The flat bones they are one of the five types in which bones are classified, whose main functions are to provide protection to an area and offer a wide surface to allow the fixation of the muscles.
These bones are characterized by being formed by sheets of spongy bone tissue, which are covered by compact bone tissue. Flat bones include the bones of the skull or cranial vault, the bones of the chest, and the bones of the hip..
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The function of flat bones is to protect the internal organs of the body, such as the brain, heart, and pelvic organs. This is why they are flattened, since they thus act as shields..
In the same way, the fact of being flattened makes these provide wide areas in which the muscles of the body can be fixed.
The skull, also called the cranial vault, is made up of a series of bones, including the frontal, parietal, occipital, nasal, temporal, lacrimal, and sphenoid bones..
The main role of the skull is to protect the brain from damage that could be generated by bumps or falls. The bones of the skull are also responsible for forming the eye sockets and nostrils..
In infants and children, the bones of the cranial vault are separated by spaces called sutures, which allow the skull to expand as the brain grows.
Once the brain reaches its maximum size, the sutures are closed and the bones of the skull are fused.
As its name suggests, this bone occupies the entire front of the skull.
There are two parietal bones and one is found on each side of the head, between the occipital bone and the frontal bone..
The occipital bone is located at the back of the skull. In this is the foramen magnum, which is an opening that connects the skull with the spinal column..
This bone occupies the lower and lateral part of the skull.
The sphenoids are found in the lower part of the skull, at the base, and present a cavity in which the pituitary is located.
In the thorax there are three bony structures that belong to the classification of long bones, namely: the ribs, the sternum and the shoulder blades..
The sternum is shaped like a tie and is located in the center of the chest. The first seven pairs of ribs are directly connected to the sternum; pairs 8, 9 and 10 are attached to the sternum through cartilage.
The two lower pairs, unlike the rest, are not connected in any way to the sternum, which is why they are called “floating ribs”. In the sternum, three parts are distinguished:
The ribs are made up of twelve pairs of bones. All of these pairs connect to the spine, while only ten of these are connected to the sternum..
The ribs are responsible for protecting the heart, lungs and aorta (one of the main arteries of our body).
The ribs extend to the upper abdomen, thus offering protection to the liver and spleen.
Also, during breathing, the ribs move forward allowing the lungs to fill with air..
The shoulder blades, also called the scapulae, are two flat, triangular, slightly curved bones that connect the upper arms to the collarbone. These bones have the function of protecting the back of the chest.
In addition, the shoulder blades are involved in the movements of the back, as well as in the movement of the arms (up, to the front and back).
They also offer fixation points for the rotator cuff muscles, which are responsible for stabilizing the shoulder joints..
The pelvic bones include the ilium, ischium, and pubis. These bones are organized into two cavities: the greater pelvis and the lesser pelvis..
This set of bones provides structural support to the body and allows people to stand upright..
It is also the area of attachment for various muscles, including the muscles of the abdomen and the muscles of the back. In addition, these bones protect certain internal organs such as the bladder..
The ilium is located in the upper part of the pelvic structure. It is composed of the iliac crest and the iliac spines.
The ischium is located on the lateral part of the pelvic structure. This presents an area in which the upper muscles that surround the femur are attached.
The pubis is in the front part of the pelvic structure and closes this structure from the front.
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