Impact of Technology on Education 9 Areas

Abraham McLaughlin
Impact of Technology on Education 9 Areas

The impact of technology on education It can be seen in the change in the teaching model, in the change in the role of the teacher and student, in the possibility of self-learning or in the greater availability of information.

Technology has changed the way we live today and they have become commonplace in our daily lives. Society progressively evolves over time incorporating them and not for this reason, the educational field was going to be different.

The incorporation of new information and communication technologies (ICT) was only a matter of time in education. These allow information to be accessed in a totally new and faster way than in years ago, and it also allows it to be generated and transmitted..

To be able to make use of these new tools in general education, a trained and qualified teacher is needed since totally different strategies and methodologies will have to be used to achieve a more effective teaching-learning process, as well as a more active teaching , participatory and constructive.

Given the myriad benefits of using them in the classroom, a quality school should not leave behind the opportunity to use them.

Article index

  • 1 What is the impact of technology on education?
    • 1.1 Change in the teaching model and in education in general
    • 1.2 Educational process
    • 1.3 Changes in educational objectives
    • 1.4 In schools
    • 1.5 Change in pedagogical forms
    • 1.6 In the didactic contents
    • 1.7 Change in speed of work
    • 1.8 Role of teachers and students
    • 1.9 Role of the students
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of using new technologies
    • 2.1 For teachers
    • 2.2 For the students
  • 3 conclusion
  • 4 Topics of interest
  • 5 References

What is the impact of technology on education?

Change in the teaching model and in education in general

The incorporation of new technologies in the classroom has changed the way that education was traditionally understood. Years ago, both teacher and student had to be in the same place in person, that is, they had to interact directly.

The teacher taught his classes masterfully while the students received and abstracted the ideas transmitted by the teacher. Therefore, it is a model characterized by synchronicity between student and teacher, that is, it is necessary that both coincide in time for said teaching to be effective (Requerey, 2009).

New technologies have made it possible to eliminate geographical barriers, thus changing the traditional teaching-learning model. They have also made it possible to adapt schedules and calendars, allowing the student to work at their own pace from home..

That is, it has improved teaching by creating another dynamic and greater participation in the learning process by the students..

Educational process

Currently a good professional has to be continuously recycled, which is why ICT favors continuous training by offering tools that allow the emergence of virtual learning fields either through online courses or in a more informal way.

Changes in educational objectives

Educators must prepare students to live in the Information Society and in the Knowledge Society. To do this, they must develop early on the skills necessary for students to make the most of the possibilities of ICT..

In schools

The centers need to have the necessary equipment, such as computers and the Internet. Despite this, many are equipped with few devices or even computers that are not of adequate quality..

Change in pedagogical forms

The incorporation of new technologies into education has changed the level and educational roles of all its agents: teachers and students, as we will see later..

In the didactic contents

The new educational content created becomes more interactive, more attractive and more varied. In addition, students can even find information about the lesson they are teaching in class. Teachers have the opportunity to generate educational content according to the interests or needs of their students.

Change in work speed

Technology has enabled work to be created quickly and efficiently to support students with learning difficulties.

Role of teachers and students

The introduction of new technologies has changed the roles played by both teachers and students in the classroom. Below we explain some of these changes and how they have modified the teaching-learning process.

As a result of this new implementation, the teacher leaves his traditional figure of speaker to become an advisor, guide and facilitator who must be able to know the capacity of his students, to evaluate existing resources and materials in addition to creating his own.

The environment to be created has to encourage criticism, motivation to learn, curiosity, dialogue ... Well, it must be a manager of knowledge and guide learning both at the group and individual level..

Role of the students

The student needs a multitude of capacities and competencies to function in the society of the future, so they have to know how to adapt to a changing environment that evolves rapidly.

He also has to work as a team, be creative, know how to solve problems, make decisions, etc. That is, they must have the capacity and ability to act and solve all the problems that arise, as today's society requires it..

The education model has changed from being teacher-centered to student-centered. It is no longer about students acquiring knowledge that prepares them for the work environment, but for life. Therefore, they must be trained for self-learning, the choice and means and routes of learning, and the meaningful search for knowledge..

Like the teacher, the student is no longer a mere spectator in teaching. Thanks to the incorporation of new technologies in the teaching process, he has become the creator of his knowledge. That is, you will learn in a more critical and autonomous way, since you must search for information and process it..

Advantages and disadvantages of using new technologies

The use of ICTs in the classrooms provides centers in general with a multitude of opportunities and benefits as they favor social relationships, as well as cooperative learning and the development of new skills. Also new ways of building knowledge and communicating and reasoning.

They not only affect positively in the centers but also in the family. For this reason, ICTs, instead of becoming a reason for dispute, should be a space for family participation. Family members could increase their communication channel by talking about the proper use and risks that exist with new technologies (Moya, 2009).

One of the main reasons for concern, both for educators and for the family, is the possibility of addictive behaviors that could harm their personal and social development such as cyber addiction, sexting, grooming, among others..

For teachers

One of the advantages would be that teachers have to be continuously recycling, since their role as knowledge adviser implies having to know how to solve the problems that may arise with the use of new technologies..

Therefore, you also have to know how to take advantage of the resources available to you and know which should be the most appropriate for each situation..

These advantages have intrinsic disadvantages, since since it is necessary for teachers to continuously recycle, they have to invest a large amount of resources such as time and money in it..

In addition, on many occasions the teachers are very overwhelmed with the amount of tasks involved in the use of ICT in the classroom, so in some situations they will prefer to use the classical method.

Finally, the use of ICT is not everything and many times it seems to us that they can even surpass the real experimentation that is achieved in a laboratory.

For the students

As for teachers, the use of ICT also provides benefits for students. Thanks to its use in the classroom, students can make better use of their time, since it allows them to access the information they want instantly and even talk with their classmates through forums or the different tools that exist..

In addition, since the student is the protagonist of their own learning, they will be able to work as a team on a certain topic, which is why cooperative learning is favored. This will have a positive impact on the student's motivation as the classes will be more interactive and dynamic.

Finally, among other possible advantages, it is worth mentioning that the use of ICT in classrooms has favored people with intellectual, physical, visual and hearing disabilities. Well, they have adapted to their needs and their learning pace, allowing these people to integrate into ordinary classes, something that has increased their motivation and self-esteem..

Due to the large volume of information that exists on the Internet, the student can get distracted and waste time browsing; and they may even feel saturated so they will limit themselves to "cutting and pasting" the information without actually processing it properly..

In addition, on some occasions teamwork does not work properly, since it is possible that in the group there are people who work more than others.


The use of new technologies in the classroom has completely changed the traditional way of teaching and learning. Thanks to ICT, the education we have today is more effective, fast and efficient.

Specific training of teachers in new technologies is necessary, bearing in mind the care for people with disabilities.

Students, for their part, are no longer recipients of knowledge nor do they learn it by heart. That is, they stop having a passive role in the teaching-learning process to play an active role. Therefore, they must be able to direct their teaching-learning process, thus developing the necessary capacities and competencies that society is demanding of them in this new learning model..

Themes of interest

Positive and negative aspects of technology.


  1. Aliaga, F., & Bartolomé, A. (2005). The impact of new technologies in education. Seville: University of Valencia.
  2. Alfonso, R. D. (2011). Reconsidering the role of teachers in the information society. [email protected] net9(11), 179-195.
  3. Bartolomé, A., & Grané, M. (2004). Education and technologies: from the exceptional to the everyday. Educational innovation classroom12(135), 9-11.
  4. Esquivel, N. D. C. R. The Teacher and the Student using ICT's, Who Has the Responsibility of Learning?.
  5. Sutton, B. (2013). The Effects of Technology in Society and Education.

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