Sexually Transmitted Diseases, types and main dangers

Jonah Lester
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, types and main dangers

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are those infections that are acquired by having sex with someone who is infected, these can be caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses. These types of diseases were also called, although it is now a disused term, as venereal diseases. The origin was the name of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and sex


  • Some facts about STDs to know them better
  • Symptoms of an STD
  • How STDs affect emotional well-being
  • How to act if an STD is suspected
    • 1. Don't ignore the symptoms
    • 2. Don't blame yourself
    • 3. Don't hide your diagnosis from people you date or have sex with.
    • 4. Don't wallow in self-pity
  • Final Recommendations

Some facts about STDs to know them better

There are more than 30 bacteria, viruses and parasites that cause sexually transmitted infections. In general, its spread occurs through contact with the infected person such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, among others.

Different STDs attack differently depending on the sex of the person. Not using condoms or latex barriers in sexual encounters increases the possibility of infection, but it must be known that genital contact is not always necessary to become ill with an STD, sometimes the simple exchange of fluids that occurs with a kiss and it is risky behavior.

Among the most common STDs, infections caused by the human papillomavirus are the ones that affect people the most in the world. This virus can develop in the first sexual contact and even remain in the genitals for years, so if you have had several sexual partners it is very difficult, or impossible, to know with whom and when the infection occurred. Also, not everyone knows they have the virus because their symptoms are not always obvious..

Symptoms of an STD

  • Sores in the genital area, anus, tongue and / or throat
  • Scaly rash on the palms of the hands and feet
  • Dark urine, diarrhea
  • Yellow skin and eyes
  • Swollen glands, fever, and pain in the body
  • Soft, skin-colored warts in the genital area

How STDs affect emotional well-being

Good physical health is essential for good mental health since mind and body are connected. We have already described the physical signs of STDs that can range from genital warts to cancer in extreme cases. But on an emotional level, how do these diseases affect? Many of them are quite common and usually heal over time, but knowing that they are infected can have devastating effects on a person. Feelings such as anger, fear, confusion can be mixed; Who infected me and when? Has my partner been unfaithful to me? Who should I tell what's wrong with me?

Having painful sores or blisters on the genitals, knowing that we are sick or ill and, worst of all, knowing that we can infect other people, causes anguish and discomfort in the infected individual that should not be ignored.

Worry can seriously affect self-esteem and at the same time this will affect mood, concentration, sleep, even leading to isolation of the person, fear of physically worsening or damaging or breaking a relationship..

STDs do not currently cause the fear that they used to produce but for many people these diseases are still different from the rest, because they are transmitted through sexual contact and affect the genital organs. Until people think of sex as naturally as breathing or food, this rejection will continue to occur..

Most of the people who are infected with an STD react with anger and disbelief, there are also individuals who deny the disease as if it would disappear by itself and delay the visit to the specialist since they deny the fact that they have an infection.

How to act if an STD is suspected

1. Don't ignore the symptoms

If you have blisters on or near the genitals and / or discomfort or pain in the genital area, it is very important to visit a doctor. A blood test and a viral test is often enough to confirm the diagnosis of an STD. Ignoring the symptoms will not make them go away and can lead to the transmission of the disease to other people with whom you have sexual contacts..

2. Don't blame yourself

There is no blame or judgment, or believe that we deserve it as a kind of divine punishment for your sexual behavior. Discomfort and stress are not going to benefit your STD healing process.

3. Don't hide your diagnosis from people you date or have sex with.

It is important that we report our STD before sexual intercourse occurs. It is advised to keep it simple and to occur before any skin-to-skin contact..

4. Don't wallow in self-pity

Although it is not bad that you have thoughts of self-pity, you should not let them become permanent. A state of continuous negativity over time usually leads to low self-esteem, depression and isolation.

Final Recommendations

Talk to trusted people

Having people to lean on is very important at this time. Friends and family can listen and be supportive.

take care of yourself

Try to lead as healthy a life as possible; eat balanced, do physical activity, sleep well. And take care of your physical appearance. Do activities that you like and that help you relax, practice yoga, meditation. Keep your sense of humor active. The benefits of laughter will improve your immune system and help you develop a healthier outlook on life and you will feel better..

You may need to speak to a psychology professional

It can help you express your feelings and your discomfort in a safe and professional environment and will help you improve your self-esteem.

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