What is transactional leadership?

Egbert Haynes
What is transactional leadership?

The reality and business practice show that currently no longer looking for bosses, but managers who are leaders, people who inspire, motivate and become references for their team.

Although there is a consensus on the need to develop and enhance the manager's leadership ability, There is not so much when it comes to specifying the leadership style, since it refers to transactional leadership, transformational leadership, ontological leadership, ... which focus on different aspects and skills to train.

In another article we made reference to the leadership skills to lead teams that, according to prestigious professionals such as the economist Toffer, are essential for a effective leadership.

Likewise, numerous studies on successful organizations such as Google affirm that the leader has to focus on the quality of human relationships.

In this way, the well-being of the workers becomes a fundamental aspect for the proper functioning and higher productivity of the company. Along the same lines, Todd Davis in his book "Get Your Best You" affirms that a "happy worker is a worker committed to the values ​​and objectives of the company".

What does all this imply? What the current leader has to be a deep connoisseur of human nature, understanding the psychological needs, motivations, and unconscious dynamics behind human behavior.

Terms like "Negative recognition", "inauthentic emotions", "projections", "elastic feelings" or "emotional salary", Among others, they have to be part of the knowledge and skills of the new leader because they are what will help him to understand, prevent and solve the challenges and challenges posed by power dynamics, misunderstandings, ineffective communication, jealousy and insecurities team member personals.

Today, adequate professional performance without personal development is inconceivable because we cannot forget that organizations are made up of people with their entire emotional world. The vertical leadership based on fear, authoritarianism and reward-punishment has become obsolete.

Companies that continue to do so are doomed to failure because they will not be able to retain talent. Today's professionals want to be valued and recognized for their work, that their contributions and opinions are heard and taken into account, imposing a horizontal leadership in which it is committed to autonomy, responsibility and cooperation.

What contributes the Transactional Analysis in the formation of the leader?

The Transactional Analysis As a psychological discipline, it provides the leader with a deep knowledge of the human condition and of how to relate to people to enhance their talents so that they develop their full potential..

The Transaction CoachingBased on the theory of Transactional Analysis, he forms a leader with deep self-knowledge, a proper emotional management and a broad knowledge of how interpersonal relationships work.

The horizontal leadership it is based on a balance between authority and trust. The leader has to be a close person who at the same time sets limits if necessary, without losing his closeness. This balance is often difficult to achieve and requires great personality, integrity, honesty and authenticity..

A leader who knows that you cannot respond to all situations in the same way. It is not the same to call attention to an employee, to try to encourage him because he has a problem or to mediate a conflict between colleagues.

The 3 states of the self

In this sense, Transactional Coaching with its theory of the States of the Self is committed to a situational leadership in which the leader will respond from a State of the I or another depending on the situation that is posed to him.

When you have to encourage a worker, you will do it from the Nutritious Parent which is the part that supports, that performs emotional containment, that supports.

On the other hand, if he has to call the attention of a worker or mediate in a conflict, he will do so from the State of the I Adult setting limits, weighing the situation, actively listening to the parties, assessing pros and cons, promoting assertive communication and proposing solutions.

Likewise, the leader trained in Transactional Coaching will also act from his Natural Child to unite and motivate the team, to be creative and innovate.

Also, by training the leader in knowledge of human psychology, you will know how to keep your team cohesive and motivated, making them feel part of the business project, helping each of the people who make it up to give the best of themselves, promoting autonomy, creativity, responsibility, cooperation and teamwork.

A leader trained in Transactional Coaching is aware that the main asset of the organization are people And, for this reason, it will put all its focus on achieving a good work environment so that workers feel valued and recognized because only in this way will the company achieve the objectives that it has proposed and make a difference with respect to its competition.

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