Static history, what it studies, applications, laws

Anthony Golden
Static history, what it studies, applications, laws

The Static It is the branch of Mechanics that studies the balance of rigid bodies, subject to the action of various forces. When a body is rigid, the particles that make it up do not change their relative positions and therefore the object is non-deformable.

Such objects can be in equilibrium whether they are at rest (static equilibrium) or if they are moving (dynamic equilibrium), only in the latter case, the motion must be uniform rectilinear.

Figure 1. Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain. Ancient Roman builders efficiently applied the principles of statics. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

In the case of structures such as buildings, bridges and roads, static balance is of great interest, in order that the construction remains stable over time, such as the upper Roman aqueduct.

But Statics is not limited to the field of civil engineering. It is also applicable to the balance of electrically charged particles and of objects immersed in continuous media, such as air and water..

Article index

  • 1 History of statics as a branch of mechanics
  • 2 What does statics study?
    • 2.1 Aerostatics
    • 2.2 Hydrostatic
    • 2.3 Electrostatics
    • 2.4 Magnetostatics
    • 2.5 Particle statics
    • 2.6 Statics of extended bodies
  • 3 Applications
    • 3.1 At home
    • 3.2 In civil constructions
    • 3.3 In machine design
  • 4 Main laws of statics
    • 4.1 Newton's first law
    • 4.2 Newton's second law
    • 4.3 Newton's third law
    • 4.4 The torque or moment of a force
    • 4.5 Equilibrium conditions
  • 5 References

History of statics as a branch of mechanics

Statics had an early historical development, arising from the need to build fixed structures as cities were established. The ancient Egyptians left their monuments as evidence; they knew simple machines like pulleys, levers, and inclined planes.

Other civilizations of the ancient world, whose monuments survive to this day, also knew the fundamental principles, but it was the Greeks who began to systematize their study.

The great Greek physicist Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC) established the foundations of the use of the lever and the balance of submerged bodies - hydrostatics-.

Later, other great scientists such as Leonardo and Galileo made important contributions. The latter established that a net force was not necessary to maintain the movement of a body (dynamic equilibrium).

Galileo Galilei - Source: Domenico Tintoretto [Public domain]

Also noteworthy are Simon Stevin (1548-1620), the first to observe the hydrostatic paradox and to describe the equilibrium of bodies on the inclined plane.

Later Isaac Newton (1642-1727) gave the formulation of statics the final impulse with his three laws of mechanics.

Figure 2. On the left Archimedes of Syracuse and on the right Isaac Newton, pioneers in the study of Statics and Mechanics. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

The next contribution to mention due to its relevance was made by D'Alembert and the concept of inertial force. Thanks to this it is possible to study dynamic problems through the concept of equilibrium..

Of the long list of scientists and engineers who contributed to statics, we must mention the names of Euler and Lagrange, who developed mathematical techniques to shape its applications..

What does static study?

The word static comes from the Greek word to designate that which is stationary.

This important branch of Mechanics is the foundation of the constructions that we inhabit, and not only that, since there are other fields in which its principles are applied:


Study the balance of bodies in the air.


Apply the principles of statics to bodies submerged in water or other liquids.


Important branch of Electromagnetism that studies electric charges in static equilibrium.


It is the branch dedicated to the study of magnetic fields that do not vary over time..

Particle statics

In the first instance, Statics assumes that an object is modeled as if it were a particle or material point, without measurable size, but yes, with mass..

When the body is treated as a particle, we say that it is in static equilibrium when the resultant force on it is zero.

Static of the extended bodies

A more realistic model assumes that the objects are extended bodies, composed of a multitude of particles, which means that the forces can be applied to different points.

This is very important, since these effects can be:

-Dynamic, related to movement or lack of it,

-Deformers, by the changes in shape that bodies subject to forces undergo.

Statics assumes that objects are rigid and non-deformable, therefore it does not study the deformation effects, but the dynamic ones..

As the dimensions of the object under study are measurable, the forces can be applied to different places and it is possible that, although they do not transfer it, they can make it rotate. In this case, the object would no longer be in static equilibrium.


The applications of Statics are everywhere, which is why it is the branch of Mechanics that has the most uses, although many times we do not realize it:

In the home

The principles of Statics can be applied to furniture, cabinets, appliances, lamps, books and to any object at rest inside a house. We continually make sure that things don't fall, tip over, or accidentally change places.

In civil constructions

In the same way, the builders of the buildings we inhabit make sure that they do not collapse or experience movements that endanger the lives of the inhabitants..

These principles are also applied in the construction of roads and bridges..

In machine design

Statics is also applied in the design and construction of parts for machinery.

Some parts are obviously mobile, but others are not. That is why the engineers make sure very well that the machinery built does not collapse, explode or crumble in any way..

Figure 3.- The Enola Gay at the National Air & Space Museum in Washington DC. The principles of Statics were used to hang it from cables attached to the ceiling of the showroom. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Main laws of statics

The foundation of Statics is the study of the forces and the actions they exert through Newton's three laws of Mechanics:

Newton's first law

A body remains at rest, or in uniform rectilinear motion, unless an unbalanced force causes it to change its state of motion..

Second law of Newton

The sum of the forces acting on a body, called the resultant force FR, equals the product of the mass m (a scalar) times acceleration to (a vector).

For statics Newton's second law takes the form:

FR = 0

Since rest or uniform rectilinear motion results in zero acceleration.

Newton's third law

If body 1 exerts a force on body 2, called F12, body 2 in turn exerts a force on body 1, denoted as Ftwenty-one, in such a way that F12 Y Ftwenty-one have the same intensity and opposite direction:

F12 = - Ftwenty-one

The torque or moment of a force

We said earlier that it is possible that forces, although they do not cause translational movement to the body, can, depending on the way they are applied, cause it to rotate.

Well, the physical magnitude that determines whether a body rotates or not is called torque or moment of a force, denoted as M.

The torque or moment of a force F depends on the intensity of this, the vector that goes from the point of application of the same to the axis of rotation, and finally, the angle of application. All this through the cross product or vector product between r Y F:

M = r x (SI units: N.m)

An object can rotate about different axes, therefore the moment is always calculated about a particular axis. And for the body to remain static, it is necessary that all moments are zero.

Equilibrium conditions

They are the necessary conditions for a rigid solid to be in static equilibrium, which is why they are known as the equilibrium conditions:

First equilibrium condition

The sum of the forces acting on the body must cancel out. In mathematical form:

Fi = 0

As for the forces that act on a body, these are divided into internal and external.

Internal forces are responsible for keeping the body cohesive. For example, a car is made up of many parts, which, when correctly articulated, make the machinery move as a whole, thanks to the internal forces between the joints of the parts..

For their part, external forces are those exerted by other bodies on the object under study..

In the example of the car, the forces can be the weight, exerted by the Earth, the support provided by the surface, applied to the wheels and the friction between the tires and the pavement.

In addition, Statics considers a number of supports, reactions and ties, depending on the elements considered and the possibilities of movement that exist..

Second equilibrium condition

The summation of the moments around an arbitrary axis also has to be annulled, which we express as follows:

Mi = 0

When equilibrium conditions are applied to a body in the plane, the forces must be decomposed into the two Cartesian components x and y. In doing so, two equations are obtained, one for each component.

The second equilibrium condition allows us, through the moments, to add a third equation.

On the other hand, for three-dimensional objects the number of equations rises to 6.

It should be noted that compliance with the equilibrium conditions is necessary to ensure the static equilibrium of a body..

But it is not enough, since there are cases in which these conditions are fulfilled, but we cannot ensure that the object is in equilibrium. This is what happens when there is relative movement between the parts of the object, that is, the solid is partially bound.


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