CBD is becoming popular in treating anxiety

David Holt
CBD is becoming popular in treating anxiety

Anxiety is the most important psychiatric disorder in the world. Although it is not a fatal disease, emotions reach the point where the person feels threatened about daily situations. 

Often in anxiety disorders there are repetitive episodes of intense, excessive and persistent fear or terror. The highest peak is panic attacks. According to WHO data more than 264 million people suffer from anxiety Worldwide. In this article we are going to see what are the causes of anxiety and why CBD oil is becoming more and more popular in its treatment.

In Spain, according to the data found in the National Health Survey, prepared by the INE (Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Statistics, of the total Spanish population, 7.36% suffer from anxiety. 

Causes of anxiety

Some of the causes include:

  • excessive stress.
  • traumatic events.
  • alterations in the functioning of any of the neurotransmitter systems. 
  • the relationship with psychosomatic illnesses.
  • inherited traits can also be a stressor. 

Symptoms of anxiety

The most common signs include feeling nervous or agitated. Feeling of imminent danger. Increased heart rate Accelerated breathing (hyperventilation).

udoration. Tremors Feeling of weakness Difficulty concentrating. Sleeping problems and to control worries. 

Treating anxiety 

Two types of drugs are commonly used: anxiolytics, and antidepressants. Anxiolytics produce calming effects  antidepressants reduce anxiety symptoms in a matter of minutes.

While they are employed in the treatment of panic disorders. However, the consumption of these medications can cause adverse effects such as drowsiness, memory disturbances, nausea, among others.. 

CBD as a treatment 

The CBD is gaining more popularity as natural substance It can be used to treat a wide range of diseases. In this sense, numerous studies have been developed that have highlighted the effects of CBD for anxiety. 

Also known as cannabidiol, it is a compound derived from the cannabis plant. CBD belongs to the class of chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. Today it is marketed for therapeutic purposes, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects, immunomodulators, neuroprotectors, anticonvulsants and anxiolytics. 

How does it work? 

Various studies have confirmed that the CBD induces a feeling of calm for some people. Experiments have found that the compound could reduce the symptoms of anxiety, because it can achieve similar effects to conventional medication.  

The cannabinoid or CBD, it works on serotonin receptors and has been shown to promote hippocampal neurogenesis. The hippocampus is an area of ​​the brain that helps to understand the limbic system and plays a fundamental role in memory and orientation. 

While the neurogenesis It consists of the formation of new neurons in the brain. Therefore, both CBD and SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) promote neurogenesis.

This is very important because many studies consider that increased neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus is sufficient to reduce anxiety and depressive behaviors.. 

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