Listen to your body to improve your health

Egbert Haynes
Listen to your body to improve your health

I have had a sports injury recently. Specifically, an overload on an instep tendon. The other day I was telling a friend what had happened to me and she told me that this happened to me because of not knowing how to listen to my body. Even knowing that she was right, I tried to reply by saying that I did listen to him and he asked me to play sports.

Joking aside, she was referring to the fact that sometimes we force the machine to such an extent that we don't know how to grasp the little signs that tell us when to stop. I was curious that he used that phrase "listen to your body" because I also use it with myself many times.

The pain

All this has led me to reflect. I think that today's society has lost the ability to listen to the body that our ancestors had. A pain is the body's way of telling us something. However we try to silence that voice through painkillers.

Agree that there are disabling pain that requires medication. But there are also other minor pains that we try to eliminate without asking ourselves what their pain is. real cause.

You've had a hard day at work, your head hurts and you take an aspirin. It's okay to do it for a day or two, but if you come home with a headache every day, you may want to consider changing jobs. If this is not an option, at least you should learn to reduce your stress levels and change your attitude towards problems..

The stress and anxiety maintained over time, they end up destroying the body and can generate heart problems or even cancer. When you don't want to hear someone speaking to you in whispers, sooner or later they will end up raising their voices..

I also believe that we bear the pain less and less. I feel that our pain threshold has been lowered and we try to eliminate any small alteration, no matter how slight, that prevents us from continuing with our usual daily rhythm. A sometimes wild rhythm that leads us to want to achieve as many things as possible in the shortest time possible. And we couldn't get all of this in the company of pain.


Putting pain aside, another area where I think we do not listen to our body is in food. I am convinced that if we learned to listen to our body obesity would not exist. We should stop eating when our stomach is full and not when the plate is empty. You must not go to the point of saying "I can not anymore". If you feel like you can't take it anymore, it's because you've already passed three towns.

The issue of food is not only important with regard to the amount of food. We must also learn to listen to what the body wants to eat that day. One day your body may ask you for vegetables and fish. Another day pasta and meat. I guarantee that the day you eat listening to your body the food won't hurt you.

If you tell me that you listen to your body and it asks you for pizza every day, you may have an addiction to carbohydrates or fast food. And addictions silence every other voice inside.

The schedules

Eating and sleeping are two basic needs that we normally do based on our working hours. Ideally, eat only when you are hungry and sleep only when you are sleepy. Logically being able to do this in the society in which we live is almost impossible.

If you don't eat within your scheduled hours, hunger will probably hit you in the middle of work. At that time you will not be able to stop to eat. Despite this, it is possible to perform small tests On days when you don't work, usually on weekends, on a Saturday for example, wake up and don't look at your watch all day. Eat only when you are hungry. No matter what time. Do the test for several days and you will see that little by little the voice of your body reaches you with greater clarity.

By way of conclusion I would like to share a curiosity that I heard recently:  when animals are free in their natural habitat they do not get sick or get fat. Perhaps a veterinarian could dispute this information or offer more information. Still, it seems that animals listen to their bodies much better than we do..

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