Realistic Phrases of Life and Love

Alexander Pearson
Realistic Phrases of Life and Love

When something is realistic it means that it is based on reality, on what is observed in the world and that it is not based on imagination or invention. If you are a realistic person, it means that your ideas and thoughts are supported by facts.

Being realistic is sometimes an advantage and sometimes a disadvantage. When you want to achieve something difficult, very creative or exceptional, it is preferable to be realistic. However, when you have already proven that something is not possible and by continuing to try you have negative consequences, it is preferable to be realistic.

The best phrases about being realistic

These realistic phrases They will help you reflect and think about this attitude in life, work, relationships and in love. You can see what ideas great artists and thinkers such as Walt Disney, Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Mark Twain, Jean Cocteau, Ayn Rand, Soren Kierkegaard and many more had about it..

-Being realistic is the most commonly taken journey towards mediocrity.-Will Smith.

-Be realistic: plan for a miracle.-Osho.

-Always follow your passion. Never wonder if it is realistic or not.-Deepak Chopra.

-If you want to be mediocre, be realistic.

-Be realistic about what your life is. Let go of what was. Have faith in the future.

-We all have two lives. The second begins when we are realistic that we only have one.

-Set realistic goals, keep reevaluating, and be consistent.-Venus Williams.

-The story is made by realists who are not afraid to dream. Let's be these people.-Tzipi Livni.

-Face reality as it is, not as it was or how you would like it to be.-Jack Welch.

-If you don't want disappointment, be realistic and have no expectations.

-Be realistic about the harshness of life, but also about the beauty in the world.

-Realistic is a simple word that conveys a lack of effort, motivation, desire and passion..

-A good way to overcome the problems in our lives is to approach them with a positive and realistic attitude..

-Being negative and being realistic are two different things..

-Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.

-Turn off your hearing when someone tells you to be realistic.

-You create reality yourself, don't let someone tell you what is realistic and what is not.

-Be realistic and the next day you will find yourself in the crowd. Have dreams and the next day you will be in front of the crowd.

-Sometimes the only realists are the dreamers.-Paul Wellstone.

-Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Do not resist. Let reality be reality.-Lao Tzu.

-The leader has to be practical and realistic, but must speak the language of the visionary and the idealist.-Eric Hoffer.

-Reality leaves much to the imagination.-John Lennon.

-Reality exists in the human mind and nowhere else.-George Orwell.

-The human mind cannot bear reality much.-T. S. Eliot.

-The more real you are, the more unreal the world will be.-John Lennon.

-Only big dreams inspire, reasonable dreams inspire no one.-Mario Alonso Puig.

-The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects change; The realist adjusts the sails.-William Arthur.

-We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.-Ayn Rand. 

-Being realistic in love will not give you a fairy tale story, but it will give you one that can last a lifetime..

-Choose a goal, make a realistic plan to achieve it, work on each step of the plan and repeat.-Georges St-Pierre.

-When you are young, try to be realistic; as you get older, become idealistic. You will live longer.-Anthony J. D'Angelo.

-I always like to look at the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.-Walt Disney.

-Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.-Soren Kierkegaard.

-Don't be afraid to check reality. Taking risks is fine, but you have to be realistic.-Joy Mangano.

-Sometimes you have to put on your realistic glasses and see who you are.-Will Muschamp.

-True realism consists in revealing the surprising things that habit keeps covered and prevents us from seeing.-Jean Cocteau. 

-Being in control of your life and having real expectations about the challenges of your day to day, are the keys to stress control.-Marilu Henner.

-People with a sense of humor tend to be less self-centered, more realistic in their worldview, and more humble in times of success.-Bob Newhart.

-Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.-Pablo Picasso.

-Realism is a dirty word. In a sense everything is realistic. I see no line between the imaginary and the real.-Federico Fellini.

-Our ambitions should be realistic. You have to realize that you can do everything.-Mukesh Ambani.

-What we like to think of ourselves and what we are rarely have much in common.-Stephen King.

-Sometimes memories are realities, and they are better than anything that can happen again.-Willa Sibert Cather.

-If someone only caused you pain despite giving you opportunities, be realistic and let it go.

-It is much more difficult to kill a ghost than a reality.-Virginia Woolf.

-Nothing remains, everything changes. It's not being negative, it's being realistic.

-Don't go around saying that the world owes you a life. The world owes you nothing. I was here before.-Mark Twain.

-The feeling for things in themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for paintings.-Vincent van Gogh.

-People who encourage you to be realistic are likely to want you to accept their version of reality..

-Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, does not disappear.-Philip K. Dick.

-As long as you can imagine it, it is realistic.-Renate Vullings.

-Our generation has a great deal of realism, yet at the same time loves to complain and not change. Because, when it changes, it will have nothing to complain about.-Tori Amos.

-There are no impossible things or realistic things. There are things that require more work and things that are easier to do..

-Sometimes when you quit someone it's not because you don't care anymore, but because you realize that you don't matter to them anymore..

-You create reality, if you want to create and achieve different things from others, do different things from others.

-Being realistic is the most boring thing in the world, it means that you will accept your circumstances as they are, and that you will not try to achieve anything exceptional.

-The madness of one person is the reality of another.-Tim Burton.

-Dream big dreams, but never forget that realistic short-term goals are the keys to success.-Mac Anderson.

-You know that you are in love when you cannot fall asleep because finally reality is better than your dreams.-Dr. Seuss.

-We all die. The goal is not to live forever. The goal is to create something that can survive forever.-Chuck Palanhiuk.

-Sometimes an appropriate response to reality is insanity.-Philip K. Dick.

-I believe in anything until someone proves it's not true. I believe in fairies, in myths, in dragons. They all exist, even if it's only in your mind.-John Lennon.

-Your feelings are part of you, your own reality. If you are ashamed of them and hide them, then you are letting society destroy your reality.-Jim Morrison.

-It's funny how human beings can make their minds take a fact and fit it into their own version of reality.-Rick Riordan.

-Thinking about something does not make it true. Wishing for something does not make it real.-Michelle Hodkin.

-Reality is nothing more than an illusion, although it is a fairly persistent one.-Albert Einstein.

-People are afraid of themselves, of their reality, of their feelings.-Jim Morrison.

-Who says dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? -John Lennon.

-People try to hide the pain, but that is wrong. It's something to keep in mind.-Jim Morrison.

-The reality does not impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy. When ordinary life chains me, I escape one way or another. No more walls.-Anaïs Nin.

-The more we focus on the wonders and realities of the universe, the less we will like destruction.-Rachel Carson.

-Scars have the power to remind us what part of our past is real.-Cormac McCarthy.

-The real world is where the monsters are.-Rick Riordan.

-If there are several realities, are there some more true, more real than the others? -Philip K. Dick.

-Imagination is the only weapon we have against reality.-Lewis Carroll.

-Reality is often not accurate.-Douglas Adams.

-Fiction reveals the truth that reality obscures.-Jessamyn West.

-Words can be molded into any shape.-Karen Marie Moning.

-Deep in the human unconscious there is a need to live a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.-Frank Herbert.

-If you've never eaten while crying, then you don't know what reality tastes like.-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

-The most ingenious trick of the devil is to persuade people that he does not exist.-Charles Baudelaire.

-Nothing is real until it is experienced.-John Keats.

-When I am locked in a room, my imagination becomes the universe.-Criss Jami.

-Anyone who does not believe in miracles is unrealistic.-David Ben-Gurion.

-Life without any wonder is flat and stale.-David Eddings.

-The realist sees reality as cement. Optimism sees reality as clay.-Robert Breault.

-The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to understand.-Robertson Davies.

-It makes no sense to use the word "impossible" to describe something that clearly has happened.-Douglas Adams.

-Nothing is real.-John Lennon.

-Reality can be overcome with enough imagination.-Mark Twain.

-In real life they don't give you explanations. They only give you moments that are absolutely and inexplicably strange.-Neil Gaiman.

-The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of true art and science.-Albert Einstein.

-They promised us suffering. They were part of the program.-C. S. Lewis.

-In dreams, it is difficult to have accidents and if they happen, they do not hurt. The reality is different. Reality bites. -Haruki Murakami.

-The keys to patience are acceptance and faith.-Ralph Marston.

-The appearance of things changes according to our emotions. Therefore, we see magic and beauty in them, when in reality magic and beauty are in ourselves.-Kahlil Gibran.

-Life is much stranger than any human mind can invent.-Arthur Conan Doyle.

-I work for a better world, but also a realistic one.

-Happiness is overrated. It is more realistic to be at peace and satisfied with life.

-It's curious; everyone says be realistic, look for a job, forget about your dreams and that working to get rich is not worth it because money does not matter. However, those same people I see later buying the lottery.-Myke Wraseski.

-If you tell a person your dream and they tell you to be realistic, it is not because it is impossible to achieve. It is because he has neither the energy nor the motivation to get what you want..

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