Movie Genres How many are there and how are they classified

Egbert Haynes
Movie Genres How many are there and how are they classified

If you ask how many genres of movies are there, It is possible that you find yourself with a quite ambiguous answer, mainly because popularly there is not a clear distinction between genres and the different classifications that films have.

In general terms there are only ten widely studied and recognized film genres, but there are also different classifications that can get confusing if you are not clear about what is a gender and what is a classification.

Then, we briefly show you which and how many genres of films there are, and also you we will talk the different classifications and how they complement the genres.

It is also important to bear in mind that the genres mentioned below are the basis of film theory, but there are many films that combine two or more of these genres, delivering plots that escape the basic classification.

Existing movie genres

To the question, How many genres of movies are there? The specific answer is ten, although in some classifications we can find some extra elements, this is because they move away from the official canon and seek a more punctual classification, but basically all these new genres are framed in the basic genres.


Action films are those that implicitly carry scenes with choreography of melee fights and shooting, the action genre moves away from war or war, especially in its specific contexts and scripts based on subjectivity rather than in global social contexts..


Films made basically to laugh, contain all kinds of humor and it can be said that it is one of the most flexible genres in terms of its application, since humor can be combined with any of the genres that appear in this list.

Drama and suspense

Drama and suspense films can be quite interesting, deep down it is impossible to know what will happen next, that is the secret, you never know if you are in charge of a conspiracy, a psychopath, a ghost or any other type of event unexpected. Drama and suspense films can push viewers' emotions to the limit if their producers do it the right way..


Crime films differ from action films (although they can contain a lot of action) in the sense that the primary objective is to visualize the underworld of crime, which occurs alongside our daily world, mental and social realities of criminals and the crime novel or contrast film is framed.


Love, love, romance movies are quite attractive (Not only for women) since it is something that touches everyone, usually the romance genre blends perfectly with drama and comedy, in fact, romantic comedy is one of the most popular sub-genres of cinema.


It does not matter if it is in the desert, the sea, the jungle or some magical place, adventure films always take us to the most remote corners of the world or the universe. Perfect examples of this genre are the Jumanji or Indiana Jones films.


Fear is one of the emotions that generates the most contrast, most of us avoid it and look for it at the same time, that is why the horror genre is one of the most desired and of which production is constantly generated, always seeking to move the fibers more internal fear of each person.

Within the horror genre we can make a small subcategory with scary movies based on real events.


A classic of the film genres, musicals are the perfect combination between film and the choreography we see in the theater, some films have a perfect handling of this kind of thing and you hardly notice that it is a musical, "Sweeney Todd ”Is a perfect example of a well done musical.

Science fiction

The confluence between imagination and science, among all the film genres that exist, this is one of the most striking since it is always moving forward in time, in fact many filmmakers and writers dedicated to science fiction have been great predictors of advances in science and technology.


War or war films are those that deal with historical or fictional wars, but developed in the context of a war itself, weapons, armies, strategies and other paraphernalia of the war industry, in this genre it is common to find films based on in real wars.

Epics, Western and other contexts

Epic films are those that take place in ancient contexts, normally this genre goes hand in hand with the war genre, although it distances itself in the contexts in which it takes place. On the other hand, this genre goes hand in hand with the western, which are films developed in the old west and other genres specialized in specific cultural contexts..

Classification of films according to characteristics

We already answered the question how many genres of movies exist, now we will see the different classifications that we can find, which in themselves are not subgenres but characteristics that apply to genres mentioned above.

For the time

One way to classify the genres of films is by the time of publication or release of the film, For example, there are classic or old films, contemporary films, releases etc..

Loudness, color

They can also be classified by their loudness and color, that is, separating between silent and sound films, in addition to classifying between color and black and white films, currently we can talk about a new classification that would be 3D and 4D films


Another possible classification that does not alter how many genres of movies there are, are the formats, That is, if it is a traditional film, cartoon, digital animation, live action, etc..

Target audiences

By last, it is possible to classify the films according to their target audience, that is, if the film is for children, youth, adults or movies to watch as a family.

It is important to be clear that these classifications apply to any of the existing genres and do not constitute new genres in themselves, they are only characteristics that can occur from any of those established in the canon. Now go and search the movies of your favorite genres.

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