Hildegard Peplau biography and relationship theory

Jonah Lester

Hildegard peplau (1909-1999) was considered as "the nurse of the century" and as "mother of psychiatric nursing" due to the notable theoretical contributions that she left in medicine..

Since 1952, his theories have served as a contribution to the development of modern nursing and, furthermore, as a study base for professionals and potential research in the psychotherapeutic and mental health fields..

A young Hildegard Peplau

Born in 1909, in Reading, Pennsylvania, Peplau obtained an educational training based on psychology, nursing and psychiatry in institutes such as the Hospital School of Nursing, Bennington College and Teachers College, Columbia University.

Later, her professional development led her to be a supervisor at Pottstown Hospital; Head of Nursing at Bennington and served in the Army Nurse Corps.

She also became executive director of the American Nurses Association, where a year later she assumed the presidency, and carried out activities in various psychiatric nursing centers while also conducting theoretical research and teaching..

"The Nurse of the Century" passed away on March 17, 1990 in Sherman Oaks, California. She was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing Hall of Fame in 1994..

Later, in 1995 she appeared on the list of the 50 great American personalities and in 1997 she was awarded at the ICN Quadrennial Congress with the Christiane Reimann Prize, considered the highest honor in nursing.

Theory of interpersonal relationships

Innovation in the field of modern nursing and the application of theoretical concepts from other authors such as Sigmund Freud, Abraham Maslow, Harry Sullivan and Neal Miller, led Peplau to develop his own psychodynamic nursing theory based on interpersonal relationships between patients and nursing professionals.

The progress of this theory was based on the study of other important works on human behavior and the functioning of the psyche. In addition, he linked them with his personal and professional experiences within his work field.

In his work "Interpersonal Relations in Nursing”(Interpersonal Relations in Nursing), explains how the interaction between patients and nurses must merge through cooperation to find the balance that will provide health, well-being and improvement of physical and mental state.

Four phases of interpersonal relationships

According to Peplau, the correlation between patient and nurse occurs in four phases that aim at the personal development of both in different settings.

  • The first phase It is called “orientation”, when the patient presents a state of discomfort and needs support from a nursing professional, who will help him understand what is happening.
  • The second stage it is the "identification." At this point the patient recognizes the need for help and collaborates with those who will provide support; while the nursing professional makes the diagnosis and establishes an action plan.
  • The third phase is that of "exploitation" or use. It refers to when the nursing professional's care plan is applied effectively and the patient makes use of the services, collaborates and benefits from them.
  • The fourth phase It is the “resolution”, a stage in which the objectives begin to be achieved positively and progressively and, in addition, the relationship between patient and nurse becomes independent.

The development of the phases explained by Peplau was widely adopted by the nursing community, since it offers a feasible method and constitutes a model based on theory and practice that promotes a dependency relationship necessary to find solutions to an unmet need..

The functions of nursing

Peplau, in addition to his recognized theory, also described 6 nursing functions that occur in the practice of interaction with the patient.

The stranger

Initially, the patient observes the nurse as a stranger and the relationship must be treated with respect, seeking knowledge of details that will later help the cooperation of both.

Resource person

The nurse offers answers to the patient's problem and provides explanations about the care plan to follow to provide solutions.

The teacher

In this function, two types of learning are mixed: instructive, which is based on knowledge through information by different means; and experiential learning, based on practical activities carried out as part of the care plan offered by the nurse.


It is one of the functions in which the theory of cooperation and interpersonal relationship between patient and nurse is mostly applied, since both must actively participate in pursuit of the objectives set at the beginning of the relationship.

The substitute

For the patient, the nurse becomes a substitute for someone whom he remembers with similarity. At this point, the nurse must help create differences and there is a relationship of dependency and independence between the two..

The counselor

For Peplau, it is the most important function of the relationship, since it is when the nurse assists in giving answers and observations of reality, of the current situation to the patient, with the aim of helping him understand what is happening and can overcome the needs.

"The nurse of the century "

Although Hildegard Peplau's theory was pioneering at the time, some of his theoretical contributions were not well perceived in the first years of its publication..

The idea of ​​experiential learning between patients and nurses was questioned; and other researchers disagreed with respect to the method of the 6 nursing functions, especially with the role of "substitute".

However, the application of his theory expanded in the professional field of nursing because it promotes a conglomeration of behavioral, social and psychotherapeutic theories that together seek to solve an unmet need, through cooperation, motivation and Personal development.

For this reason, Peplau's model is currently part of Nursing studies in various institutes around the world and continues to be a benchmark for research and psychotherapeutic work..


  1. Hildegard Peplau's bibliography and contributions to Psychiatric Nursing. Obtained from revista-portalesmedicos.com.
  2. HILDEGARD E. PEPLAU. Obtained from ambitoenfermeria.galeon.com.
  3. Hildegard Peplau Theory. Retrieved from nursing-theory.org.
  4. Hildegarde Peplau's model. Obtained from Hildegarde Peplau's Model: enfermeriatravesdeltiempo.blogspot.com.ar.

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