The fluids They are continuous media whose molecules are not as bound as in solids, and therefore have greater mobility. Both liquids and gases are fluids and some, such as air and water, are of vital importance, as they are necessary to maintain life.
Examples of fluids are water, superfluid helium, or blood plasma. There are materials that appear solid, but nevertheless exhibit the characteristics that fluids have, for example tar. By placing a brick on top of a large piece of tar, it is observed that it sinks little by little until it reaches the bottom.
Some plastics also appear to be solid, but are actually extremely high viscosity fluids, capable of flowing extremely slowly..
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Fluids are mainly characterized by:
-Have a greater separation between its molecules compared to solids. In the case of liquids, the molecules still maintain some cohesion, while in gases they interact much less.
-Flow or drain, when shear forces act on them. Fluids do not resist stress, therefore they deform continuously and permanently when one is applied to them.
-Adapt to the shape of the container that contains them and if it is gases, they immediately expand until they cover the entire volume of the same. Furthermore, if they can, the molecules will quickly escape from the container..
-Gases are easily compressible, that is, their volume can be easily changed. On the other hand, to modify the volume of a liquid requires more effort, for this reason they are considered incompressible in a wide range of pressures and temperatures.
-Liquids have a flat free surface when the pressure acting on them is constant. At atmospheric pressure, for example, the surface of a lake without waves is flat.
The macroscopic behavior of a fluid is described by several concepts, the main ones being: density, specific weight, relative density, pressure, compressibility modulus and viscosity. Let's see what each one consists of briefly.
In a continuous medium such as a fluid, it is not easy to keep track of a single particle or molecule, so instead of working with the mass of one, it is preferred to do it with density, a characteristic that concerns the fluid as a whole..
Density is defined as the ratio of mass to volume. Denoting the density with the Greek letter ρ, the mass m and the volume V:
ρ = m / V
When the density varies from one point of the fluid to another, the expression is used:
ρ = dm / dV
In the International System of Units, density is measured in kg / m3.
The density of any substance in general is not constant. All when heated undergo expansion, except water, which expands when frozen.
However, in liquids the density remains almost constant over a wide range of pressures and temperatures, although gases do experience variations more easily, since they are more compressible..
Specific gravity is defined as the quotient between the magnitude of the weight and the volume. Therefore it is related to the density, since the magnitude of the weight is mg. Denoting the specific weight with the Greek letter γ, we have:
γ = mg / V
The unit of specific gravity in the International System of Units is the newton / m3 and in terms of density, the specific gravity can be expressed like this:
γ = ρg
Water and air are the most important fluids for life, so they serve as a benchmark for others.
In liquids, the relative density is defined as the quotient between the mass of a portion of fluid and the mass of an equal volume of water (distilled) at 4 ºC and 1 atmosphere of pressure.
In practice, it is calculated by making the quotient between the density of the fluid and that of water under these conditions (1 g / cm3 or 1000 kg / m3), therefore the relative density is a dimensionless quantity.
It is denoted as ρr or sg for specific gravity, which translates as specific gravity, another name for relative density:
sg = ρfluid / ρWater
For example, a substance with sg = 2.5 is 2.5 times heavier than water.
In gases, the relative density is defined in the same way, but instead of using water as a reference, the density of air equal to 1,225 kg / m is used.3 at 1 atmosphere pressure and 15 ºC.
A fluid consists of innumerable particles in constant motion, capable of exerting force on a surface, for example that of the container that contains them. The mean pressure P that the fluid exerts on any flat surface of area A is defined through the quotient:
P = F┴/TO
Where F┴ is the perpendicular component of the force, therefore pressure is a scalar quantity.
If the force is not constant, or the surface is not flat, then the pressure is defined by:
p = dF / dA
The SI unit of pressure is the newton / mtwo, called Pascal and abbreviated Pa, in honor of the French physicist Blaise Pascal.
However, in practice many other units are used, either for historical or geographical reasons or also according to the field of study. Units of the British system or imperial system are used very frequently in English-speaking countries. For the pressure in this system the psi or pound-force / inchtwo.
When a portion of fluid is subjected to a volume stress, it decreases somewhat. This decrease is proportional to the effort expended, the constant of proportionality being the modulus of compressibility Or simply compressibility.
If B is the compressibility modulus, ΔP the pressure change and ΔV / V the unit volume change, then mathematically:
B = ΔP / (ΔV / V)
The unit change in volume is dimensionless, as it is the quotient between two volumes. In this way compressibility has the same units of pressure.
As said at the beginning, gases are easily compressible fluids, while liquids are not, therefore they have compressibility moduli comparable to those of solids..
A moving fluid can be modeled by thin layers that move relative to each other. Viscosity is the friction that exists between them.
To print movement to the fluid, a shear stress (not very large) is applied to a section, the friction between layers prevents the disturbance from reaching the deeper layers.
In this model, if the force is applied to the surface of the fluid, the speed decreases linearly in the lower layers until it vanishes at the bottom, where the fluid is in contact with the surface at rest of the container that contains it..
Mathematically it is expressed by saying that the magnitude of the shear stress τ is proportional to the variation of speed with depth, which is denoted as Δv / Δy. The constant of proportionality is the dynamic viscosity μ of the fluid:
τ = μ (Δv / Δy)
This expression is known as Newton's law of viscosity and the fluids that follow it (some do not follow this model) are called Newtonian fluids..
In the International System the units of dynamic viscosity are Pa.s, but the poise, abbreviated P, which is equal to 0.1 Pa.s.
Fluids are classified according to various criteria, the presence or absence of friction is one of them:
Its density is constant, it is incompressible and its viscosity is zero. It is also irrotational, that is, no whirlwinds are formed inside. And finally, it is stationary, which means that all the fluid particles that pass through a certain point have the same speed.
In the layers of real fluids there are frictions and therefore viscosity, they can also be compressible, although as we have said, liquids are incompressible in a wide range of pressures and temperatures..
Another criterion establishes that fluids can be Newtonian and non-Newtonian, depending on the viscosity model that they follow:
They fulfill Newton's law of viscosity:
τ = μ (Δv / Δy)
They do not comply with Newton's law of viscosity, so their behavior is more complex. They are classified in turn into fluids with viscosity independent of time and those with viscosity time dependent, even more complex.
Water is a Newtonian fluid, although under certain conditions the ideal fluid model describes its behavior very well..
It is a good example of a time-independent non-Newtonian fluid, specifically pseudoplastic fluids, in which the viscosity increases a lot with the applied shear stress, but then, as the velocity gradient increases, it stops increasing progressively..
It takes a lot of shear stress for these types of fluids to start flowing. Then the viscosity is kept constant. This type of fluid is called bingham fluid. Toothpaste and some paints also fall into this category..
It is a fluid that is used to pave roads and as a waterproofing agent. Has the behavior of a Bingham fluid.
Totally lacks viscosity, but at temperatures close to absolute zero.
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