Focus and attention to empower our life

Egbert Haynes
Focus and attention to empower our life

"Your mindset powerfully affects your focus on the journey to success." - John Maxwell

At first it is important to emphasize that the human being by nature and innately, is designed to keep in constant growth and evolution, as well as in nature itself in which there is a principle of movement and change that allows that from the germination of a small seed to the extensive growth of large leafy trees, as well as in the seasons and the different natural processes there is this essence of growth natural, which in one way or another encourages evolution and development.

Taking into account this premise of evolution, we understand the importance of the emphasis on develop that personal potential that it must be in constant growth and that in reality it is the creative source of both any great project and of happiness and fulfillment of being, starting from its primary essence to its cognitive, emotional, spiritual, physical and financial development, potentiating each area of his life according to the individuality and focus of each person.

Therefore the phrase "What you focus on expands" clearly expresses that what you dedicate most of your time to every day, it will end up manifesting sooner or later in every area of ​​your physical world. Hence, this is the starting point to start generating awareness of the direction towards which we want to move and mobilize our life.

This well-directed focus of attention, understanding Attention Focus as the conscious control of attention and the ability to maintain concentration directed towards the same objective, having coherence in thinking, feeling and doing, sets the standard to train the mind constantly, strengthening the connection of neural networks that are increasingly associated to obtain new learning or strengthen and enrich existing ones.

The two main ways to strengthen these connections and learnings are through constant repetition and the emotional degree that is impressed on it, the greater the emotional impact, the stronger it will be etched in the mind, whether it is positive or negative.

The consequence of developing constant attentional focus and focus as a habit makes After a certain time, this activity, thought, emotion or experience becomes part of the subconscious resources that can be accessed more easily. and therefore, allows it to be done in a much more spontaneous, natural, and responsive way, opening the mind to actively capture opportunities related to the chosen field of focus..

In the same way, from the quantum physics model, exposing it in a very simplified way, it would make the mind through attention generate an effect of bringing from the field of all possibilities a concrete event that is shaping reality, creating reactions quantum due to the clear choice of the observed object and its energy and information density, which according to research and scientific studies carried out, they would clearly influence reality thus allowing to magnetize situations, things, people, or the contexts necessary to physically manifest the desire or objective where attention is focused and thus actively participate in the creation of our reality.

Tips to stay focused

1. Identify that purpose that emanates from the depths of the heart and makes the spirit dream and move.

2. The realization of productive and healthy habits such as: Reading, exercise, enriching audiovisual content material for the mind and soul, contact with nature, interaction in social relationships that are in harmony with our purpose and mainly the habit of taking action and not postponing.

3. Meditation: It helps calm the mind, regulates emotions, exercises attention and its constant practice stimulates and helps strengthen functions higher brainof the prefrontal cortex such as consciousness, concentration, judgment, self-control, decision-making, among others.

4. Self-awareness: That is, the ability to realize what is going through our mind, through our emotions and actions and be able to reflect on them to give them the really desired direction and not only respond automatically, as is often the case..

5. Clear, strategic, organized and consistent planning, it is to have an action plan that, although for external reasons it is not always carried out as stipulated, it is an important step to avoid deviating from the path and the north to follow.

6. Self-motivation, That goes hand in hand with being clear about that deep purpose and with being able to always keep in mind the strong reasons why we are heading towards that goal. In this way, we maintain enough attitude and enthusiasm to continue with our focused mind and emotions and persist despite difficulties..

7. Take the first step. The evidence for the brain that this purpose or objective is serious, meaning that if, for example, the goal is to lose so many kilos before x (x) months, before 24 hours that first step must be taken to demonstrate to the brain that firm intention. In this case, it could be to join a gym, find out in different sports centers, go for aerobics, go for a walk, identify healthier eating habits or take any action that reinforces that total conviction of heading towards your goal..

“It doesn't matter how capable you are; only through focus is it possible to do world-class things ”- Bill Gates

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