Legal documents

Philip Kelley
Legal documents
Legal documents are texts that certify a fact or activity

What are legal documents?

The legal documents are all those public writings that evidence and attest to a fact, event, activity or act, or the authenticity of a request or statement. Therefore, they are documents that can be considered as evidence or testimony in the broad sense of the word..

They are legal, because they have or may become legitimate, in the same way as promissory notes, although they are used in civil matters, they have a scope of obligation..

Its main characteristic is that they have to be endorsed by the people involved in the act that establishes, describes or sanctions the document. Thus, this type of document is the consequence of an acceptance. Most are minutes, letters and other types of documents such as receipts, promissory notes, contracts, etc..

There are two elements for a legal document to be valid, the seal, which is an essential provision to certify the documents, and the autograph signature, which involves the management of some person.

On the other hand, they require an official endorsement. That is, a baptism certificate does not have legal force as long as an official or notary with legal authority has not given it validity..

What are legal documents for?

Legal documents are communications that are formally executed. They grant any right or establish a contractual relationship. They formally express any process, act or contractual duty, or any legally enforceable right or obligation.

In addition, legal documents provide evidence of a fact and of the process to draw up an agreement or a legal instrument. For example, mortgages and bonds. Therefore, legal documents guarantee a legal right.

Endorse a deal

They serve to guarantee an agreement made between two parties, showing that something happened or was agreed between two parties. They are legal because they have the requirements indicated as mandatory by national legislation so that they can be demonstrative.

Therefore, they provide a guarantee, an endorsement, a security to the people involved, which will never be given by non-legal documents..

Legalize some fact

They serve to make some important event legal, such as any federal procedure. For example, a birth certificate makes the existence of an individual legal, or also the visa and passport are used to travel.

Record membership

They serve to be able to keep in place what belongs to each person, so that no one can steal it, since they state that cars, buildings, etc. are owned by one person or paperwork is being processed.

Examples of legal documents

Birth certificate

It is a valuable document issued by the state civil registry, whose purpose is to give evidence of the birth of a person, confirming the identity of each individual. It is also known as a birth certificate or certificate.

Deeds of a property or car

Deeds of assets such as apartments, farms, parcels, cars and other properties are also legal documents.

Unique Population Registry Code (CURP)

In Mexico, it is an instrument that has a unique 18-character alphanumeric identity code, which is used for the official identification of Mexican citizens, as well as residents of the entire nation..

Voting lisense

It is the tool through which Mexican citizens can exercise their right to vote in the different elective processes indicated in the law. In addition, it serves as an official identification that accredits citizens as such.

National military service card

It is a military identification document, where it is recorded and endorsed that the person has completed military service. In Mexico it is a necessary requirement for every man whose age is between 18 and 40 years old..

Driver's license

It is a very important document for the driver, since when processing it, the official permission to drive a vehicle on public roads is obtained,


It is a document that has worldwide validity, issued by the governmental authorities of each country, which certifies the authorization or legal permission to leave or enter the nation.


It is a document that the authorities attach to the passport to indicate that it has been probed and is considered valid to enter or leave a nation. It influences international law, because whoever issues it is a country other than its own.

Professional license

In Mexico it is the official document that is issued by the General Directorate of Professions, which serves as legal accreditation to exercise professional activities. That is, it has the effect of a license to practice professional.

Medical certificate

It is written evidence about the current state of health of a patient, which a doctor issues at the request of the patient himself or his relatives, after due verification of this through an examination or examination.

Marriage certificate

It is an official certificate that legally authenticates that two people have established a marital relationship between them. With marriage, both parties enter into a contract that gives them rights and imposes obligations on them..


It is a legal agreement of wills by which it is required that a certain issue be fulfilled. It refers to a private act between two or more parties in order to generate rights and create obligations.

Articles of incorporation of a company

It is the document that is needed to be able to establish a company. In other words, it is like the birth certificate of a business company. This document specifies the responsibilities of the partners and the scope of the partnership..

Promissory notes

It is a collection document that supports the promise of a money disbursement to someone. This includes the conditions promised by the debtor to the creditor, such as the fixed amount of money to be paid and the deadline for making said payment..


It is a contract or enforceable commitment that serves to ensure that an obligation is fulfilled, thus protecting the rights of one of the parties involved in a legal or commercial relationship, trying to reduce any damage to the maximum.

Legal medical document

This document is used to record in writing, appealing to an official of the Public Ministry, in which it is established that there is a probable crime, referring to clinical situations posed by doctors when exercising their profession.

Regulated training certification

There are professions in which it is necessary to be able to offer the employing organization the certification of having completed a regulated training, such as Medicine, Clinical Psychology or Aeronautical Engineering.


It is a formal, unilateral and solemn act in which a person expresses his will in relation to how his assets should be disposed after his death.

Death certificate

It is an official legal document issued by the civil registry, in which the death of a citizen is recorded. It provides basic information on both the deceased and his death. Needed for insurance collection or inheritance claim.

Certification of absence of criminal record

To enter to work in certain companies or to be admitted as an immigrant in many countries, it is necessary to offer a certification of the absence of a criminal record.

Birth certificate

It is another legal document that certain public and private organizations request to carry out procedures.

Legal document of divorce

It is a document in which the cessation of marriage between two people is certified.

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