Token Economy A Behavior Modification Technique

Charles McCarthy
Token Economy A Behavior Modification Technique

The operant conditioning as a form of learning, it is a term introduced by B. F. Skinner which over the years was taking shape based on the studies of different authors. This form of learning suggests that people are more likely to repeat behaviors that are associated with positive consequences, while they are less likely to repeat those behaviors that produce negative consequences..

Operant conditioning has brought many contributions to what is known today as behavior modification, this being the application of a series of techniques based on the principles of learning, which help to improve people's behaviors that will provide them a more adaptive and favorable performance.

The Token Economy as a Behavior Modification Technique

Among the many techniques used in behavior modification, is the technique called token economy. This technique is used to promote and reinforce desirable positive behaviors, to modify certain already established behaviors or to eliminate maladaptive behaviors.

The token economy is based on the exchange, which is obtained by the delivery of tokens that fulfill the role of pervasive positive reinforcers, which are granted immediately after the person performs the desirable behaviors. These tokens can later be exchanged for a positive reinforcer That is to the liking of the person to whom this technique is being applied. In turn, these tokens can be used as punishment methods, which can be confiscated when the undesirable behaviors.

This is how the delivery and withdrawal of tokens, as well as the control of the appearance of desirable and maladaptive behaviors, are carried out before a registration system that allows the correct monitoring of the amount of tokens given, as well as the appearance of said behaviors in terms of frequency over the established time.

Benefits of using it in the school classroom

Although the token economy can be used in multiple areas, this technique can play a quite beneficial role in school classrooms, especially in childhood. With this technique it is possible to achieve results oriented to the correct monitoring of the rules or limits in the classroom, the completion of assignments inside and outside the school classroom, promoting extrinsic motivation or interest in school activities that are not attractive to the child and decrease in maladaptive behaviors among peers, such as fighting or name calling.

Phases to develop the token economy system

Phase 1

In this phase, the target behaviors to be reinforced Inside or outside the classroom, these behaviors must be explicit and punctual, as well as adapted to the child's language, so that they can understand what is expected of them during the development of the process. In addition, it is essential that the reinforcers that will be exchanged for the tokens obtained are selected, and it is recommended that these reinforcers be established based on the child's tastes in order to make them attractive to the child..

Another important aspect is to choose the type of tokens that will be used in order for the child to accumulate them to later exchange them, these tokens may vary depending on the person, but it is recommended that they be striking and representative. These tokens will be accompanied by a registration form, where the quantity of tokens obtained, the number of tokens lost and the reinforcers obtained will be placed; thus placing the record in a visible place for the child.

This is how, once these aspects are established, the child must be explained the conditions to obtain and exchange the tokens, this means that he must understand: when you will win the chips, when you can lose them and from how many you can redeem them.

Phase 2

This phase is carried out by observing that the target behaviors already occur constantly for a stable period of time. Thus, the delivery of tokens and positive reinforcers should be gradually withdrawn, taking as an important aspect to explain to the child the reason for the changes with language according to their age.

There are different techniques that facilitate this process, such as increase the time between the appearance of the target behaviors and the delivery of the tokens and increase the number of tokens required to earn the positive reinforcers. When applying these strategies, changes should be introduced gradually, progressively evaluating whether the target behaviors continue to appear as desired..

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