Soursop 15 Properties for Health

Abraham McLaughlin
Soursop 15 Properties for Health

The soursop, Also known as graviola, muricara or sirsak, it is an edible fruit of green color, with thorns and in the shape of a heart, from the tropical and subtropical areas of the Caribbean islands, Antilles, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, South America and Central America. It is currently found in other parts of the world such as Africa (Nigeria, Congo and Cameroon).

There are numerous health benefits of soursop: it improves digestion and cardiovascular health, it is rich in antioxidants, it improves sleep quality, it is diuretic, it helps control weight, it avoids squid and others that we will explain below..

Although its rind is bitter, the flesh of the fruit is soft and sweet, which is why it has become the base of many drinks, ice cream, desserts, and other popular foods. Beyond its usefulness as a food, it also contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients that make it potentially beneficial for human health.

Soursop health properties

1- High nutritional value

Soursop is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, sodium, protein, potassium, pectin, glucose, fructose, and dietary fiber, all essential for promoting good health..

2- Increase energy level

Soursop is an excellent natural source of carbohydrates for the body. Carbohydrates are biomolecules composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, whose main functions in living beings are to provide us with immediate and structural energy. A full cup of soursop is made up of about 38 grams of carbohydrates.

3- Maintains bone health

It is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis. A cup of soursop provides 31.5 mg of calcium and 60.75 mg of phosphorus.

4- Helps digestion

Soursop is an excellent source of dietary fiber, so it is very good for facilitating the digestion of food. A cup of soursop provides 7.42 grams of dietary fiber.

5- Healthy for the heart

Soursop contains 625.5 mg of potassium per cup. Potassium improves blood pressure and helps optimize heart rate.

6- Gastrointestinal treatment

Both the pulp and the leaves of the soursop are used for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, such as stomach pain and diarrhea..

According to Professor Ifeoma Enwean, a researcher at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology at Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Nigeria, the use of extracts from the soursop pulp is highly recommended in the control of stomach diseases..

7- Avoid leg cramps

Due to its high content of potassium, as well as magnesium, calcium and sodium, it helps prevent muscle weakness and annoying leg cramps.

8- Improves sugar levels

There is research that indicates that soursop helps improve glycemic levels in diabetic patients, however before being consumed it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

9- Rich in antioxidants

Soursop is an excellent source of vitamin C, therefore it acts as a great antioxidant to promote good health and slow down the aging process. A cup of soursop contains 46.35 mg of this vitamin.

10- Wound healing

The bark and stem of the soursop can be used for the preparation of herbal medicines for the treatment of wounds and cuts.

Apparently, when fruit pulp is applied to a wound, it prevents bacterial infection and accelerates wound healing.

11- Help sleep

Soursop contains tryptophan, a chemical that stimulates drowsiness as well as relaxation. Soursop leaves are sometimes also used in the form of aromatherapy and relaxing infusions.

12- Helps control weight

Because it is rich in fiber, it will help you speed up the digestion process, stop constipation and feel full, so you can include it in a weight control diet, but without overdoing it since it also contains sugar.

13- Diuretic

Soursop contains almost 84% water and has been used as a natural diuretic to treat fluid retention in the body that causes bloating and excess weight. In addition, the moisture in the soursop helps eliminate some urinary problems..

14- Insect repellent

Powdered soursop seeds are used as a repellent for insects, flies, mosquitoes and mosquitoes. Likewise, in places where this fruit is common, the water from the boiled leaves is used to eliminate lice..

15- Rich option in the kitchen

Soursop can be used to prepare a wide variety of smoothies, syrups, soft drinks, sorbets, desserts, ice creams, and juices. Its delicious flavor and unique texture are irresistible to the palate.

Possible side effects of soursop

Although there are no conclusive studies to date, some researchers are concerned about the presence of annonacin in the seeds of this fruit. Annonacin is a neurotoxin that, when taken in large amounts, can cause nerve changes and movement disorders. These nerve changes produce symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease.

However, the French Food Safety Agency (Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments) made a publication based on the results of some available studies. It states that it is not possible to confirm that atypical Parkinson's syndrome is related to the consumption of Annona muricata, so they suggest that more exhaustive studies should be carried out that can reach a more illuminating conclusion.

The warning has been directed mainly towards those who promote the daily and constant consumption of soursop for medicinal purposes or towards populations that traditionally consume the raw fruit daily. So far there are no studies that reflect any type of risk in a balanced diet that includes drinks or desserts with soursop.


Soursop fluffy cookies


  • 1lb of soursop pulp
  • 4 peaches
  • 750 ml heavy cream
  • 150 ml of condensed milk
  • 1 package of sweet cookies


  • Place the heavy cream, condensed milk and soursop in the mixer or blender. Beat for approximately 20 seconds until the mixture takes on a smooth and thick appearance..
  • In a glass refractory distribute a layer of cookies and add half of the previous mixture, then repeat the procedure with the remaining half of the mixture.
  • Garnish with the peaches and refrigerate for about an hour.

Soursop champola


  • 1 package (14 oz.) Frozen soursop pulp
  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/4 cup sugar


Pour the frozen pulp, the evaporated milk, the water and the sugar into the blender glass and blend until the mixture is homogeneous.

Soursop jelly


  • 2 cups soursop pulp or graviola
  • 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin (gelatin)
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 2 cups of sweet cream
  • 100 grams icing sugar


  • To give the gelatin consistency: sprinkle the gelatin over a cup of cold water and let it rest for about five minutes, then heat the mixture in a double boiler, stirring constantly until it turns transparent but does not boil. Once ready, reserve it in a separate bowl.
  • Mix the sweet cream, the icing sugar and half of the soursop pulp in a blender. Now, add the gelatin and beat everything again for a few minutes. Pour this mixture into the mold and put it in the refrigerator until set.
  • Once this first part is set, add the rest of the soursop pulp and refrigerate until completely set..

Soursop cake



  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • ½ cup of hot water
  • ½ cup cornstarch
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp vanilla


  • 1 cup soursop concentrate
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • 175 g unsalted margarine


  • ¾ cup of sugar
  • ¾ cup of water


  • For the cake, beat the whites until stiff and add half the sugar until well mixed.
  • In a separate bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar and gradually incorporate the hot water, cornstarch, flour and baking powder, previously sifted.
  • With a spatula, incorporate the whipped egg whites in an enveloping way. Place the mixture in a greased and floured pan and bake until the surface is golden brown. Reservation.
  • Let cool and then cut into slices.
  • For the filling we are going to cream the butter and add the condensed milk.
  • Then add the soursop concentrate and the milk cream and reserve.
  • For the syrup, place the sugar and water in a pot. Cook until it reaches the point of soft syrup and then reserve
  • For the assembly, place a layer of sponge cake in a mold, then moisten with the syrup, then cover with soursop cream and repeat the operation with several layers, the last layer being soursop cream and can be decorated with meringue or whipped cream..
  • Take it to the fridge and let it rest for several hours. Keep it refrigerated and serve it cold.

Soursop flan


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 3 cups of soursop pulp


  • Blend the condensed milk, evaporated milk, eggs and soursop with a mixer.
  • Caramelize 2 cups of sugar, and place that caramel in the bottom of a container.
  • Pour over the caramel the mixture with the soursop from the first step.
  • Then it is baked for 30 minutes at about 200 degrees Celsius in a water bath..
  • As with cakes, to know if the flan is ready, test the consistency of the flan with a knife, if it comes out clean you can take it out of the oven.

Interesting data

  • People in countries in Africa and other tropical areas have used graviola to treat infections, rheumatism, arthritis, and even depression..
  • At the First International Congress of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Tropics and Subtropics in 1964, scientists from Nestlé Products' research laboratories in Switzerland presented an evaluation of tropical fruits, highlighting soursop among the three most promising for the European market, due to their aromatic qualities and their aptitude for transformation into preserved pulp, nectar and jam.
  • According to a newspaper article, when the famous Chilean poet Pablo Neruda visited Cuba for the first time in 1942, he tasted a glass of soursop champola and this smoothie was so delicious that in his chronicle "Memories of Havana", he made mention of this event.
  • According to history, the Spanish conquerors found large soursop plantations in Central America and it was they themselves who were in charge of spreading it around the world. Hence, the soursop has different names.
  • Advertisements circulate online claiming that soursop tea cures cancer, but the reality is that conclusive studies have not been conducted to show that it is effective against any type of cancer in humans. So while scientists agree, you can ask your doctor if you want to try it as a treatment..


  1. Morton, J. 1987. Soursop. P. 75-80. In: Fruits from hot climates. Julia F. Morton, Miami, FL.
  2. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

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