Induction of Personnel Process and Objectives

Basil Manning
Induction of Personnel Process and Objectives

The induction of personnel It is known as the process of incorporating a new employee to your job. After the entire selection process for a position, the moment comes when the worker joins the workplace. This is where the induction process begins.

That is, it starts the system to get this employee to adapt to the company and their position as quickly as possible. To achieve this goal it is very important for the organization to have an induction program planned in advance. In this way, you will save time and costs of thinking everything at the time of arrival of the new employee.

Article index

  • 1 Types
    • 1.1 Informal induction
    • 1.2 Formal induction
  • 2 Induction process
    • 2.1 First stage: welcome and general information about the company
    • 2.2 Second stage: introduction of the workspace
    • 2.3 Third cover: formation process
    • 2.4 Fourth stage: control, evaluation and monitoring
  • 3 Objectives
  • 4 References


The induction to the company occurs in different ways. It can be fortuitous (that is, without any type of organization) or formal and organized.

Within the latter there may be written induction, through regulations, of an audiovisual nature, through policies or direct, among others..

Informal induction

This induction is the one that occurs fortuitously, through the employee himself and his interaction with the work environment, his colleagues, space, etc..

Therefore, it does not have any type of organization and depends both on the individual's own initiative and that of his co-workers..

Formal induction

It is the one dictated through the means of the company and the workers in charge of it. Within this there are several ways:


They are all the manuals, brochures, brochures, books, reports, etc., that the company makes available to the worker.


Inductions in the form of video are included in this section.


It is the one granted directly by the personnel in charge of the induction work.


It encompasses the rules, limits and obligations within the organization.


It is the induction from the general principles by which to act within the company, explicitly determined to facilitate that the procedures are carried out.

Induction process

A correct induction process must consist of four stages: the welcome, the introduction to the company, the training process and the evaluation and follow-up.

First stage: welcome and general information about the company

In this first stage, the new worker is welcomed into the company. In this there are several actions:


The new worker is received, offering him the support he needs and giving him a cordial treatment so that he feels at home, with confidence and integrates comfortably.

Signature of the contract

Here the formal agreement with the employee is made. It is very important to read it well with him and make sure everything is clear.

Information about the culture of the organization

Regardless of the size of the company, the employee must be informed about its history, which team is part of it and what is its mission, vision and general objectives.

Information on general policies

You must be informed about the time, day and times when the salary is paid, about the absenteeism policies, the policies on vacations and holidays, the general rules of work safety, the internal regulations and the recreational activities that are made.

Second stage: introduction of the workspace

This is where the company is introduced to the worker, he is shown his workplace and is introduced to his colleagues, among other actions.

Company introduction

Presentation of the complete space of the company, the different departments and their members.

Presentation of the team

Present the worker to his department colleagues, supervisors and / or subordinates, in order to facilitate the first contact and a full adaptation.

Presentation of the workplace

Introduction to what will be your normal workplace.

Third cover: formation process

This stage is essential to achieve a full and efficient adaptation of the worker. To do this, he must be shown the objectives of his position, his tasks, what the organization of his work expects and with which departments he will have more relationship. At this stage the following is taken into consideration:

- It is informed about the purposes of the position.

- The activities to be carried out are indicated.

- Tests and trials of these tasks are carried out.

- Your first actions are tracked, and corrected if necessary.

- Your participation is encouraged in order to increase your confidence and get you fully involved in the process.

Fourth stage: control, evaluation and monitoring

The purpose of this stage is to monitor the employee's activity, in order to check how he is adapting to the position, and correct and clarify any doubts he may have..

In this phase, the results obtained are evaluated, with the application of the training evaluation and follow-up to the induction and training, in order to apply the corresponding corrections.


The objectives that an adequate induction has to fulfill should be the following:

- Improve business performance and productivity, and reduce losses.

- Help the new employee to locate himself and be able to act for himself and work in his work environment in the best possible way.

- Reduce the adaptation time of the new employee, with the consequent increase in productivity.

- Increase the motivation of the new employee in a sensitive situation, such as entering a new work environment.

- Generate a positive image of the organization, helping them to adapt more comfortably and at ease, helping them to also integrate and identify with the business culture.

- Facilitate the integration of the worker with his new co-workers.

- Make clear schedules, policies, guidelines, and other important workplace issues up front

- Avoid possible errors that may occur due to inadequate induction.

As we can see, induction for new workers is a very important issue in an organization. Thanks to this we are able to improve the experience of the most important part of an organization: its employees..

If employees are made happier, this leads to an improvement in productivity, in the work environment and in relationships between employees, which in turn generates an increase in business profits.


  1. Isabel, S. S. (2013). Tuxtla Gutierrez Chiapas.
  2. Joaquín, R. V. (2002). Modern Personnel Management. Tuxtla Gutiérrez: Thomson.
  3. Rendón, Wilmar (December 2015). "Business management"
  4. Puchol, Luis (2007). "Management and human resources management" (7th ed. Act. Edition). Madrid: Diaz de Santos.
  5. Kaufman, Bruce E. (2008). "Managing the Human Factor: The Early Years of Human Resource Management in American Industry". Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press

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