between heaven and hell

Abraham McLaughlin
between heaven and hell

Someday, a wiseman visited the hell. There, he saw many people sitting around a richly served table. It was full of food, each more appetizing and exquisite. However, all the diners had hungry faces and gaunt faces: They had to eat with chopsticks; but they couldn't, because they were sticks as long as an oar. Therefore, no matter how much they stretched their arm, they never managed to put anything in their mouth.

Impressed, the sage emerged from hell and ascended to heaven. With great amazement, he saw that there was also a table full of diners and with the same delicacies. In this case, however, no one had a disheveled face; everyone present wore a cheerful countenance; they breathed health and well-being on all four sides. And it is that, there, in the sky, each one worried about feeding with the long chopsticks the one in front of him.

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