Do sports, work and study Do you have time for everything?

Simon Doyle
Do sports, work and study Do you have time for everything?

I am going to try to give some advice, or at least some ideas to structure your time in a optimally to tackle each of the three areas that the title of this article indicates. I'll start by giving you two secrets. The first one is that you'll need motivation and sacrifice.

I want to think that if you are reading this it is because you already have some motivation. With respect to sacrifice, that just depends on you. Perhaps the post where I touch on the subject of self-discipline can help you in this regard. The second secret is that you are going to have to get up a little earlier than usual. If you are not an expert in the noble art of taking your head off the pillow, you can start by reading this other article.

After this brief introduction we are going to get into the matter. I want to point out that this article is aimed at a person with I work full-time and also study remotely. It would be impossible to exemplify the multiple varieties of lifestyles of our society.

With rare exceptions, we will consider the work as the axis on which sport and study will rotate. This is because normally the working hours are not chosen by us but rather imposed on us. Therefore we only have two moments left to share study and sport: before work and after work.

The question is what to do when. Sport in the morning and study at night or vice versa?

The biological rhythm

There is something called biological rhythm and it works differently from one person to another. Depending on how our biological rhythm is, we will perform one of the two tasks more efficiently in the morning and the other better in the afternoon / evening. In my case, I take better advantage of the study hours as soon as I wake up and I feel more energized to do sports when I leave work.

The explanation is logical: having a job that requires some mental effort makes me not want to continue using my head after the workday is over. This I have discovered recently. Specifically last year when I started a distance learning degree in Psychology. In my younger years, when I did not work, I did not have this problem since I only dedicated myself to studying and playing sports. It is now that I am so busy that I am forced to establish strategies to be able to complete each of my objectives.

If you still don't know what your biological rhythm is, I suggest something: spend a whole week studying in the morning and doing sports in the afternoon. Analyze the results, both in terms of productivity like in internal sensations.

The following week do the exact opposite, that is, try to do sports in the morning and study in the afternoon. Re-analyze the results. I am sure that you will reach conclusions that you had not stopped to think about before. Also, this little experiment will help you get to know yourself a little more..

Despite trying to have a rigid structure, it is not advisable to obsess over schedules. Obsession leads to perfectionism, and here's another secret: Perfection does not exist.

All this I tell you so that you are aware that there is a moment for everything. When you get off work, work problems or tasks that you still have to complete the next day stay there. If you take them to the gym, you will be taking advantage of 50% of that hour of sport that has cost you so much to find. You must do exactly the same when you study.

Personally it helps me to have a chronometer, That way I am much more aware of the passage of time and I don't waste it. If you have only one hour to study and you turn on the timer, I guarantee that you will make the most of that hour to 100%. It's only an hour. Everything else can wait. Even your uncontrolled mind will grasp this simple idea and benefit you with a absolute concentration in the present moment.

I hope these little tips have been useful to you. If you decide to carry out the experiment I will be happy to hear your results.

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