Ephebophilia symptoms, causes, consequences, treatment

Philip Kelley

The ephebophilia It is the sexual attraction towards adolescents and young people by adults. It is a sexual preference that generates much debate among experts. On the one hand, some consider it to be a paraphilia similar to pedophilia; while others think it is a normal sexual response with troublesome consequences.

As a general rule, ephebophilia differs from other similar conditions in the sense that the attraction to adolescents and young people does not usually occur exclusively. That is, the person with this preference can also enjoy sex with people of the same age, something that generally does not occur in the most serious paraphilias..

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The word comes from the Greek terms ephebos (entered puberty) and philia (love or attraction). The etymology of the word gives us a clue as to why it is so difficult to decide whether it is a disorder or not: the adolescents to whom these people are attracted already have sexual characteristics similar or equal to those of adults.

Of course, being attracted to people of a certain age group does not mean that you always act based on it. In this article we will try to distinguish when ephebophilia can be considered a problem and when it cannot, in addition to studying its causes and the most common consequences..

Article index

  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 Causes
  • 3 consequences
  • 4 Do you need treatment?
  • 5 References


Ephebophilia is defined as sexual attraction to individuals who have passed puberty but have not yet fully entered adulthood.

This roughly encompasses an age range of 15-20 years; that is, to people in the last stage of adolescence and the first phase of youth.

This sexual attraction is not exclusive. In most cases, ephebophiliacs are perfectly capable of being attracted to adults their own age as well. The preference for adolescents and young people may be more or less marked depending on the individual.

Sexual attraction to young people and adolescents can occur in both heterosexual and homosexual people, although it is believed to be more common among men than women.

It is important to distinguish ephebophilia from other similar conditions that can become much more problematic. On the one hand, pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children who have not yet reached their pre-adolescence. On the other, hebephilia implies attraction to pre-adolescent individuals, approximately between 12 and 14 years old..


There is a great controversy at the social and scientific level about what are the causes of ephebophilia. Some people consider it to be a psychological disorder, similar to pedophilia and hebephilia, that should be treated. However, many experts claim that unlike these, it is a normal sexual response.

The most accepted explanation for ephebophilia is that adolescents, from approximately 15 years of age, already show a large part of the sexual physical characteristics present in adults. Because of this, it is common to feel instinctively attracted to these characteristics..

This attraction, on the other hand, is usually highly influenced by the social and cultural environment in which the person lives. Some societies not only did not see ephebophilia as harmful, they promoted it. Throughout history, many cultures encouraged, for example, marriage between adult men and adolescent or young women.

However, in our current culture this sexual attraction can be quite problematic. This is mainly due to issues such as the legal age of majority, which each country marks differently; and the psychological differences that exist between adults and adolescents.


Social reaction to ephebophilia largely depends on the culture in which it occurs. In earlier times, such as Ancient Greece or medieval Europe, the attraction to teenagers was not frowned upon at all. On the contrary, it was considered something totally normal, and even encouraged.

For example, in the Middle Ages couples used to be made up of an older man and a teenage girl. The idea was that an older man would have more resources to protect and care for his family, at a time when death due to lack of food or similar situations was very common..

In our current culture, on the contrary, the general norm is the view of ephebophilia as something negative, especially when it is men who are attracted to younger people. Different groups and movements give different answers to this phenomenon, and today there is a great debate on the subject..

For example, from feminism it is usually understood that relationships between adult men and young women imply certain inequalities of power that would cause all kinds of problems in the couple. These inequalities, however, are rarely mentioned when the situation is the opposite..

On the other hand, it is increasingly common to find young people who are attracted to older individuals, so many experts consider that these types of relationships do not have to be problematic in themselves. However, the consequences of ephebophilia still need to be studied in greater depth..

Do you need treatment?

At first, the attraction to people of much younger age should not be problematic. The exception to this would occur in those cases in which the adult decides to start a relationship of any kind with individuals who have not yet reached the age of consent, which would constitute a crime..

However, in most cases, people who are attracted to others much younger do not usually act on their wishes, especially if they are against the law. Therefore, this condition could not generally be considered as a paraphilia or a sexual disorder to use..

In general, we could say that ephebophilia is a normal expression of human sexuality, but that it can have negative consequences depending on the society in which it is practiced and the way in which it is carried out..


  1. "What is ephebophilia?" in: International Business Times. Retrieved on: March 05, 2019 from International Business Times: ibtimes.co.uk.
  2. "Paraphilias of the Day: Pedophilia, Hebephilia, Ephebophilia, and Pederasty" in: Illinois Family Institute. Retrieved on: March 05, 2019 from Illinois Family Institute: illinoisfamily.org.
  3. "Ephebophilia" in: Psychology Wiki. Retrieved on: March 05, 2019 from Psychology Wiki: psychology.wikia.com.
  4. "The confusion between pedophilia and ephebophilia" in: Zenit. Retrieved on: March 05, 2019 from -Zenit: es.zenit.org.
  5. "Ephebophilia" in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on: March 05, 2019 from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org.

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