Unconventional Energy Characteristics, Types and Advantages

Philip Kelley
Unconventional Energy Characteristics, Types and Advantages

The unconventional energy It is the electrical energy generated from renewable and / or rare sources; that is, sources that are difficult to capture in nature for transformation into electrical energy. Wind energy (wind), solar panels (sun), tidal energy (sea waves), geothermal energy (soil), biogas and biomass energy stand out..

All these forms are present in one way or another in nature, and equally all are compatible with the preservation of the environment. The fact that the processing of these energy sources is complicated makes the costs associated with the conversion process high..

However, the low emission of polluting gases and the fact that they are mostly renewable natural resources, encourages the development of new technologies that increase their efficiency; all in order to reduce the intensive use of conventional energies and, thereby, considerably reduce the impact on nature.

Article index

  • 1 Features
  • 2 Kinds
    • 2.1 Solar energy
    • 2.2 Tidal energy
    • 2.3 Geothermal energy
    • 2.4 Wind energy
    • 2.5 Biomass energy
    • 2.6 Biogas
  • 3 Advantages
  • 4 Disadvantages
  • 5 References


Non-conventional energies, also known as alternative or renewable energies, usually have a sophisticated conversion mechanism when it comes to generating electricity..

The most important characteristics of unconventional energies are the following:

- Non-conventional energies come from renewable natural resources; In other words, they are inexhaustible sources in time. This promotes research and development on new technologies that increase the efficiency of energy conversion processes, and make these mechanisms and massive means of generation worldwide.

- They have a very low environmental impact. This type of energy generation process does not imply the emission of carbon dioxide or other polluting gases into the environment..

- This type of energy is usually extracted from palpable and everyday natural resources (sun, wind, tides, soil, etc.).

- They are known as clean energies. Its processing does not generate waste that is difficult to eliminate, so it is a “clean” procedure..


Unconventional energies are derived from resources from nature, noted for their diversity and abundance in the environment..

Depending on the type of resource, the energy conversion process is different, since it merits the implementation of specific technologies for each input. The main types of unconventional energies are detailed below..

Solar energy

This type of energy is obtained from sunlight. Radiation is absorbed by solar panels, and the converted energy is directly proportional to the intensity and duration of the solar rays..

Photovoltaic cells can store the energy absorbed by radiation, or send it directly to the interconnected electrical grid, depending on the configuration it has and the role it plays in the system..

Seawater energy

This type of energy is generated from the force of the waves of the sea, and is usually used in some sectors of the coast.

To take advantage of this resource, a barrier is built that opens every time there is high tide, and closes when the tide goes out again..

The alternation between the two movements drives a turbine that, in turn, is connected to an electric generator. This is how mechanical energy from ocean tides is converted into electrical energy.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is obtained from reservoirs located under the earth's surface, where temperatures above 150 ° C are reached due to the melting process of the rocks..

The most effective sources of geothermal energy are volcanic deposits, in which the temperature can rise up to 200 ° C.

This thermal energy is used by making use of hot water coming directly from the ground, and transferring it to houses for residential use..

The hot water extracted from the ground can also be directed to a geothermal power plant, and be used by using a water pump to generate electricity..

Wind power

The source of this type of energy is the wind. Here, the movement of the wind turbine blades drives a turbine whose shaft is attached to an electric generator.

In addition to tidal energy, wind energy is also based on the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy, making the most of the force of the wind..

Biomass energy

This type of energy is generated from organic waste of animal or vegetable origin, such as: domestic, agricultural and industrial waste.

These types of elements burn and, in turn, combustion is linked to an electrical generation mechanism. Being natural elements, the smoke produced during combustion does not emit polluting gases into the atmosphere.


The process of degradation of organic waste isolated from oxygen allows the production of biogas. This is a fuel gas with high energy content, used in the generation of electrical energy.

Biogas contains a mixture of carbon dioxide, methane and other complementary gases, and is used in some first world countries to activate thermal devices such as gas stoves or ovens..


The most representative advantages of unconventional energies are the following:

- The fact that they are clean energies considerably favors the conservation of the environment, since unconventional energies are free of polluting agents.

- Since they come from renewable sources, their continuity is guaranteed over time. This limits fossil fuel wars globally.

- They promote research and development of new technologies for the sake of efficiency in generation processes.

- They develop the economy of the area in which they are implemented. This emerging industry promotes new sources of employment and fosters self-sufficiency in geographical sectors far from large urban centers..


The most important disadvantages in the implementation of this type of energy are detailed below:

- In the case of wind turbines or solar panels, these can induce visual and / or sonic pollution, due to damage to natural landscapes.

- They require a large initial investment, due to the implementation of innovative infrastructures and state-of-the-art technologies..

- Its performance is considerably lower compared to conventional energies.

- The cost of production, storage and transportation is higher compared to conventional energies.

- Many of the unconventional energy sources are subject to climatic changes. The continuity of supply may be affected by the occurrence of natural phenomena or other unpredictable contingencies..


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