The natural environment It is the space constituted by living beings and the set of physical, chemical and biological components with which they interact and in which human action has not directly intervened.
This concept is usually equated with that of the natural environment and contrasted with that of the artificial environment, which would be one in which the hand of the human being has intervened, although there is no sharp separation between the two environments, because there is practically no ecosystem on Earth without some degree of human intervention.
This concept can also be related to that of ecosystem, when talking about a living being and the context that surrounds it (the bear and its natural environment, for example), natural resources in general (such as water), or large ecological units (the oceans, the Amazon, etc.).
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Unless it is a global approach, when we speak of a natural environment we are talking about referring to a human group, other species of living beings or a specific geographic space..
The natural environment as such is made up of organic and inorganic elements, whose global sum and interrelation constitute the biosphere (the area of the planet that houses life).
They are the living beings that can be found in an environment, and that science has divided into five kingdoms: vegetable, animal, fungi, protoctist or protist and monerial.
It is made up of plants, that is, all autotrophic beings (which can produce their own food with the help of photosynthesis), with the exception of some species belonging to the protoctist kingdom..
They are all those multicellular beings with the ability to move, that reproduce sexually, and without the ability of plants to produce food with the help of the sun..
Multicellular organisms such as mushrooms, mold, and yeast.
Made up of protozoa, algae, unicellular beings from the sea and the subsoil, etc..
It encompasses unicellular beings that do not have a defined nucleus, and that can be found in the land, water and air, and even within other living beings. They are mainly bacteria.
The main components to consider when studying a natural environment are relief, water, climate, and soil. The sum of these elements determines the class of living beings that can be found in certain areas or spaces..
They are the general characteristics or accidents of a geographical space and that define it as a valley, a mountain range, a plain or a mountain.
In natural environments, the relief can be made up of more than one geographical feature.
Its presence or absence is decisive in any environment, and essential for the existence of life on our planet. On Earth it is found in all three states (solid, liquid and gaseous) and in large masses, such as seas, rivers and glaciers.
It is the result of the sum of the atmospheric conditions of a given environment, and includes humidity (presence of water in the air), temperature, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, rain and winds..
It is the most superficial layer of the earth and where living beings thrive; It is constituted by the weathering of the surface geological layer (the decomposition of rocks thanks to the action of water, air and living beings), combined with the decomposition of organic matter.
Human beings have based a large part of their evolution and development by building artificial environments such as large cities, and moving further and further away from the natural environment, which in turn is subjected to varying degrees of pressure and deterioration..
These degrees of deterioration can range from the contamination of all ecosystems to the massive extinction of species and dangerous changes in the atmosphere..
This situation has created alarm since the middle of the 20th century, and has generated a series of social and political movements, known as environmentalists and ecologists..
These movements have managed to sensitize part of the population and a good number of governments in the world about the need to preserve the natural environment and transform the most negative aspects of industrial civilization, such as the use of fossil fuels (coal , oil), or the protection of endangered species.
It should be noted that the human being, despite its large cities and its massive intervention in all the ecosystems of the planet, continues to need and love natural spaces.
This aspect is manifested in the passion with which activities such as hiking, bird watching, water sports or the need for large green spaces within cities to improve air quality continue to be practiced..
We cite two examples of the importance of the natural environment for human beings: national parks and actions taken to protect the ozone layer.
In 1872 the first national park in the world was established, Yellowstone National Park; Since then, this legal figure to protect large ecosystems spread throughout the rest of the world, with the aim of protecting large natural environments..
We mention as examples of these parks: the Teide National Park (Spain), the Canaima National Park (Venezuela) and the Los Glaciares National Park (Argentina). These three parks were also declared by Unesco World Natural Heritage of Humanity.
At the end of the 70s of the last century it was discovered that the ozone layer - an atmospheric layer that filters ultraviolet rays - was rapidly shrinking, and even disappearing in areas of Antarctica, due to the use of chlorofluorocarbon chemicals ( CFC).
The disappearance of this layer could increase cancer cases and have other negative consequences, which is why in the 80s several international agreements were signed that led to the prohibition of CFC.
The prohibition of these chemicals has made it possible to observe the recovery of this layer, becoming one of the most emblematic examples that it is possible to reverse the environmental degradation of our planet.
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