Helichrysum stoechas it is an aromatic perennial species belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is commonly known as immortelle, bastard chamomile, perpetual chamomile, amaranth, yellow immortelle, and chrysalis.
This herbaceous plant grows up to 50-70 cm in height and develops in dry, rocky and sandy environments. It is located in natural parks in northeastern Portugal territories and grows from 0 to 1550 meters above sea level..
Its stems are lush, grayish in color and its inflorescences are about 15 cm long. The flowers are yellow, arranged in chapters gathered in terminal glomeruli.
The presence of glandular and non-glandular trichomes is interesting, especially on the underside of the leaves. These trichomes play an important role in the secretion of essential oils in leaves and flowers, being α-pinene the main compound of the essential oil..
According to its medicinal properties, it is known that its consumption in the form of an infusion serves as a febrifuge and expectorant. In addition, it has another medicinal application in hot foot baths to induce menstruation.
Its main use is ornamental. It can be cultivated in gardens together with other species whose flowering is during the same season and this produces a very pleasant decoration for closed or open spaces..
In this sense, the immortelle is used as an ornament for terraces that overlook avenues, or together with other plants as ornaments at street crossings..
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It is a herbaceous species and woody at its base, with erect and ascending stems that measure about 70 cm. The stems are tomentose and greyish in color..
When the stem is rubbed it emits an intense odor.
The leaves of this plant are unarmed, narrow, linear or linear-spatulate. They are 5 to 35 mm long, their color is grayish green and their edges are jagged..
The aerial organs of this plant (leaves and flowers) are covered with a very dense woolly garment which presents two types of trichomes: glandular and non-glandular..
Glandular trichomes are biseriate. These are abundant on the abaxial surface (underside) of the leaf, especially in the internerval zone, in the inflorescence where the receptacle is located, in the interfloral positions and in the corolla lobes..
Whereas, non-glandular trichomes are extremely long, simple uniseriate and multicellular..
Trichomes play a very important role in the plant due to the secretion of essential oils. The secretion of these oils accumulates in the subcuticular space that is in the upper area of the secretory cells, and in this place the secretion is released due to the rupture of the cuticle..
In some investigations, it has been determined that in the monoterpene hydrocarbon fraction, the presence of α-pinene is dominant as the main component of flower and leaf oil in 69% and 78% respectively..
The flowers of this species are yellow, hermaphroditic in the center and female at the edges. They gather in chapter-type inflorescences as normally the rest of the asteraceae. They appear in the terminal position and are grouped in glomeruli that measure about 3 cm in diameter..
They have yellowish-green bracts with a tendency to orange. The flowering of this species is from June to September, but in some regions such as Murcia, it can start from February.
The fruit is an achene of small size approximately between 0.3 and 0.5 mm. The achenes are brownish or brown in color. The dispersal of the seeds is through the wind.
-Kingdom: Plantae.
-Phylum: Tracheophyta.
-Class: Magnoliopsida.
-Subclass: Magnoliidae.
-Superorder: Asteranae.
-Order: Asterales.
-Family: Asteraceae.
-Gender: Helichrysum.
-Species: Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench.
Some synonyms for this species are: Helichrysum stoechas subsp. barrelieri Y Helichrysum stoechas subsp. stoechas. However, they are considered subspecies. Its basionym is Gnaphalium stoechas L.
This type of chamomile is found in dry, rocky environments with a high incidence of sun, in lands covered by bushes, coastal dunes, and often in ditches..
Regarding the soil, the type of soil they choose is indifferent, since its edaphic range is quite wide. Resists up to -7 ° C.
It adapts to altitudes between 0 and 1550 meters above sea level. It grows in places where the annual rainfall is low; however, it blooms abundantly throughout the years, as it is resistant to drought.
It is distributed in the Mediterranean area, in North Africa and Southwest Europe. It is also found on the Mediterranean coasts. On the other hand, it is achieved throughout the Spanish territory.
The medicinal use of this plant is indicated as an antipyretic, for the respiratory system, bronchitis, and also as an emmenagogue.
This plant is used as a "foot scald" or very hot baths where the feet are inserted, to induce menstruation. To do this, the flowers are dipped in red wine as hot as can be borne..
The immortelle has some certain phenolic compounds such as: caffeoylquinic acid, feruloylquinic acid, myricetin, quercetin, isorhamnetin. It also contains ethanolic extracts such as apigenin and tetrahydroxychalcone.
This plant species also contains essential oils such as α-pinene, limonene, α-bisabolol, β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, geraniol, camphene, derivatives of floroglucinol, derivatives of acetophenone.
It is interesting to note that these extracts have been tested for their antibiotic effect. In this sense, the extracts of essential oils were inhibitors of the growth of Staphylococcus epidermis, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumonsae, Y Candida albicans.
On the other hand, ethanolic extracts have positive results to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumonae, Y Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The immortelle Helichrysum stoechas In addition to its applications for the cure of some conditions, it has an interesting use in the cosmetic industry.
Regarding this, the antioxidant extracts of this plant serve as raw materials such as rosmarinic acid and quercetin for the production of encapsulated products for skin care..
Another use that is given to this herb is ornamental, as it serves as an interior decoration or as part of flower arrangements. Likewise, it is used together with other plants composed in flower clusters under direct solar incidence, or for exposed terraces in avenues. The use of its dried flowers is also used for decorations.
This species is often used in the company of Chamaerops humilis, since a very intense and striking color contrast is achieved. It is also combined with other shrubs or herbaceous species from the Mediterranean area that bloom at the same time as it.
Its cultivation, along with other plants, is very useful at street crossings, since thanks to its striking color it helps reduce violations by drivers. It is a very common plant in gardens and orchards, as well as in curtains.
Regarding its environmental importance, it is a species that should be taken into account for coastal scrub and dune recovery projects..
In gardening it should be taken into account that the vegetative period of this plant is from December to June, and that the foliage dries during the summer.
For its germination, it is important to know that between 10 ° C and 20 ° C in dark conditions good percentages of germinated seeds are obtained. However, conditions in additional light to irrigation with a 20 mM concentrated nitrate solution produce greater germination..
The multiplication by means of seed in greenhouse conditions, presents some inconveniences regarding its collection and harvest of fruits, due to their small size and to the fact that they are easily dispersed by the wind..
In contrast, propagation through cuttings is easier. In this technique, 100% rooting can be obtained with the application of indole butyric acid (250 mg / L) to apical cuttings. Concentrations above that indicated are practically an unnecessary waste, since it is not possible to obtain a greater rooting.
For its sowing, it is necessary that if it is in pot conditions, a substrate or substrate mixture is used that provides good drainage.
For this it is recommended to mix peat with mulch and perlite in equal proportions (1: 1: 1).
If the cultivation is to be carried out in soil directly, it must be taken into account that it grows well in clay soils.
To induce the compact, round shape of this herb, it is recommended to cut the stems in late winter. Pruning shears or kitchen shears can be used.
It is important to use disinfectant before and after pruning the plant to avoid infection.
The fertilizer must be made with ecological compounds mainly for the care of its medicinal properties. Guano, compost, manure, among others are generally used.
This plant species does not withstand waterlogging conditions. Therefore, irrigation should only be indicated to avoid rotting of its roots. At this point, knowing that it is drought tolerant, it should be watered only when the substrate is well dry between watering and watering; it can be every three days approximately.
On the other hand, neither the flowers nor the leaves should be moistened, because it causes their loss..
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