The bull gall It is a bitter, alkaline, brownish-brown or greenish-yellow liquid. In essence, it is the bull's bile, which is synthesized in the liver, stored in the gallbladder and discharged in the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, through the bile duct..
Due to its emulsifying and digestive properties, it is used as an ingredient in various pharmaceutical preparations for human and animal use. It is marketed in the form of bile extract supplements. Bile is essential for the proper metabolism of lipid-rich foods, such as dairy products, oils, and meat.
Bull gall contains bile acids and bile salts, body salts, minerals, and often cholesterol. Bull bile promotes the production of bile in the human liver and is indicated as a supplement for the treatment of gallstones, liver inflammation and chronic constipation..
It has emollient properties and is also recommended to treat alopecia associated with hormonal changes or stress. Mixed with alcohol it is used in graphic arts, for paper marbling, engraving, lithography and watercolor painting..
The chemical composition of bull gall is similar to that produced by the human body. That is why it is used to increase the production of bile in the human liver and, therefore, achieve a faster breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients.
It mainly contains water, cholesterol, and bile salts (bile acids). Among the main bile acids are: cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, glycolic acid and taurocholic acid.
Bile also contains bilirubin (a product of the breakdown of red blood cells), sodium and potassium salts, and other metals such as copper..
Taurine is an important constituent of bile, it can be found in the large intestine and represents up to 0.1% of total human body weight. Bile does not contain digestive enzymes.
Eating foods containing fat stimulates the gallbladder to release bile. When it passes into the small intestine, or when taken as a supplement, bile mixes with food and acts under a surfactant or surfactant mechanism similar to that of a detergent..
Bile salts are amphipathic; that is, they have two ends: one hydrophobic (the part of the molecule derived from cholesterol) and the other hydrophilic (the part of the molecule associated with the conjugated amino acid).
For this reason, they perform two fundamental functions in the digestion and absorption of lipids: emulsification and transport. Bile salts tend to accumulate around the lipid droplets (triglycerides and phospholipids) at the hydrophobic end to form micelles, while the hydrophilic sides face out..
This mechanism prevents lipids from aggregating and forming larger droplets. As the lipids are dispersed in small micelles, pancreatic lipase and the other fat digesting enzymes have a greater contact surface, which allows them to act more easily.
Bull gall helps produce more bile to digest and process fats. People who have undergone gallbladder removal can use bull bile to supplement their bile production with meals, as they do not have a storage organ for their own bile.
Bull gall serves as a dietary supplement, either for healthy individuals or for those who suffer from a deficiency in digestive function.
Disorders of the liver, gallbladder, or small intestine can affect the amount of naturally available bile needed to process dietary fat..
In these cases, calf or bull bile supplements can supply bile acids or bile salts to help digest food..
The liver of a healthy adult produces between 400 and 800 milliliters of bile daily. This amount is considered sufficient in an individual in good health..
Therefore, a healthy person probably does not need to eat it. Rather, taking unnecessary supplements can pose a health risk. In this way the body is exposed to harmful contaminants or undisclosed ingredients..
It comes in drops or pills. It is ingested with meals, either before or immediately after.
Often occurs in combination with digestive enzymes such as lipase, protease, and amylase.
A specific dosage is not recommended, but rather follow the recommendations indicated on the label of each individual product. In addition, for the strengthening of hair follicles it is also presented in shampoos.
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