Research study what it is, types and examples

Robert Johnston

A investigation study It is all cognitive procedure characterized by having a systematic structure and with the main purpose of answering a question or elucidating a hypothesis. This allows you to increase your knowledge of a particular topic..

The main general functions of a research study are the expansion of knowledge, the improvement of the quality of life, promoting the approach to the truth, correcting errors, favoring the progress of humanity and promoting new discoveries..

Research studies are characterized by being systematized. Source: pixabay, com

Likewise, the research study is of great importance for humanity because it contributes to combat misinformation, stimulates critical thinking and is a guide in decision-making.

A fundamental characteristic of the research study is that it involves a series of operations, rules and steps to follow that have been previously set by the researcher voluntarily and reflectively, and that according to his point of view can help him achieve his stated objectives..

Research studies usually have different typologies; however, theoretical and applied study are the most prominent types. These are the ones that answer most of the generalities.

The theoretical study is one that seeks to increase knowledge about a certain area without evaluating the specific applicability of its results. On the other hand, the study of applied research does focus on obtaining strategies that allow you to achieve an achievement or solve a specific situation.

Examples of research studies can be found in practically all areas of knowledge, such as science, when research is used to determine the mechanisms that produce disease; or in technology, when the research study is used to develop artifacts that make people's lives easier.

Article index

  • 1 What is a research study?
    • 1.1 The chosen topic should be useful
    • 1.2 It is based on observation
    • 1.3 Documentary support
    • 1.4 It has a very defined theme
    • 1.5 A route of action and objectives are proposed
    • 1.6 Relies on structured data and samples
    • 1.7 It has several presentation modalities
  • 2 Types of research study
    • 2.1 Theoretical
    • 2.2 Applied
    • 2.3 Exploratory
    • 2.4 Descriptive
    • 2.5 Explanatory
    • 2.6 Qualitative
    • 2.7 Quantitative
    • 2.8 Experimental
    • 2.9 Quasi experimental
    • 2.10 Non-experimental
    • 2.11 Deductive
    • 2.12 Inductive
    • 2.13 Hypothetical-deductive
    • 2.14 Longitudinal
    • 2.15 Transversal
  • 3 Examples
    • 3.1 Difference between printed reading or digital reading
    • 3.2 Bullying and school performance
    • 3.3 Population census
    • 3.4 Surveys
  • 4 References

What is a research study?

The research study consists of a series of steps, systematically structured by the researcher, that facilitate the path towards obtaining the objectives that are set once he decides to undertake a study.

Although this structure may vary depending on the study carried out, there are certain general characteristics in all research studies. These tools are based on the delimitation of an action plan that contains elements that are common. We will describe the most prominent ones below:

The chosen topic should be useful

At first, a study area must be selected. The researcher determines an idea, a field of action or a context on which to focus.

After defining the topic, it is superficially analyzed and it is established if it has a relevant utility for society or if it has already been investigated previously. If relevant, then the focus of the study needs to be defined..

It is based on observation

The research study consists primarily of knowing and delving into the object that is intended to be addressed. Therefore, observation is essential for these purposes because only in this way can the object of study be truly understood.

Documentary support

Another necessary aspect in the framework of a research study is the bibliographic consultation. The researcher must rely on texts or any other document that addresses issues related to the area of ​​study treated. This is to support, document and support the research..

Likewise, it is pertinent to consult specialists and experts in the field who can contribute in delimiting the object of study of the research.

It has a very defined theme

The definition of the topic allows to have a specific object of study on which the research will focus. It serves to guide and assess all the information that is collected.

A route of action and objectives are proposed

In a research study, the design of objectives and the formulation of hypotheses are necessary. Variables are also identified to establish the research plan; This plan must contain the means, instruments and procedures that will be used in the development of the study..

Relies on structured data and samples

A research study takes a sample from the population or items to be investigated, and bases its results on specific data that can be corroborated. It is this information that will allow the researcher to respond to that hypothesis that was raised at the beginning of the study..

The optimal organization of said data is essential to be able to interpret the results in an adequate way.

It has several presentation modalities

The results of a research study can be presented to both scientific and non-scientific audiences.

Depending on the audience, the language of the study must be adapted, so that everyone can fully understand what the actions were carried out and what implications the results obtained bring..

Types of research study


The main purpose of the theoretical study is to obtain knowledge. However, within this type of research, the applicability of the results is not a primary goal.. 


The applied study focuses on achieving a certain objective that has immediate real functionality. Therefore, it is not intended to theorize about some aspect but to focus on a specific problem and solve it.


This type of study is carried out in a field or area of ​​knowledge that has been little or nothing explored. That is why we speak of exploratory or first approach research.


Descriptive research moves away from the causes and consequences of a specific phenomenon or event. On the contrary, it focuses on describing it as much as possible with the intention of knowing its characteristics in depth.


This type of research is the most used in scientific studies. It is based on looking for what the phenomena consist of and, above all, why they occur.


It is based on the collection of non-quantifiable data, so it generally addresses descriptive or evaluative aspects.


Quantitative research focuses on the analysis of a certain phenomenon and is carried out in a context in which the elements are perfectly measurable..


The experimental study focuses on the management of variables under strictly controlled conditions, reproducing a specific phenomenon and validating the effect produced by the variables involved..

Quasi experimental

This type of research is similar in many respects to the previous one; however, in the quasi-experimental study there is no total control of the variables.

Not experimental

The non-experimental study is characterized especially because there is no control over the variables. It is based on observation.


A deductive investigation is one in which certain general premises are used to infer what could happen in a particular situation..


In this study, general conclusions are obtained from observations of particular events. The intention is to validate premises, give scientific support to the probabilities that are being considered within a given study.


This type of research is based on the generation of hypotheses, which are achieved through an inductive observation procedure. The hypotheses found must be verified through experimentation.


Longitudinal research has as an essential characteristic that it monitors certain processes or subjects for a specific time. In this way it allows to evaluate the development of the variables.


The cross-sectional study is an investigation that compares situations or characteristics in different subjects during the same time.


In most cases, the characteristics of different types of research can be found in the same study. Below we will describe some examples where we can appreciate this:

Difference between print reading or digital reading

Two American scientists, Mary Flanagan and Geoff Kaufman, carried out a research study in 2016 through which they sought to differentiate print and digital reading, focusing on the effects generated on readers..

The most outstanding data of this study showed that 66% of the paper readers demonstrated to have understood the reading better than those who read digital texts.

Bullying and school performance

Álvaro Miranda and Dante Contreras are Chilean economists who in 2018 carried out a research study related to how bullying affects school performance and, consequently, the achievement of optimal human capital.

This study also confirmed that to the extent that there is more inequality in terms of economic resources, there will be more school violence.

Population census

A recurring research study corresponds to the censuses carried out on the population. These are intended to determine the exact number of people who live in a certain geographical area.

These results are of great importance because they allow making projections and promoting social improvements that have a real positive impact on populations..


This investigative process is commonly developed through structured questionnaires, which have been carried out with the intention that the public contribute to the researcher's object of study..

Depending on the purpose of the study, respondents can offer their opinion on something or specific data related to the object studied.

Once this information is obtained, the researcher must use statistical tools in order to analyze the data obtained and generate conclusions that can be considered valid and representative..


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