The pressure gradient consists of the variations or differences of Pressure in a given direction, which can occur inside or at the boundary of a fluid. In turn, pressure is the force per unit area that a fluid (liquid or gas) exerts on the walls or border that contains it..
For example, in a pool filled with water there is a pressure gradient positive in the downward vertical direction, because pressure increases with depth. Every meter (or centimeter, foot, inch) of depth, the pressure grows linearly.
However, at all points located at the same level, the pressure is the same. Therefore, in a swimming pool the pressure gradient is null (zero) in the horizontal direction.
In the oil industry, the pressure gradient is very important. If the pressure at the bottom of the hole is higher than at the surface, then the oil will come out easily. Otherwise, the pressure difference would have to be created artificially, either by pumping or injecting steam..
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A fluid is any material whose molecular structure allows it to flow. The bonds that hold the molecules of the fluid together are not as strong as in the case of solids. This allows them to offer less resistance to the traction and therefore they flow.
This circumstance can be appreciated by observing that solids maintain a fixed shape, while fluids, as already mentioned, adopt to a greater or lesser degree that of the container that contains them..
Gases and liquids are considered fluids because they behave in this way. A gas expands completely to fill the volume of the container.
Liquids, on the other hand, do not reach that much, since they have a certain volume. The difference is that liquids can be considered incompressible, while gases do not.
Under pressure, a gas compresses and adapts easily, occupying all the available volume. When the pressure increases, its volume decreases. In the case of a liquid, its density -given by the quotient between its mass and its volume-, it remains constant over a wide range of pressure and temperature.
This last dimension is important since in reality, almost any substance can behave like a fluid under certain conditions of extreme temperature and pressure..
In the interior of the earth where conditions can be considered extreme, the rocks that would be solid on the surface, melt into the magma and can flow to the surface, in the form of lava.
To find the pressure exerted by a column of water or any other fluid, on the floor of the container, the fluid will be considered to have the following characteristics:
A column of fluid under these conditions exerts a force on the bottom of the container that contains it. This force is equivalent to its weight W:
W = mg
Now, the density of the fluid, which as explained above is the quotient between its mass m and its volume V, it is:
ρ = m / V
Density is normally measured in kilograms / cubic meters (kg / m3) or pounds per gallon (ppg)
By substituting the expression for density in the weight equation, it becomes:
W = ρVg
Hydrostatic pressure P It is defined as the quotient between the force exerted perpendicularly on a surface and its area A:
Pressure = Force / Area
Substituting the volume of the fluid column V = area of the base x height of the column = A.z, the pressure equation becomes:
Pressure is a scalar quantity, whose units in the international measurement system are Newton / metertwo or Pascals (Pa). British system units are widely used, especially in the oil industry: pounds per square inch (psi).
The above equation shows that denser liquids will exert greater pressure. And that the pressure is greater the smaller the surface on which it is exerted.
By substituting the volume of the fluid column V = area of the base x height of the column = A.z, the pressure equation is simplified:
The above equation shows that denser liquids will exert greater pressure. And that the pressure is greater the smaller the surface on which it is exerted.
The equation P = ρgz indicates that the pressure P of the fluid column increases linearly with depth z. Therefore, a variation ΔP of the pressure, will be related to a variation of the depth Δz as follows:
ΔP = ρgΔz
Defining a new quantity called specific gravity of the fluid γ, given by:
γ = ρg
Specific gravity comes in units of Newton / volume or N / m3. With this, the equation for the pressure variation remains:
ΔP = γ Δz
Which is rewritten as:
This is the pressure gradient. Now we see that under static conditions, the pressure gradient of the fluid is constant and is equal to its specific weight.
The units of the pressure gradient are the same as those of the specific gravity, but can be rewritten as Pascal / meter in the International System. Now it is possible to visualize the interpretation of the gradient as the change in pressure per unit length, as defined at the beginning.
The specific gravity of water at a temperature of 20 ºC is 9.8 kiloPascal / m or 9800 Pa / m. It means that:
"For every meter that is descended in the water column, the pressure increases by 9800 Pa"
Units of the English system are widely used in the oil industry. In this system the units of the pressure gradient are psi / ft or psi / ft. Other convenient units are bar / meter. Pound per gallon or ppg is widely used for density.
The density and specific gravity values of any fluid have been determined experimentally for various conditions of temperature and pressure. They are available in tables of values
To find the numerical value of the pressure gradient between different systems of units, it is necessary to use conversion factors that lead from the density, directly to the gradient.
The conversion factor 0.052 is the one used in the oil industry to go from a density in ppg to a pressure gradient in psi / ft. In this way, the pressure gradient is calculated like this:
GP = conversion factor x density = 0.052 x densityppg
For example, for fresh water the pressure gradient is 0.433 psi / ft. The value 0.052 is derived using a cube whose side measures 1ft. To fill this bucket requires 7.48 gallons of some fluid.
If the density of this fluid is 1 ppg, the total weight of the cube will be 7.48 pound-force and its specific weight will be 7.48 lb / ft3.
Now in 1 fttwo there are 144 square inches, so in 1 ft3 there will be 144 square inches for each foot of length. Dividing 7.48 / 144 = 0.051944, which is approximately 0.052.
For example, if you have a fluid whose density is 13.3 ppg, its pressure gradient will be: 13.3 x 0.052 psi / ft = 0.6916 psi / ft.
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