Love is an experience, a relationship between two individuals with all its content of lived, acted and not conceptualized, it is that specific experience of each couple that is created daily in the interpersonal relationship.
Love implies duration, shared intimacy in sexual attraction and emotions and the exchange of confidences, alliance against external threats and aggressions; Giving a minimum of attention to the other is still an imperative when it comes to an authentic relationship. In this way Gilbert Tordjman in his book: Violence, sex and love, exposes what it means to him.
Breaking down the concept you can see the emphasis on living the relationship on a daily basis. Couple relationships constitute a special, particular type of interpersonal relationship that is created and strengthened on a day-to-day basis, in continuous, carnal contact. On many occasions, in the absence of such daily life, those involved in a relationship seek alternatives that help keep love alive. It is at this moment when the Internet and the wide range of communication facilities that accompany it see the light.
As can be seen, the title of the work becomes an analogy with the novel by the extraordinary García Márquez, Love in the time of cholera. If we move to the present day Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza, surely they would not have had many problems to have kept their love relationship alive and full of hope despite being apart for so long. Surely they would have armed themselves with the almost infinite communication possibilities offered by the network of networks. We could mention some of the alternatives well known to all: Facebook, whatsapp, email, Skype, etc…
However, given the wide range of options, it is very difficult and above all a challenge to keep a long-distance relationship alive, if we take into account that the couple relationship is based on the personological particularities between two subjects and at the same time is characterized by its selectivity, reciprocity and intense emotional character. This in turn makes it the most intimate of human relationships and also the most difficult to satisfy. Regardless of whether the conditions are created, it is necessary to bear in mind a determining factor, we are talking about the personality and the attitude to carry out such a large company.
Each individual has personological traits that differentiate him from the rest, if we took it to popular slang, it would have to be said that: each person is a world apart. Therefore the constant interpersonal bond that can be established through a screen the time will come when it is insufficient. Certainly if at first the adventure begins with a lot of fury before the new experience, it should not be lost sight that this action will be unsustainable to maintain it indefinitely.
This especially if one takes into account that two people decide to enter into a relationship for various reasons such as sexual, corporal, communicative, moral, cultural and psychological attractiveness, casually in that same hierarchical order most of the time.
A virtual relationship must be sustained under strong feelings of reciprocity and of course have unconditional love, all this from a romantic perspective. The virtual relationship, on the other hand, can also remain firm if some interest other than the affective type is pursued behind it. Returning to the first of the alternatives, we can list the cases of couples who have survived the atrocious distance, reversing it in union, complicity, more love..
What interests the individuals who are deciding or configuring an intimate-personal relationship of this type is the other's own subjectivity, it is the other as a whole and this is also what they intend to surrender..
Goodwill, hope, desire must prevail. They must constantly search for alternatives that overcome the barriers of distance, of virtuality. They must prevail united in the face of social conditioning. Live the relationship with the security of a safe encounter. A meeting in which all the proposed goals will materialize, moving away the own utopia of so much virtuality. Live a relationship where love, desires, sensations and feelings are extremely dominant and superior to the immense distance.
We speak of the Internet as the great mediator, an effective tool for the problems of virtual couples, but in accordance with this, the members of the relationship should be the ones who make the greatest effort and effort so that the network of networks fulfills its mission in a positive. It is a trite topic to talk about love and sometimes it may even seem corny, but of its indisputable strength it would be naive to doubt.
Love is that favorable feeling, of closeness. It points to the need for closeness, union, communication, interest and concern for the other, dedication and identification, strong physical and spiritual attraction. As the Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez said in the song, For who deserves love, (…) my love does not need borders (…) And fortunately every day there are more opportunities to love and be happy and many times we do not know how to take advantage of them.
This door that the present opens for us, that the Internet opens to us, minimizes the pitfalls and vicissitudes when capricious love is in charge of uniting two people through infinite distance. Like many aspects in our life, they have had to adapt to the current conditions of life, because love also has to reformulate itself in times of the Internet..
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