Elongar meaning, synonyms, antonyms, usage examples

Robert Johnston

"Stretch”Is a verb that means to stretch or lengthen a thing. This word has gained a notable use in gyms or in running culture, since it also refers to the action of stretching the muscles, something necessary prior to physical training.

On a daily basis, “elongar” is used mainly in the field of sport, as well as professional dance, where it is also used in its translation into English “stretching”. In another area where it is possible to use it more or less frequently, it is in biochemistry.. 

Stretching is important in physical training. Source Pixabay.com

Article index

  • 1 Meaning
  • 2 Synonyms
  • 3 Antonyms
  • 4 Examples of use
  • 5 References


The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DRAE) defines "elongar" as a transitive verb that means to stretch, lengthen or make something longer by mechanical traction. In addition, he points out that in biochemistry, "elongating" is adding new units to the chain of a biopolymer..

Meanwhile, "elongation" is the action of "elongating", and it is a word that comes from Latin. It is formed by the prefix "ex", which means "out"; the adjective "longus", which translates as "long"; and the suffix "tion", which was used to indicate "action and effect".

So, we can say that "elongation" is the action and effect of doing something longer. This process of "stretching" is widely used in athletes of different disciplines or dancers, since it is a way to warm up before physical activity, so it avoids injuries during it..

Basically, what allows "elongation" is the guarantee of an optimal range of motion in the joints, thanks to which the muscles work more efficiently.

This alone will not guarantee optimal performance, but must also be accompanied by a warm-up that can be a light jog or bicycle. Studies indicate that doing only static-type stretches before starting an activity can reduce sports performance.

However, it is not something that is exclusive to athletes, whether they are high or low performance. Studies show that "stretching" in people without physical activity for at least 30 seconds, three times a week, for a period of six weeks, improves muscle flexibility, also allowing the joints to move. Once 48 hours pass without "stretching", these results are lost..

Another benefit of "stretching" is that it keeps it the same on both sides, thus achieving symmetrical flexibility. The imbalance that occurs when a muscle is tighter on one side than the other increases the possibility of injury.


Some words similar to "elongar" are "stretch", "lengthen", "distend", "extend", "dilate", "widen", "increase", "unfold", "amplify", "extend", "prolong "," Tend "or" swell ".


Meanwhile, the words that mean the opposite of "elongar" are "contract", "harden", "constrict", "astring", "retract", "decrease", "shrink", "squeeze", "press" , "Compress", "squeeze", "squeeze", "press", "squeeze", "tamp" or "hold".

Examples of use

-“Before exercise I always stretch for about ten minutes. It is to avoid injuries ".

-“Don't you stretch before training? You should do it so as not to relapse into your injury. "

-"I took the stretching class at the gym and I feel so much better after a hard day of training.".

-“I think I will stretch my patience when I have the meeting with him. He is an unbearable customer ".

-“They will lengthen the payment terms. In other words, they will take longer to pay us. They are stretching the situation ".

-"The muscle does not elongate by itself, so exercises of this type should be done daily to prevent it from atrophying".

-"I did not stretch before the game and ended up injured".

-"He did not elongate enough and shortly after entering the field of play he was injured".

-"Would you stretch if I told you that it prevents injury?"

."And remember: stretch each morning when you get out of bed to start the day lighter.".


  1. Stretch. (2019). Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from: dle.rae.es
  2. To stretch or not to stretch? Recovered from: redsalud.uc.cl
  3. Dr. Edward Laskowski-. (2019). "What is the best time to stretch?". Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center in Rochester, United States.- Recovered from: laprensa.com.ar

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