The Szondi test, what does it consist of

Abraham McLaughlin
The Szondi test, what does it consist of

The Szondi test is a test that is often used to discover if there is a hidden personality in us due to different causes. It is a very interesting test and with which you can obtain quite surprising results. Let's see better what it consists of.

What is the Szondi test

This test was developed in the 20th century by Leopold Szondi, a Hungarian-born psychiatrist. The purpose of the test was to explore which were the deepest repressed impulses of a person, in order to determine what sensations it provoked in them and discover which were their most negative impulses.

In other words, the Szondi test is one of the hardest tests to determine the hidden personality that a person may have, especially those that are in the subconscious of the subject and that they usually repress for different reasons.

In this way, the test studies the sympathy or aversion caused by exposure to specific photos of a series of subjects that, for different reasons and their physical characteristics, cause concern to those who observe it.

The methodology is as follows: the person looks at these portraits of the different individuals and has to choose the one that he would never want to see in the dark, since it causes him aversion and even fear.

How to test

Before starting this test, it is necessary to know and control some terms that will later be key to interpreting the results of the Szondi test. Thanks to them we will be able to determine what hidden aspects our personality has.

One of these concepts is repression. This force is what avoids thoughts and desires that are uncomfortable to us and transmits them to our unconscious, running the risk that they end up appearing in the worst way..

Another of them is denial, a mental process by which we reject certain impulses and desires of our own. Thus, this reaction ends up making us act on many occasions contrary to obtaining what we really want to deny ourselves the existence of that thought or feeling..

Finally, you have to know what sublimation is. This refers to a process of transferring our repressed choices, states or behaviors to others that we consider more useful or socially acceptable..

Szondi test results

The results of the Szondi test are based on various personality types. The original test includes several portraits of people, each of whom had been classified as sadistic, epileptic, catatonic, hysterical, schizophrenic, depressive, and manic..

Depending on the choice that the person makes, they are assigned a hidden personality type. Each of the choices also has an interpretation based on the life experiences of each one and if this person has experienced repression, denial or sublimation..

  • The sadist can be produced as a consequence of repression or denial. In the case of repression, it may be that due to having lived situations of authoritarianism in the first years of life, a desire for domination develops. In the case of denial, you may have a tendency to create barriers when you do not want to do something.
  • The epileptic is also produced by repression or denial. Thus, the individual who has this hidden personality tends to impulsivity, irritability, outbursts of anger and aggression. In the case of denial, it is determined that he is a kind and peaceful person.
  • The catatonic by repression could make the person lose contact with reality, while by denial it usually means that the person is shy and, therefore, does not like innovations and changes.
  • The repressive schizophrenic is characterized by intense apathy, distorted thoughts, and incompatible emotions. In the case of denial, it is associated with sociability and communication.
  • The repression hysteric presents traits of hysterical people, such as shallow and unstable emotions, narcissism and exhibitionism. By denial, the person gives the impression of being a person with a lot of inner world. By sublimation, they are people who usually choose an extravagant type of leisure.
  • The repressive depressive represents the lack of self-esteem and feelings of inferiority. By denial, he tends to show dynamism and joy, although at times he may feel sad. By sublimation, the person avoids his own depression by assuming the role of psychologist of his environment.
  • Finally, the repression maniac presents characteristics of extroversion and overstimulation of himself. By denial, the person is usually an example of discretion and moderation.

In summary, the Szondi test is a very curious test, although somewhat old and obsolete, with which it is possible to know the most hidden aspects of ourselves and, ultimately, to determine the existence of personality disorders due to our possible impulses repressed. We hope this information is useful to you!!

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