Psychological interview characteristics, objectives, steps, types

Sherman Hoover
Psychological interview characteristics, objectives, steps, types

The psychological interview it is the most widely used assessment technique in psychology, specifically in the clinical field. Its use is justified by its effectiveness both to investigate unobservable content and to serve as a guide and orientation on what content should be evaluated with other procedures.

It is an instrument that we can classify within the general category of self-reports, and through which we obtain information, prior to diagnosis and even to any modality of intervention. The interview is usually given at the beginning of the evaluation and when communicating the results, which is known as a feedback interview..

Through psychological evaluation, the behavior of an adult or child is explored and analyzed based on different objectives:

  • If we want to make a description of the subject in relation to their behaviors.
  • If we want to make a diagnosis of the person.
  • If we want to choose a person for a certain job, selection and prediction.
  • If we want to give an explanation to some behavior or way of being of a person.
  • If we need to observe if there have been changes in a person and if, therefore, the treatment has been effective ...

Article index

  • 1 Functions of psychological interviews
  • 2 Objectives
  • 3 Features
  • 4 Stages
    • 4.1 Pre-interview
    • 4.2 Interview
    • 4.3 Post interview
  • 5 Types of psychological interviews
    • 5.1 According to the structure
    • 5.2 According to the purpose
    • 5.3 According to the temporality
    • 5.4 According to age
  • 6 Fundamental aspects to be a good interviewer
    • 6.1 Empathy
    • 6.2 Warmth
    • 6.3 Competition
    • 6.4 Flexibility and tolerance
    • 6.5 Honesty and professional ethics
    • 6.6 Listening skills
    • 6.7 Strategies to elicit or maintain communication
    • 6.8 Strategies for asking questions
  • 7 Bibliography

Functions of psychological interviews

The interview is a conversation and / or interpersonal relationship between two or more people, with certain objectives, that is, with a purpose, in which someone requests help and another offers it.

This assumes that there is a difference in the roles of the participants. In addition, an asymmetric relationship can be seen, since one is the expert, the professional, and the other the one who needs help..

Its main functions are:

  • Motivating function: since the interview stimulates a relationship that stimulates change.
  • Clarifying function: the presentation of the problems by the patient and ordering them, helps the subject to clarify them.
  • Therapeutic function: occurs when verbalizing, because the psychologist gives alternatives.


Among the objectives that are intended to be achieved when deciding to use an interview to clarify the person's demand, we find the following:

  • Establish a good climate of trust appropriate to promote patient communication.
  • Perceive the patient's total behavior, both verbal and non-verbal.
  • Maintain an active listening with the patient and observe.
  • Stimulate verbal expression.
  • Define the problem in an operational way, taking into account the observable and definable characteristics.
  • Identify antecedents and consequences that may be influencing the demand raised by the subject.
  • Knowing solution attempts put into practice by the subject and elaborating hypotheses.
  • Plan the psychological assessment process, and develop an integrative concept map.


Next, I will cite the main characteristics of this means of evaluation:

  • It is an evaluation that is done through a conversation with a purpose. It is intended to collect data through the self-report of the subject evaluated, and to collect information from a third party.
  • It collects the interviewee's demand, that is, all that information of a broad, general, specific and concrete nature. The psychologist must identify and clarify the claim.
  • The interview takes place in a predetermined time and space. It is usually in the psychologist's office.
  • There is a reciprocal influence between the individuals involved, this influence is bidirectional.
  • The relationship between interviewer and interviewee begins from mutual ignorance, however, the interviewer's task will be to gather information to achieve a good knowledge of the patient and their environment in a short period of time (around 40-50 minutes).
  • The relationship that occurs in an interview works like a Gestalt, as a whole.

Despite all the advantageous characteristics of the interview, there are 2 sources of problems: the information obtained is based on the subject's report and there is a high degree of difficulty in separating the execution of the technique from the usual ways in which the interviews are carried out. people behave in an interactive situation.

That is, it is difficult to distinguish between whether what the interviewee responds is how the subject habitually behaves, or whether, on the contrary, he is responding differently when knowing that he is being evaluated.


During the development of the psychological interviews we can refer to three basic sections present; on the one hand, the pre-interview, on the other the interview, and finally the post-interview. At each stage, different tasks and characteristics of a house are carried out..


Professionals do not usually receive a patient directly, but there is another who receives the patient's request for consultation. At this stage, the person in charge must collect information about the patient (who is calling, how old they are and contact information); on the reason for consultation, which will be briefly collected so as not to interfere with the clinician's work and what it says and how it says it will be written down verbatim. And, finally, the referent will be noted (if it is derived or on its own initiative).


At this stage we can distinguish different substages:

  • Basic knowledge phase: In this, three aspects must be taken into account; physical contact, social greetings and attempts to get to know each other. There is no stipulated way to receive the patient, it is advisable to take care of the empathic and warm attitude with care, as well as non-verbal communication. The interview is opened clarifying the objectives that are pursued with the evaluation, the intervention time and the knowledge we have of your demand.
  • Phase of exploration and identification of the problem: is the body of the interview and lasts approximately 40 minutes. An analysis of the patient's demands, complaints and goals is carried out. The psychologist must make clear what their role is, guide the interviewee and use their knowledge and experiences to understand the problem, develop hypotheses, analyze the antecedents and consequences, and explore previous solutions. Before moving on to the next phase, the psychologist must make a synthesis of the problems raised and a summary will be formulated to the patient of what we have obtained with the interview, in order to obtain feedback from him..
  • Farewell phase: in this phase the patient is dismissed. Previously, the working method to be followed in the next sessions will be clarified and a new appointment will be made. There are patients who, when this phase arrives, are reluctant to leave, cry or feel bad because they have just remembered something important that they had to communicate ... In these cases, the patient will be told that they will be able to comment on it in the next session, not to worry.

Post interview

In this phase, the psychologist will complete notes that he has taken during the interview, write down his impressions and formulate a map on the problems that have been consulted.

Types of psychological interviews

There are many different interviews. Different classifications will be presented below according to the structure, purpose, temporality and age.

According to the structuring

  • Structured: has an established and generally standardized script. Two modalities: the mechanized one, in which the patient stands in front of a computer to answer some questions, and the examiner-guided questionnaire, where the patient responds to the examiner's questioning, or answers by himself.
  • Semi-structured: previous script that can be altered during the interview (altering the order, the formulation ...).
  • Free: it allows the interviewee to speak according to their needs, through multiple open questions, with a wide spectrum.

According to the purpose

  • Diagnostic: it is usually later accompanied by other instruments that allow contrasting what was collected in the interview.
  • Advisory: tries to answer a specific topic, the final objective is not destined to continue with a subsequent clinical work.
  • Vocational guidance: its objective is to guide people in relation to which studies to choose or which is the ideal professional field.
  • Therapeutic and counseling: aim at an agreed change for both parties.
  • Research: determine, based on previously defined criteria, the assignment or not of a subject to the research itself.

According to the temporality

  • Initial: opens the relational process and identifies the object and objectives.
  • Complementary information interview: useful to know more information (family members, external professionals ...).
  • Biographical interviews or anamnesis: used in child psychology and is essential for diagnosis. Evolutionary milestones, early development, autonomy, acquisition of basic functions are covered (questions are asked about pregnancy, childbirth, if she had trouble eating, when she began to speak ...).
  • Return interview: the psychologist offers information on the diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic strategies silver. The understanding of the problem, motivation for change and adaptation of the proposed strategies are put into play. This interview is also known as a verbal report..
  • Clinic discharge interview, physical and administrative dismissal: useful to physically and administratively dismiss the patient and close the case, ends because the objective has been met, or because there has been a successful response to the problem.

According to age

  • Interview with children and adolescents: in general they do not ask for help themselves (only 5% do), but the demand comes from adults, and these are usually involved in the problem and the resolution. A very personalized adaptation must be made and knowledge of the evolutionary characteristics is essential.

In children between 0 and 5 years old, games and graphic and plastic expressions are usually used (it must be taken into account that from 0 to 3 years the presence of mothers is important).

In children between 6 and 11 years old, between six and eight pictures and games are used. And then the use of language is evaluated.

  • Interview with adults: interviews with the elderly and people with disabilities require special training for the type of relationship, the language, the way of asking, the objectives of the change, the economic, social and emotional supports.

Fundamental aspects to be a good interviewer

When conducting a psychological interview with a patient, a series of aspects must be taken into account that will facilitate obtaining consistent and valuable information. These refer to attitudes, listening skills and communication skills.


Empathy is the ability to understand the patient on a cognitive and emotional level, and transmit that understanding. Bleguer called it “instrumental dissociation”, that is, dissociation experienced by the professional, who on the one hand must show an attitude of emotional closeness, and on the other, remains distant. 

Three basic conditions must be met: congruence with oneself, unconditional acceptance of the other and putting oneself in the place of the other without ceasing to be oneself.

Being empathetic means understanding the problems of the other, capturing their feelings, putting oneself in their shoes, trusting their ability to get ahead, respecting their freedom and privacy, not judging them, accepting them as they are and how they want to become, and seeing the other from itself.


Warmth refers to the positive acceptance of the patient, it is manifested through physical proximity, gestures, verbal reinforcement ...


The therapist must demonstrate his experience and ability to propose solutions to the patient. It is very useful to anticipate what the patient is going to say, if you know him well, because it makes him see that the therapist is competent and knows what he is talking about.

In the event that the psychologist considers that the case exceeds his own limitations, he must refer to another professional.

Flexibility and tolerance

It implies for the psychologist to know how to respond to unforeseen situations, without losing the objective that is pursued. The professional has to be flexible to adapt to the diversity of people with whom he works.

Honesty and professional ethics

The psychologist will work being consistent with his principles, values, his theoretical model, this translates into acting with sincerity, honesty and open attitude, respecting the informed consent of the patient, confidentiality and the protection of information.

Listening skills

Within this category we find aspects such as maintaining eye contact, physical proximity, gestures ... The attitude of the psychologist must be receptive and must allow people to speak. This can be achieved by the following actions:

  • Show the patient interest in listening.
  • Avoid distractions.
  • Give the patient time to express himself and not get ahead of himself.
  • Control impulses.
  • Not making assessments of what the patient says.
  • Offer a stimulating presence.
  • Maintain silences (they favor listening and encourage talking).
  • Do not interrupt.
  • Taking time to respond (it has been seen that waiting about 6 seconds helps the interviewee to continue speaking).
  • To give help.
  • Rectify cognitive errors such as distortions or generalizations.
  • Clarify the emotions expressed.
  • Guide the patient to understand their discomfort and propose changes.

Strategies to elicit or maintain communication

Within these strategies we find the specular technique, consisting of repeating the last thing the patient has said or making the gesture; give the word; make confirmatory comments or express approval.

You can also use the communicational feedback of the facts, for example, make sure that you have not misunderstood by expressing to the subject "if I have not misunderstood ..." and / or the behavior, for example, we say to a teenager "when you look away , the teachers feel that they are not being cared for ".

Pointing or underlining is also used when we want to highlight a problem. Or interpretation, when we want to establish causes and effects. Finally, when psychologists observe that a patient is trying to avoid an issue, they use the parachute landing to address it, in a surprising and direct way..

Strategies for asking questions

Psychologists use a multitude of types of questions. Among them we find open and closed questions, facilitating questions (unambiguous), clarifying questions (aimed at clarifying an ambiguous aspect), questions with a heading, guided questions (or with an induced response, the question implies a monosyllabic answer) and questions confrontational (be cautious, they are usually enunciated to answer yes or no). The return of questions is also used, in order for the patient to search for the answers themselves.

On the other hand, they use pressure techniques, direct confrontation techniques (so that they are aware of their contradictions and techniques of remembering limits such as time pressure, focusing the problem and reviewing symptoms.


  1. Moreno, C. (2005). Psychological evaluation. Madrid: Sanz and Torres.
  2. Fernández-Ballesteros, R (2011). Psychological evaluation. Concepts, methods and case studies. Madrid: Pyramid.
  3. Del Barrio, V. (2003). Psychological evaluation applied to different contexts. Madrid: UNED.
  4. Del Barrio, V. (2002). Psychological evaluation in childhood and adolescence. Madrid: UNED.

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