The desert ecosystem refers to the different species of plants and animals that coexist in desert areas. Among these there are vital relationships that determine their living conditions and enable mutual survival..
Deserts are territories that are characterized by an arid and dry environment, caused by low rainfall. These characteristics make them difficult to inhabit areas. There are hot deserts, like the Sahara; and cold, like the high peaks of the mountains. Both classes of deserts receive very little rain and are characterized by large drops in temperature at night..
Due to these unique characteristics, the ecosystems that develop in these areas are quite unique. The vegetation is usually covered with soil and trees that are resistant to the difficult living conditions that surround them..
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Deserts receive less than 25 centimeters of rain per year and this value is usually variable, so it can sometimes be even less. For example, there are areas of the Sahara desert that go years without receiving a single drop of rain..
In desert areas there are wide ranges of temperature throughout the day and night. The absence of vegetation and water makes it difficult for the earth to absorb solar radiation.
For this reason, it is difficult for the earth to retain heat at night; this causes sharp drops in temperature during the night hours.
The soil is very dry, usually composed of sand; therefore, it is low in organic nutrients necessary for most plants. This makes the development of the vegetation difficult and only some species can grow in it..
The animals and plants that inhabit deserts usually have special characteristics that allow their survival. These characteristics include the ability to store water and reproduce rapidly during short periods of humidity..
Hot deserts are located near the equator and their altitude is usually close to sea level. The Sahara is the best known example of this kind of desert.
This type of ecosystem has a very hot soil, little water and little shade. Therefore, they offer conditions in which few plant species can survive..
Cold deserts occur in high altitude places, especially on the rocky peaks of the highest mountains.
The soil of cold deserts is usually sandy or rocky, a hostile environment for the development of any plant and animal species. However, it is also possible to observe how living beings have adapted to survive.
Icy deserts are another type of cold desert that occurs mainly at the north and south poles of the planet, as well as in the perpetual snows of the mountain peaks. In these cases, the soil is not sand or rock but is composed entirely of ice..
Insects are the animal species that proliferate most easily in the desert. Among the most common are locusts, moths, beetles, ants, and spiders..
Within some desert ecosystems, cassava moths play a very important role. These insects are responsible for the pollination necessary for the reproduction of the yucca plant..
Hadrurus arizonensis It is one of the most spectacular species that can be found in the desert, measuring up to 11 cm. This specimen is distributed by the arid states of Arizona, Nevada, Utah or California in the United States, as well as in Sonora (Mexico).
Desert reptiles are characterized by their ability to resist extreme temperatures, thanks to the ability to control their body temperatures. Within this category are different species of snakes and lizards.
Among the desert snakes are the rattlesnake, the cobra, the king's snake, and the hognose snake. On the other hand, among the lizards there are some species capable of changing color and camouflage themselves, or other poisonous ones such as the frilled neck lizard and the gila monster..
Moloch horridus It is also known as moloch or Australian spiny imp. It is a very particular species because it is the only representative within its genus. Endemic to Australia, it wanders through the deserts of the continent displaying its characteristic skin of thorns.
Desert birds have particular characteristics that allow them to survive in this hostile environment. The sand grouse has special feathers that absorb water, ensuring its survival and that of its young.
Other birds, like the gila woodpecker, make their nests inside cacti. Thanks to the cool and humid interior of these plants, the survival of the babies is guaranteed.
Simplex passer It owes its name to the fact that it soars through the skies of the Sahara desert, although it can also be seen in some areas of Mali, Mauritania and Libya. It is very similar to the common species of sparrows, being more remarkable its proximity to humans, which it does not feel as a threat.
There are different species of mammals of highly variable sizes and characteristics. Most of these are excavators, a capacity that allows them to escape the high temperatures during the day and go out at night to feed..
However, there are also animals that do not burrow, such as kangaroos, horses and lions. The latter, for example, obtain water from the blood of their prey.
There are also other animals, such as foxes, rabbits, and hedgehogs, that have ears that serve to radiate heat away from their bodies. For its part, the desert squirrel holds its tail above its head like a parasol to stay cool..
Within this category, of course, camels are included. Its main quality is the ability to store fat in its humps for food and its ability to survive with little water..
Camelus ferus it is the only camel species that has not been domesticated. It lives in the Gobi desert, north of Mongolia. They stand out for their great adaptability to really unfavorable terrain, being one more example of their strength.
Desert plants produce seeds that are capable of remaining dormant for extended periods of time. Thanks to this, they can survive extensive droughts, until the rain appears to allow the development of a new plant..
Succulent plants, like cacti, have the ability to store water in their spines. In these species, photosynthesis occurs in the stem and they have folds that can expand rapidly during short periods of humidity..
Pachycereus pringlei it is endemic to Baja California and Sonora. It can measure up to 20 meters and from it fruits are born that feed other species in the area. As a curiosity, it is a species that can live up to 300 years.
Shrubs have special structures that prevent water from escaping. Plants like holly hold their leaves in such a way that the sun hits only their sides; they also have a fine salt coating, which reflects the sun and prevents it from hitting the blade directly.
Vachellia erioloba It is an acacia typical of the desert areas of southern Africa, in countries such as Botswana or Namibia. It measures up to 17 meters and has a reddish wood, but the most striking are its thorns, which give it its popular name.
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