The biggest mistake of your life is not being proud of yourself

Simon Doyle
The biggest mistake of your life is not being proud of yourself

Since we are children we hear our parents say that they are proud of us, thus celebrating any achievement we achieve: Very good son! I'm proud of you!

Thus we enter a vicious circle in which we want our prize: to receive recognition from our parents. What is more important to a child than knowing that his parents are proud of him? So we strive to get good grades, score a goal in Saturday's game, be the best dancer at the end-of-year festival, etc. It's worth trying your best because you know the prize is coming and you're going to feel great.

"Be yourself, the other positions are taken". OSCAR WILDE.

But what happens when we become adults? In the same way that when we are children we want to constantly hear these words, the same happens when we get older and become parents: we want to be the best in the world and, above all, that our children feel proud of us. We go out of our way and sacrifice to be "the best" parents in the world, so that tomorrow our son will give us some wonderful words full of meaning, which perhaps we have waited all our lives.

So what's up? Do you feel that what you are reading makes sense? Do you feel that you have spent half your life giving everything so that your parents give you their approval and the other half so that your son applauds who you are? Or just to please your environment?

Throughout my life I have met many friends who follow the path "imposed" by their parents, who follow a life because they believe that it is their only option and because they feel that if they do not, they will disappoint them. The result is that they end up having mediocre lives because they are not being themselves and are not living the life that they really want. And best of all, most of the time they have edited a movie worthy of an Oscar..

"Don't trade your authenticity for an approving look." JORGE BUCAY.

We live in a society where 1 + 1 = 2, where we take everything for granted and take things for granted. We live in the age of speculation. If you do A, you get B. But life is not a matter of mathematical formulas. Life has to be lived, you have to enjoy it, you have to shine and, most importantly, you have to be happy. Our worst enemy is ourselves and if there is a little voice that tells you to do this or that, be very clear that that little voice is you, and that it is up to you to raise or lower the volume to hear it more or to ignore it..

Life is not about being a winner or a loser, it is about being yourself and doing your best..

One of the biggest worries I had before becoming a mother was losing part of my essence. I wanted to be a good mother, the best mother to my daughter, of course. But, What does it mean to be a good mother? Unfortunately there are a thousand and one articles and books that, far from inspiring us, put us between a rock and a hard place. They talk about being a good mother and doing things the way they are supposed to be done. It seems that by having a child you have to transform yourself into a kind of perfect robot that does not make mistakes, as if that were the best example for your child.

I was clear that the best mother for my daughter was me: with my strengths and weaknesses but always being myself.

Being yourself, accepting yourself and feeling proud of who you are, is the fastest way to become the best version of yourself. In the end, what does any child want, to have a happy father or mother, right? There is no better example you can offer your child than loving you, human being, feeling proud of who you are, with your good things and your not so good things. If you feel good about yourself, you will give 100% of yourself every minute.

"The most common disappointment is not choosing or not being able to be yourself, but the deepest form of disappointment is choosing to be someone else rather than yourself." SÖREN KIERKEGAARD.

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