In the context of the economic crisis and the precariousness of the current job market, it is increasingly common to find workers subjected to high levels of stress in their job. Most of the time, companies do not deny that there is a stress problem among their staff, but they consider that this level of harmful stress has to do, not with the company and its working method, but with the personality characteristics of the workers / ace. Nothing could be further from reality: psychosocial risks in the company are related to very harsh working conditions, with very high rates, with inadequate leadership style, with too high demands, with little or no defined tasks, etc. Namely, stress would be related to work organization.
"The most productive work is the one that comes out of the hands of a happy person" (Victor Pauchet)
But how do you define stress at work? Stress in the workplace is defined as the set of emotional, cognitive, physiological and behavioral reactions suffered by the person, in the face of certain adverse or harmful aspects of the content, organization or work environment. In short, it would be a state characterized by high levels of excitement and distress, with a frequent feeling of not being able to cope with the stressful situation.
What kind of consequences can exposure to prolonged stress have for the person? A little stress is good, it helps us perform optimally at work. But, when the stressful situation is not resolved satisfactorily in a long time, the high activation suffered by the person's body makes it sick, suffering a series of consequences, both physical and psychological:
In addition to these physical and psychological consequences, there are also a series of effects in the worker's social sphere, which is reflected in the family sphere: conflicts with the partner, with the children, etc., due to a possible lack of attention or progressive abandonment of their family responsibilities, due to their problem in the workplace.
The company is also affected by the high stress level of its workforce, in the form of: increased absenteeism, unjustified absences, poor worker performance or the possible increase in labor unrest.
What can companies do to reduce the stress level of their workers?
It is not too expensive to introduce certain changes in organizations in order to improve the work environment and thereby reduce the stress level of people. Rather, it is a problem of organizational culture..
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