What is Noah Syndrome?

Anthony Golden
What is Noah Syndrome?

A psychiatric disorder that can have serious consequences for people, and may even endanger public health, due to the accumulation of animals in a specific space.

For those who are not experts in psychiatric terms, it is frequent that reading and research help to delve into some lesser-known disorders and that, probably, can have serious consequences for those who suffer from it or even for those who are around him.

In this sense, there are many disorders that people can present, As the experts assure, however, some of them are important to know, since they are more frequent than it seems..

This is where we should talk about him noah syndrome. A disorder very similar to the famous Diogenes syndrome, with the difference that, instead of the accumulation of garbage or disused objects, on this occasion, those who suffer from this problem are dedicated to accumulating and collecting animals in a space.

How to define Noah syndrome?

While it is true that Noah syndrome is a colloquial name, psychiatric experts speak of this problem as Animal Hoarding Disorder. Its own name indicates it, it is a problem that can arise at a certain moment in a person's life, when seeing that they have a large number of animals collected in a specific home or space.

Although at present, this syndrome occurs mainly in animals such as dogs or cats, It can also be presented with others, even those who can become more dangerous or savage.

The main problem lies, not only in having so many animals in a reduced space, also that people suffering from this disease cannot give the care and attention that these animals need, condemning them to become ill or even die, in the worst cases.

Usually, patients with Noah syndrome they collect animals abandoned on the street or that have been lost, without contacting associations that are dedicated to it. In addition to being a real problem for the patient, it can also have serious consequences for public health in general.

How does this syndrome influence public health?

As already mentioned, having a large accumulation of animals in a house or small space is a serious problem for the people who live in them, as it is for public health..

Thus, the main situations that usually occur when there is a person with Noah syndrome are the fires, due to the accumulation also of objects that have been given to animals or damage to the electrical network, by nibbling or scratching, to give several examples.

It is also common to have floods, since you can block the water outlets and of course, find yourself with pests of rats or insects, in addition to all diseases that animals can transmit to people.

Finally, the accumulation of animals can also mean damage to the houses themselves and deteriorate them, due to large amounts of urine and feces.

How to know that a person suffers from this disease?

To recognize Noah syndrome, people who suffer from it often have very obvious symptoms. Thus, the first of them is that have an exaggerated number of animals at home, all types.

It is also common for these people deny all this, believing that they are doing good and that it also serves as company. As they often deny that this is a problem and that it can be harmful to public health.

Although this syndrome may seem like all kinds of people, it must be said that there are specific profiles to whom this happens more often. In this sense, it is more common in single women who have an older age, who generally live in solitude and who, in addition, do not have a good economic or social position.

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