Phrases to achieve something impossible

Alexander Pearson
Phrases to achieve something impossible

1. Everything seems impossible until it is achieved. Nelson Mandela

2. To believe that something is impossible is to make it impossible. French proverb

3. Most of our dreams seem impossible at first. Afterwards they seem unlikely. And finally, when we gather all our strength, they become inevitable. Christopher reeve

4. I usually believe in 6 impossible things before breakfast. Lewis Carroll

5. One of two: either it's easy or it's impossible. Salvador Dali

6. For the shy or the doubting, everything is impossible because it seems that way. Sir Walter Scott

7. The word impossible is not in my dictionary. Napoleon bonaparte

8. Impossible just means you haven't found the solution yet. Anonymous

9. No one gets very far unless they accomplish the impossible once a day.. Elbert hubbard

10. That something seems impossible to you does not mean that it seems impossible to others. Marcus Aurelius

eleven.What we think is possible or impossible depends more on what we think about ourselves than on the true nature of the problem.. Anthony Robbins

12. The only place your dreams are impossible is in your thoughts.Robert Schuller

13. Those who think positively can see the invisible, touch the intangible and achieve the impossible. Anonymous

14. To achieve the impossible you first have to aim for the absurd. Miguel de Cervantes

15. There is only one thing capable of making a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.. Paulo Coelho

16. Think and act as if failure is impossible. Charles F. Kettering

17. It is quite fun to do the impossible. Walt disney

18. Those who claim that it is impossible should not interrupt those who are trying. Thomas alva edison

19. Since they did not know that it was impossible, they did it. Anonymous

20. If you believe that something is impossible, you will make it impossible. Bruce Lee

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