Fraxinus uhdei or wild ash is an evergreen tree that belongs to the Oleaceae family. This plant can reach 30 meters high and present a compact crown. Ash is a native tree of Mexico with wide distribution in this and other countries of Central and South America.
Fraxinus uhdei It is a tree-growing plant that has a mean longitudinal range of 15 to 20 meters. The leaves of the ash tree usually measure 25 cm in length on average and the trunk is straight and develops ascending branches..
Ash flowers are unisexual and are grouped in panicles. The fruit is winged with a yellow-brown seed..
It is a native tree of Mexico, but it is possible to find it in other countries in the region, as well as South America. Its habitat corresponds to gallery forests with a temperate climate and is frequently associated with other tree species.
Ash is used as an ornamental tree and its wood is used for handicrafts and for the manufacture of agricultural implements..
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The ash tree is a dioecious perennial tree that usually grows up to 15 or 20 meters in height, being able to measure up to 30 meters in some individuals. The stem is straight and has an average diameter at chest height of 1 meter. Meanwhile, the cup of F. uhdei has a rounded shape and a compact appearance distally.
Ash leaves are pinnate compound and arranged alternately. Each leaf is 20 to 30 cm long and contains five to nine loose pinnae. Each pinna is ovate-lanceolate in shape and has an entire, serrated margin towards the apex..
The flowers of Fraxinus uhdei they are unisexual and are grouped in large panicles 12 to 20 meters long. In addition, the flowers are devoid of petals and are pollinated by the wind. The female flowers consist of a calyx and a pistil, the male flowers contain two stamens with elongated anthers and a small calyx..
The fruits of the ash tree, called samaras, are elongated and contain flattened wings of fibrous tissue. These fruits develop in dense clusters measuring 15-20 cm in length. Each fruit contains a seed 2 to 6 cm long and 0.5 cm thick; also the seeds have a thin yellow-brown wing.
- Kingdom: Plantae.
- Subkingdom: Viridiplantae.
- Under realm: Streptophyte.
- Super division: Embryophyte.
- Division: Tracheophyte.
- Subdivision: Euphylophytin.
- Infra division: Lignofita.
- Class: Spermatophyte.
- Subclass: Magnoliofita.
- Superorder: Asteranae.
- Order: Lamiales.
- Family: Oleaceae.
- Tribe: Oleeae.
- Subtribe: Fraxininae
- Gender: Fraxinus.
- Species: Fraxinus uhdei (Wenzig) Lingelsh.
Synonyms: F. americana L. var. uhdei Wenzig, F. cavekiana Standley & Steyerm., F. chiapensis Lundell, F. hondurensis Standley.
At the same time, Fraxinus uhdei corresponds to the Melioides section, which includes fifteen North American species. In this way, ash is the only member of the Uhdei group. The distinction of the groups within the Melioides section correspond to geographic patterns.
Fraxinus uhdei it frequents the slopes and to a lesser extent the banks of rivers. In addition, it is frequently found in areas with temperate climates and develops optimally in clay, sandy, fertile and very deep soils..
From the ecological point of view, this species is very important since it is the only one of the genus found in the wild and because it is associated with the ecological units of oak forest, gallery forest, pine forest and mountain mesophilic forest.
For its part, ash is frequently associated with Alnus sp., Cedrela sp., Ceiba sp., Salix sp., Ipomoea sp., Juniperus sp., Quercus sp., Ficus sp., and Cestrum sp.
This species is also known as the Mexican tropical ash or wild ash and is distributed from central Mexico to Guatemala. In addition, this tree has been introduced as an ornamental street tree in other countries of the American continent..
Climatologically this tree grows in regions with an average temperature of 15 to 25 ⁰C and with a precipitation range of 800 to 3000 mm per year..
Fraxinus uhdei It is widely used in reforestation programs and as an ornamental tree on the streets of some cities. In crafts this tree is used to make wooden toys and musical instruments.
In addition, the Mexican ash is used for the manufacture of agricultural instruments and for the realization of tool handles. Because its wood is of good quality, this tree is exploited for the manufacture of fine furniture..
It is also used in traditional medicine, since its bark is rich in an alkaloid called fraxin, which has fever-reducing properties. Likewise, local people have used parts of this tree to treat malaria..
From a socioeconomic point of view, this tree brings benefits to beekeepers since its flowers are honey-bearing.
The most recurrent disease that affects Mexican ash is leaf chlorosis, which is caused by an unidentified phytoplasma.
Symptoms of this disease include leaf chlorosis, abnormal leaf growth pattern, and crown and stem growth on mature plants. This disease can kill entire populations of this species.
Other pests include insects and fungi, being anthracnose a disease of high incidence since it attacks several parts of this tree, causing generalized rot and later death..
Likewise, the ash bug (Tropidosteptes chapingoensis) can cause massive defoliation in young individuals of F. uhdei. Loss of bark from mature Mexican ash plants is caused by Leperisinus fraxini. For their part, termites of the genus Kalotermes can cause severe damage to the wood of this tree.
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