I leave you a list of pretty phrases to have a happy doctor's day; They will serve you to dedicate, reflect and congratulate. Doctors are one of the most important and highly trained professionals, as they help us safeguard our health, one of our most valuable attributes..
Doctor's Day is celebrated in Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela, and other non-Latin American countries. You may also be interested in these phrases about health.
-People love doctors who love people; Before being a good doctor, be a good person. -Antonia Valles.
-Medicine is for those who cannot imagine doing anything else. -Dr. Luanda Gazette.
-Each patient brings within him his own doctor. -Norman Cousins.
-Wear your white coat with pride and dignity, it is an honor and a privilege to serve the public as a physician. -Bill H. Warren.
-You save the lives of many. May you always have health and your life is full of surprises. Happy doctor's day.
-Blessed is the one who studies to learn, the one who studies to teach, but more so who does it to heal. Happy doctor's day.
-Not all heroes have super powers and wear capes. Some have sleepless hours, years of study, and a white coat! Happy doctor's day.
-I don't know how to express my gratitude. I can only wish you all the professional success you deserve as a doctor, and also in your personal life. Happy day!
-The art of medicine consists in keeping the patient in a good state of mind while nature heals him. -Voltaire.
-Who saves a life, saves the whole world.
-Thank you for the clarity and kindness of your words. If all doctors were like you, the world would be a different place.
-When we cry, we need a shoulder. When we are in pain, we need medicine. But when we are in a tragedy, we need you for hope. Happy doctor's day.
-The mark of a real doctor is usually illegible.
-Not everyone has the opportunity to thank their doctors. Today I thank God for having such a great doctor in my life. Thank you for everything you have done for me.
-A doctor never goes home at the end of the day thinking that he has not done something worthwhile and important. -Suneel Dhand.
-We know and appreciate your sleepless nights, your uncomfortable schedules, your effort, the sacrifices of personal activities for your work. For all that dedication: Congratulations on your day and enjoy it!!
-Kindness and sensitivity are not signs of weakness and despair, but signs of strength and resolve. -Gibran Khalil Gibran.
-Only those who consider cure as the ultimate goal of their efforts can be called physicians. -Rudolf Virchow.
-Medicine is a tough profession, but everything is forgotten when you help a sick person feel better and they give you a beautiful smile. Happy doctor's day!
-You are an instrument of God to save the lives of hundreds of people, make the lives of others easier and to heal the wounds of thousands. Happy doctor's day!
-Not everyone can become a doctor, because not everyone has the knowledge, skills, and patience to offer their services altruistically to their patients. I wish you a happy doctor's day.
-Being a physician offers the most complete and constant union of three qualities that enchant pure and active minds: innovation, usefulness and charity. -Sir James Paget.
-To solve a difficult problem in medicine, do not study it directly, but you must have a curious nature and the rest will happen. -Roger Kornberg.
-The art of healing requires knowledge, effort and self-denial. It requires vocation, work and solidarity. Inspire respect and appreciation. Congratulations to those who give their best every day through the art of healing!
-Dear physician, I feel confident and secure when I know that I am in your hands. He has always been a savior for me, and I thank him on this wonderful occasion, on his day..
-There are no true words with the power to express our appreciation for being such a generous human being and the best physician. Best wishes to you on your day.
-The dedicated doctor knows that he must be both scientific and humanitarian; his most agonizing decisions are in the field of human relations. -David B. Allman.
-There are days when you feel bad, but then we have wonderful doctors like you who are always there to get us back in shape and make us feel happy and healthy..
-The most difficult thing in the art of medicine is not to save from death, but to save from disease.
-You inspire many with your life. The love and care that you offer to your patients is something that all individuals should learn. Happy doctor's day.
-Not everyone can say they have the best doctor in the world. And I'm glad I can say it with complete confidence. Thank you! Happy doctor's day!
-While physicians are not gods, they are instruments of God. Happy doctor's day.
-Happy doctor's day to our heroes dressed in white and with stethoscope who do a great job in the service of health.
-Men cannot get closer to the gods than when they offer health to other men. -Marco Tulio Cicero.
-I have no words to express my gratitude. You were a great help and you became an idol for me. Thank you doctor for saving me. Have a great time on your day!
-Heal sometimes, treats frequently, but always brings comfort. -Hippocrates.
-The good doctor treats disease; but the excellent doctor is one who treats the patient with the disease. -William Osler.
-It is your actions that make us proud. It is great to have a doctor in the family. I wish you a happy doctor's day.
-Only the physician can identify and treat the diseases of mankind. He is the only person who can give us hope when we are broke.
-The supreme art of medicine is to align a man's will against his illness. -Henry Ward Beecher.
-You are the most dedicated doctor I have ever known. The care and love you give to those you serve make you the best human being. Happy doctor's day.
-Where the art of medicine is loved, there is also love for humanity. -Hippocrates.
-A good doctor is one who, in addition to giving you the cure for your ills, gives you calm when hopelessness overwhelms you, someone like you, dear doctor and friend.
-A doctor becomes a trusted friend and supporter. Thank you, my gratitude is immense for all you have done for me. -Aldous Huxley.
-Only a life lived for others is worthwhile. -Albert Einstein.
-When I was discouraged, you gave me strength by helping me become a healthy person. Thanks for everything doctor.
-What makes someone a doctor is not the gown, a suit or what they put on, but what is behind all that.
-I was lucky enough to choose him as a doctor and I am grateful for every moment spent. Having a good doctor is like having a great angel. Happy Doctor's Day! -Euricio Cordo.
-Not many people have the opportunity to say that they have a doctor as good as mine. Thank you for everything you have done for me, I am happy to have found a doctor like you.
-Thank you for having returned my smile and the opportunity to dream. I will never forget his serene face, his calm voice and his skillful hand, capable of overcoming the bad state in which my heart was. Happy Doctor's Day! -Roberto Sáez.
-Only a doctor is blessed with the ability to treat a life, bring us health and be there with us when we have asked for all hopes.
-Body and soul cannot be separated for treatment purposes, as they are one indivisible entity. Both diseased minds and bodies must be healed.
-With regard to illness, get in the habit of doing one of two things: helping, or at least not hurting. -Hippocrates.
-The best doctor is the person most inspiring of hope. -Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
-Happy doctor's day! Make it a unique and special day as it deserves. I wish you many blessings in your life and career. Thanks.
-People will trust and believe in you, and they will appreciate your efforts. You can do great things for people if you don't let the world put you off. -Wes Fischer.
-Your dedication, patience and perseverance make you an extremely special being […] In a situation of illness and vulnerability, you are the cool head that can save a life. Happy doctor's day!
-In the sick room, ten cents of human understanding is worth ten dollars of medical science. -Martin H. Fischer.
-Savior of many, and even called "the hands of God." Thank you for choosing this profession and saving the lives of many. Happy doctor's day.
-Life is short, art is long, opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, and judgment difficult.
-Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. So if you love what you do, you will be successful. -Albert Scheitzer.
-Doctors wear white because many of them, like you, are like angels of health.
-Thank you for being so much more than I ever thought I'd find in a doctor. You are a wonderful person and you have made a huge difference in my life, and for that, I am grateful..
-Your work for health and life reflects your vocation and dedication to heal. The tenacity you show makes us respect your investiture, your dedication to the common good. Have a happy doctor's day!
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