Germán Dehesa Violante (1944-2010) was a Mexican writer, journalist, and broadcaster who also stood out for having broad participation in the social media. He was considered an important generator of opinion in the society of his country.
His literary work was abundant, characterized mainly by the use of simple language and the development of topics of collective interest. The most relevant Dehesa titles were: Goodbye to traps, The new adventures of The Little Prince, A Matter of Love Y You failed heart.
The writer carried out his journalistic work in various print media, but gained popularity with the column “La Gaceta del Ángel”. Germán Dehesa was highly appreciated in his country, both for his professionalism and for his personality endowed with a good sense of humor.
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Germán Dehesa was born on July 1, 1944 in Mexico City, specifically in the historic town of Tacubaya. As with some contemporary writers, data on their parents and relatives are scarce.
Dehesa's years of academic training were in the country's capital. At the age of seven he began studying at the Instituto México until 1959, when he finished high school. The following year he began high school at the Mexico University Center and graduated in 1962.
Dehesa was a lover of literature and passionate about writing. It was for this reason that he dedicated his life to developing texts to inform and entertain readers, some of his first publications were: Notebook Y The music of the years.
Shortly after completing his higher studies, the nascent writer joined the National Autonomous University of Mexico as a professor, a work he carried out for more than two decades. Journalism from various media and theater also joined the frequent activities of Germán Dehesa.
Although information on Dehesa's personal and family life is scarce, it is known that he was married twice. One of his wives was named Adriana Landeros, it was also known that he had four children: Mariana, Juana Inés, Andrés and Ángel.
Germán's charisma brought him to television in the eighties. In 1985 it aired with “La pillow” and “Mandarina mecanica”, both programs broadcast on the Imevisión channel, owned by the Mexican state. He also had an artistic and cultural night show called "The Angel of the Night", which took place in 1940..
One of the works that gave the writer the greatest popularity was the publication of the journalistic column "La Gaceta del Ángel", in which he disclosed his position on the social and political situation of the country. At times he also wrote about sports.
At the beginning of 2000, he became more critical when he annexed a section entitled "How did he sleep?" To demand that the authorities respond to the femicides in Ciudad Juárez. With such questions, Germán's publication became the favorite of the readers.
The writer was a connoisseur and lover of sports, qualities that led him to ESPN screens at the beginning of 2010. He stood out as a commentator on the program “Los capitanes de ESPN” along with personalities such as Rafael Puente and José Ramón “Joserra” Fernández.
In mid-2010, the writer was diagnosed with terminal cancer, information that he shared with his readers in "La Gaceta del Ángel." Unfortunately, he died on September 2 of that same year in Mexico City, at the age of sixty-six..
The journalistic work of Germán Dehesa was recognized in Spain through the Don Quijote Journalism Award, for the way in which he captured the language, that is, from its simplicity, popularity and brilliance. In his country he was recognized as a Distinguished Citizen on August 11, 2010.
The literary style of this Mexican writer was characterized by the use of a simple, precise and easily understood language. Regarding the theme that he developed, it was related to national events and especially to sports, politics and the social.
- Notebook.
- The music of the years.
- Goodbye to cheating.
- The family and other demolitions.
- What modes! Customs and habits.
- How do we manage? Medical record of corruption in Mexico.
- The New Adventures of The Little Prince.
- It is not enough to be a father.
- Traveler who are you going.
- A matter of love.
- Goodbye to cheating 2.
- The PRIsidents.
- You failed heart.
- Question of love.
- Tapadeus.
- The Belem Cabinet.
- Borges with music.
- You failed heart.
- Neruda, no doubt.
- Zedilleus.
- The lost coffers.
- The portico of the pigeons.
- Pact with boots.
- Crowned nuns.
- Letters to Santa Fox.
- When I'm 64.
- Permission to live.
- Green, white and red Mexican songbook.
This book by Dehesa is a compilation of family memories, so it was autobiographical in nature. The writer expressed feelings of love and longing for his loved ones. He also made reference to some traits of the Mexican family, in his opinion it was macho, cheerful, loving and supportive.
“Young friend, make no mistake, we are not studying and acquiring knowledge to impose ourselves on others, but to love, know and understand them better.
"Success, the accumulation of goods, fame, power are, in the best of cases, minor achievements and very frequently fatal deviations ... Our thing is to try to distribute a discipline, with justice and with lucid passion, true beauty and It is true that I have a terrifying beauty ... ".
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