Immunocal How to use, benefits and precautions

Alexander Pearson
Immunocal How to use, benefits and precautions

Immunocal is a food supplement very popular in recent times, this is not a drug as many people would have you believe, but it falls into the group of supplements.

Taking into account its boom, today we want to share with you all the information we have about Immunocal, delving into its how to use, benefits and contraindications, so that you can take care of your health in the best possible way.

What is Immunocal?

The original name of the Immunocal is HMS-90. Immunocal is a food supplement that provides essential amino acids for the proper functioning of the body. That it is a supplement means that you must accompany it with a balanced diet.

This clarification is important because many people believe that with the consumption of Immunocal they can replace food, and this is a big mistake because your body not only needs amino acids, but other vitamins and substances that we find in different foods.

This plugin is rich in Cysteine, an amino acid that through metabolic functions becomes a fabulous antioxidant, delaying aging and promoting regeneration.

What is the Immunocal for?

The Immunocal generates Glutathione a powerful antioxidant that fights the substances that oxidize the cells so it works as an incredible detox for the body. In the same way, it strengthens our immune system by fighting various types of viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites that want to attack us..

Another function of Immunocal is protect against free radicals that are the cause of many problems at the cellular level.

As you can see, its most powerful effect has to do with the care of our cells, which makes it a great complement, taking into account that if our cells are healthy we have a large part of our health assured.. 

What is the way to use?

The Immunocal It usually comes in the form of a powder that you must consume mixed in water, juices or yogurt, preferably natural. It is also recommended to use the measuring cup that it brings to consume the exact amount that generally corresponds to 30 ml, the idea is to mix well so that it is perfectly diluted in the liquid of our preference.

It is recommended to consume the Immunocal on an empty stomach, it is the time when our body can absorb amino acids and proteins much better, making us obtain greater benefits.

In the event that you want to consume it at another time of day, it is recommended that it be at a time when your stomach is as empty as possible so it doesn't interfere with food.

Immunocal benefits

Now that you know a little about what Immunocal is and what is the main function of this food supplement, I will tell you a little about its greatest benefits.

Strengthens the immune system

The Immunocal helps our immune system to be strong, which means that we will have better defenses against diseases, viruses, bacteria or any other threat that wants to attack your body. This is because when its main compound is activated, vitamins A and E are released, essential for defense against external agents..

It is ideal for athletes

The immunocal contributes to muscle recovery, making it ideal for those who practice some type of sport or high performance training. In the same way, it favors the development and maintenance of muscle mass, so its consumption should be accompanied by physical activity..

Promotes the transport of amino acids

The consumption of Immunocal not only gives you essential amino acids but also stimulates their correct transit in the body. This makes both our immune, circulatory and respiratory systems work optimally.

Regulates the pH

Another of the great virtues of Immunocal is that it regulates our pH by making us maintain adequate levels. This is important because if our pH becomes too acidic, it makes it difficult for oxygen to reach our cells..


Although Immunocal has great benefits, it is not recommended for everyone thanks to its high load of amino acids. Before talking about its contraindications, it is good that you know who Immunocal is good for.

The Immunocal is ideal for people with immune deficiencies, oxidative stress, hepatitis, chronic problems in the respiratory tract such as asthma, some types of cancer and aging processes. 

It is necessary to clarify that as Immunocal is not a medicine, but a complement, in case of illnesses it must be combined with the appropriate medicines. That is why, although the Immunocal is suitable for almost all types of people, it is best that its consumption is authorized by a doctor or health professional.

Immunocal contraindications

Immunocal cannot be consumed by people who have a kidney or liver transplant because they would not assimilate it properly and their health may be affected..

In the same way, it cannot be consumed by people with dental prostheses, pacemakers or any other type of prosthesis..

Among the contraindications it should also be noted that some of its side effects are stomach inflammation, so it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. It is also said that it can irritate the skin, although it is not a very common effect, but it is still convenient to refer to it, in case you are one of the exceptional cases.

To finish, you need to know that this complement is endorsed by several organizations in the United States such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CPS in Canada, and Physicians Desk Reference, institutions that agree that being a supplement of natural origin provides great health benefits, although they emphasize that it does not work as a medicine in itself, so as we said before, in case of diseases or chronic conditions it is necessary to consume it, accompanied of medicines prescribed by health professionals.

We hope that after reading this you are clear about what Immunocal is and what its benefits and contraindications are. As you can see, it is a supplement with many benefits, however it is never advisable to take supplements or supplements without medical authorization, that is why if you are determined to consume it, it is best that you first consult with your trusted doctor. 

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