Michoacano Mushroom What is it for, Effects and Preparation

Sherman Hoover

Michoacan mushroom is the name given to two products in Mexico. One is a health fraud under review, according to the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris). This product was withdrawn from the market in 2011. Under that name, the Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum (G.L.) is also known as pipa or pipa mushroom in Spain, lingzhī in China, reishi in Japan and kamuhro or michoacan mushroom in Mexico. The fungus is widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions. It is a saprotophic fungus; that is, it feeds on decomposing plant matter. 

Its wild form is rare today, being found in only two or three out of every 10,000 aging trees. It is grown on hardwood logs or sawdust. Not enough evidence has been found to demonstrate the benefits of the fungus in cancer treatment.

Its use as an alternative complement to conventional treatment has been suggested, taking into account its potential to improve tumor response and stimulate the immune system..

Article index

  • 1 What is it for?
    • 1.1 Promotes the welfare state
    • 1.2 Balances the nervous system
    • 1.3 Control high blood pressure
    • 1.4 Strengthens the immune system
    • 1.5 Helps in the treatment of diabetes
  • 2 Possible side effects
  • 3 How do you prepare?
  • 4 References

What is it for?

- The terpenes in the Michoacan mushroom correspond to about 80 types, including ganoderic acids. These are related to many of the therapeutic properties that are attributed to it; among these are the anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antiaggregant, hepatoprotective and lipid-lowering properties.

- One of the main effects of the Michoacan mushroom is the reduction of inflammation.

- It is considered to protect against aging and reduce the symptoms of acne, as well as uterine fibroids.

- Relieves the symptoms caused by rheumatoid arthritis in the joints. The Michoacan fungus inhibits the multiplication of certain specialized cells that surround the joint. These cells, called synovial fibroblasts, release oxygen-derived free radicals and cause damage to the affected joint..

Promotes the welfare state

In Chinese medicine it is considered that it acts to replenish the Qi or chi, which is the "vital energy". This is not a concept recognized by Western science. However, in traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese martial arts, Qi is a central principle. It is allegorically translated as "energy flow".

Continuing with the concept of chi in Chinese medicine, the Michoacan mushroom or Ganoderma lucidum It is recommended for dizziness, insomnia, chronic fatigue, palpitations, and shortness of breath. To appreciate the effects of the Michoacano mushroom in relieving chronic fatigue, it should be taken for at least 4 weeks..

Balances the nervous system

It has been used in the treatment of anxiety and depression. It has sedative properties; promotes relaxation and sleep.

It does not increase the time of the sleep state characterized by rapid eye movements, better known by its acronym in English as REM sleep. On the contrary, it extends the total time of sleep and reduces the time needed to fall asleep. This improvement in sleep can be observed after 3 days of treatment.

Control high blood pressure

Consumption of the Michoacan mushroom can have a positive effect on normalizing high blood pressure. In people who ingest the mushroom extract 3 to 4 times a day, there may be a significant drop in blood pressure.

In the hypertensive population, there is a tendency to have higher levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides, as well as lower values ​​of HDL-cholesterol. Research has shown that Ganoderma lucidum causes a reduction in triglycerides and an increase in HDL.

From there derives the potential effect towards the normalization of blood pressure values ​​in hypertensive people..

Strengthens the immune system

The Michoacan mushroom is a modulator of the immune system. It reduces its activity if it is overstimulated and strengthens it when it becomes weak. It is generally considered that the number of cells of the active immune system increases; then allows the relief of allergies and its action against the herpes virus.

Due to these effects on the immune system, its use can accompany the treatment of patients with HIV and attenuate the effects of chemotherapy..

Helps in the treatment of diabetes

The Ganoderma lucidum acts in the control of insulin resistance. When the body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, the pancreas will produce more and more of it..

Because insulin allows glucose to enter cells to be used for energy, the body will not use glucose properly. Insulin resistance induces metabolic syndrome, which consists of a number of risk factors for heart disease. Among those are diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure..

Possible side effects

- The most common side effects associated with the consumption of Ganoderma lucidum are dizziness, dry nose and throat, headache and skin irritation, which may cause itching or a rash.

- A small proportion of those who ingest it experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort, such as an upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea..

- The Michoacan fungus can induce prolonged bleeding -even in the presence of minor injuries- or cause gastric hemorrhage if there are ulcers. Its consumption should be consulted with the treating doctor if you suffer from a bleeding disorder or are being medicated with anticoagulants..

- An extremely rare effect of Michoacan mushroom dust is liver damage. However, it has been reviewed in a timely manner by two patients.

How do you prepare?

There is a large and growing set of patented and available products that incorporate Ganoderma lucidum as an active ingredient.

These food supplements sell the extract or certain of its isolated constituents in the form of powder, capsules, tonics and syrups..

Other preparations include the Michoacano mushroom together with another mushroom, or even another product (spirulina, pollen, etc.). There is even a coffee drink made with Ganoderma lucidum (lingzhi coffee). Its bitter taste makes many prefer to take it under another presentation.

Due to its water-soluble nature, it is not necessary to take it with meals. To start seeing results it should be taken for at least a couple of weeks.

Suggested doses vary according to the method of administration: for powder, 1 to 1.5 grams is indicated; for a liquid tincture 1 milliliter is used, either in a glass of water or under the tongue.


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  6. Michoacano mushroom powder (s.f.). Retrieved on May 28, 2018 at schuler.com.mx
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