pattern usually has the following symptoms:

  • Consume more DMT than desired.
  • Unsuccessful attempt to control or stop DMT use.
  • Investing a lot of time and energy to obtain and consume DMT or recover from its effects.
  • Ignore personal and professional obligations.
  • Continuing DMT use despite increasing interpersonal, social, or physical / mental health problems.
  • Give up other habits or hobbies.

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