Chinese weevils 13 health benefits

Simon Doyle

The Chinese weevils, scientific name Ulomaides dermestoides, They are a species of beetle in the Tenebrionidae family. Although they are native to Asia, they have spread throughout the world due to the belief that they have medicinal properties.

The benefits and properties of Chinese weevils for health according to traditional Chinese medicine and other sources are numerous: they prevent cancer, reduce inflammation, relieve allergies, stimulate the immune system, treat arthritis and osteoarthritis, relieve digestive system disorders and others that we will explain below.

The chemicals, mainly quinones, that the beetles produce as defensive compounds are capable of destroying cells (significant cytotoxicity), affecting both healthy and cancerous tissues, and excessive consumption of beetles can lead to serious health complications such as pneumonia. 

So do they have benefits and healing properties? They have not been scientifically proven. Reported benefits are based on testimonials, not scientific evidence.

They are considered a pest of grains and related products and breed easily on bread and similar food products. Despite this, they have been applied as traditional Japanese and Chinese medicines in the treatment of low back pain, cough and respiratory disorders such as asthma..

Since millennia, weevils have been used in China and Japan as part of folk medicine for the treatment of low back pain and respiratory problems such as cough and asthma..

Although its properties are not scientifically proven, there are multiple testimonials throughout the world that indicate their benefits and recommend them as an alternative therapy.

It was around the year 2000 when the therapy began to expand to Brazil and Argentina and there were cases of people who ate these weevils to cure various diseases.

There are many doubts and prejudices when it comes to thinking about a treatment that includes eating insects. Are its benefits real? Does consuming them generate consequences? What is the way to take them? Are they an effective cure for diseases?

Although there is still a lot of research in relation to the qualities of Chinese weevils, some medical studies plus empirical results have allowed us to collect up to 13 benefits of its consumption.

The benefits that we discuss here have not been clearly demonstrated. Before consuming them we recommend you consult with a professional.

13 healthy properties of the Chinese weevil

1- They have compounds that help the treatment of cancer

Various studies of Chinese weevils and testimonials from people have shown its effectiveness as an alternative treatment for diseases such as cancer, asthma, Parkinson's, diabetes, psoriasis, even AIDS..

Medical research has shown that beetles produce quinones, a cytotoxic defensive compound that has effects on mononuclear cells in cancerous tissues, inhibiting their proliferation.

2- They reduce inflammation

The diluted extract of Chinese weevils has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. This was confirmed through a study developed by the Franciscan University Center (UNIFRA) in Brazil, when conducting an experiment with rats affected by acute inflammation in the lungs. They were injected into the pleura with weevil extract, significantly reducing their inflammation.

This proved the efficacy of Chinese weevils in the treatment of respiratory diseases..

3- Relieve allergies

Among the chemical components of Chinese weevils, we find limonene, a flavonoid that inhibits the inflammatory response in tissues.

In this way, the properties of these insects efficiently help in irritation and inflammation of the respiratory tract as in the case of asthma and allergies..

4- They stimulate the immune system

According to empirical observation, Chinese weevils stimulate the immune system thanks to the action of coleotoxin, a substance secreted by the insect when it dies in the patient's stomach. The coleotoxin would help stimulate the activation of T lymphocytes, increasing their number in the body.

5- They help in the treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Chinese weevils reduce swelling in joints and limbs, which increases the range of motion, reduces pain and improves quality of life..

6- They eliminate pain

The same coleotoxin substance produced by Chinese weevils stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain. In this way, pain is systematically reduced in different conditions.

7- They increase energy

The same production of endorphins produces an increase in well-being and energy in patients, improving their mood and disposition.

8- They have a relaxing and anxiolytic effect

According to a study carried out in 2011, it was shown that the oil extracted from Chinese weevils has a depressant effect on the Central Nervous System, which can be used as an anxiolytic in cases of stress, anguish, anxiety, panic attacks and other emotional disorders.

9- Relieve digestive system disorders

Among its chemical components, Chinese weevils also have limonene oil. This compound has proven its effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory, in addition to treating heartburn and gastritis or helping to lower blood lipids. Anti-cancer properties are also attributed to it.

10- Obstacle to the spread of malignant tumors

The extract of Chinese weevils in low doses also has a genotoxic effect, causing significant damage to the DNA of malignant tumors, which contributes to the decrease in their size and prevents their spread in the body.

A study conducted in 2011 by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology reflected how Chinese weevil extract reduced tumor cell growth by more than 70%, in addition to DNA damage in cancer cells. This anticancer substance is 1,4 benzoquinone.

11- They are a completely free treatment

All groups of people who perform this treatment around the world do not charge for Chinese weevils, but give them away.

There is an organization known as "Cadena del Gorgojo", organized by the Argentine Rubén Dieminger, which contacts patients and their families from all countries to exchange experiences and disseminate the treatment.

In this way, this alternative therapy is a possibility available to all people..

12- They are completely natural

No preservatives, no colorants, no side effects. Although most of the people who consume them began to use them to alleviate some disease, when they no longer have the ailment they continue to use them to keep energy levels high and the immune system functioning properly.

Anyone can start Chinese weevil therapy and experience its benefits.

13- They are not contraindicated with any other therapy

Chinese weevils can be consumed independent of any other medical or alternative therapy that the patient is performing.

We emphasize that medical treatment should never be interrupted despite starting a natural complementary technique.

Some frequently asked questions

Where do weevils come from?

Chinese weevils are a species native to Asia and are used in folk medicine in countries such as China and Japan to cure respiratory ailments and pain..

Some researchers, such as the Argentine Rubén Dieminger, became interested in testing this therapy and began to spread it in Argentina, where many cancer patients began to use them..

How do you get weevils?

Those who use this therapy think that weevils should not be sold, but shared and that is why there are several groups around the world that give away these insects and promote personal cultivation.

The delivery of weevils is free and there is a "Weevil Chain" where it is possible to contact people from all countries who practice this therapy to exchange health experiences and also promote scientific research on this treatment..

How are weevils grown?

Chinese weevils breed easily and reproduce quickly. To feed them, whole grain bread, oatmeal or simply flour is used. They also tend to eat vegetables such as lettuce and fruits such as bananas and apples to obtain water..

They should be kept in a glass container, such as a pitcher or fish tank, that has a background substrate such as oatmeal, leafy soil, or just bread crumbs. Some people put rice to avoid humidity.

Rotten food should not be left inside the container and it should be cleaned approximately every 15 days.

So that the insects can breathe, instead of covering it with a lid, a piece of cloth is recommended through which air can enter the jar.

What is coleotherapy?

Coleotherapy is the name given to Chinese weevil therapy. Its name comes from coleoptera, that is, the taxonomic order to which these small insects belong.

What is the action of Chinese weevils in the body?

Chinese weevils have multiple chemical compounds in their body, with different beneficial actions for health, such as proteins and amino acids. One of them is the so-called coleotoxin, which the insect releases when it dies..

What is coleotoxin?

It is a substance typical of Chinese weevils. It has multiple beneficial properties for health, including anti-inflammatory effects, modulation of the immune system, increased energy, reduction of chronic pain, stimulation of the production of T lymphocytes, among many others..

What diseases can be treated with Chinese weevils?

They are particularly used as co-assistants in cancer treatments, due to their cytotoxic properties and their genotoxicity, which directly influences cancerous tissue and prevents its proliferation..

They are also used for pain of all kinds, respiratory conditions, asthma, cough, arthritis, osteoarthritis and all kinds of inflammatory ailments..

Diabetes, psoriasis, osteoporosis, even depression can be treated by consuming Chinese weevils.

How is the treatment with Chinese weevils?

Chinese weevils should be ingested alive, with water, yogurt, milk, or another type of liquid. Some people prefer to put them in capsules and swallow them with that coating, since they are not used to consuming insects.

The important thing is that the weevil reaches the stomach alive, since in this way its components and nutrients are better used:

The way to carry out the treatment with Chinese weevils is as follows:

First day: 1 weevil.

Second day: 2 weevils.

Third day: 3 weevils


70 days: 70 weevils

71 days: 69 weevils

… And it continues like this until reaching an insect again, rest 10 days and the treatment begins again.

For how long should the treatment?

Those who perform coleotherapy, recommend performing the treatment until the symptoms or the ailment have completely disappeared.

There are spectacular testimonies that indicate a disappearance of all kinds of pain within 10 days. However, it depends on the body of each person.

Are there contraindications to coleotherapy with Chinese weevils?

Some adverse effects of Chinese weevil therapy such as pneumonia have been reported. In addition, certain people may also be sensitive to the quinones produced by Chinese weevils, causing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, but these effects are temporary and are solved by interrupting the therapy for a few days and then starting again..

Chinese weevils should not bite when consuming them, as doing so would release their chemical components into the mouth, causing stiffness of the tongue. The taste of weevils is semi acid.

There are some patients with whom it is always better to take special care when starting any therapy.

These are pregnant women, people with heart failure, and any special conditions. As always, the recommendation is to be cautious and if in doubt, consult your doctor..

Interesting data 

This is the chemical composition of 100 grams of Chinese weevils (tenebrios):

Humidity: 58.2%

Protein (N x 6.25): 20.23%

Fat: 16.00%

Crude fiber: 4.28%

Nitrogen-free extract: 0.47%

Ashes: 1.00%

Calcium: 57.37 Ppm

Phosphorus: 0.27%

Source: Centro de Control Agroindustrial S.A (November 1999), Federal District, Mexico.

Despite their benefits, Chinese weevils can become a pest! That is why we recommend keeping them in a well covered container but with the possibility of air access and taking care of foods made based on grains, such as bread and flour..

If they will invade pantries and cupboards, the solution is to use control methods such as insecticides and eliminate the insects that have spread. Then it is possible to start another crop with greater control measures.

Use of insects in folk medicine

Although the use of insects has developed since ancient times in folk medicine, their use in modern medicine is relatively recent. Many consider that it is not necessary to resort to artificial compounds, since nature has given us everything we need to heal our diseases. This is the case of Chinese weevils.

Both in this therapy and in different others, it is worth considering the contributions that insects represent to modern medicine, being a sustainable, low-cost treatment with almost no side effects..

An example of this is apitherapy, widely spread even in formal health centers, to improve inflammatory diseases, reduce pain and increase mobility in joints..

Although there is not yet a large number of medical studies that support the benefits of Chinese weevils, more research is being carried out day by day that confirms its effectiveness in multiple aspects: energy, strengthening the immune system, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, cholesterol reduction.

We hope that these studies continue to be carried out in order to benefit more and more from the available alternatives for our healing, returning to the natural and the ancient wisdom of effective and healthy traditional practices..

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