Innovation and Creativity The future of work

Jonah Lester
Innovation and Creativity The future of work

We recently had the opportunity to do an analysis to understand what the future of work will be like and how to prepare for it.

Below we offer a summary / review of the points that the team of Psychocode found more interesting.

The text begins with an interesting analysis of the situation in which our country finds itself in labor matters and the troublesome to which we inevitably turn. In this way, it is intended to make new generations aware of the new scenario in order to be prepared for it..

Fewer active people to work

Both in Spain, as in other developed countries, there is less and less employment. However, they also inform us that unemployment is also decreasing. This apparent contradiction can only be explained through the workforce, that is, those of working age who are seeking or have a job.

If a person stops looking for a job in Spain (because they are going to another country for example) they automatically disappear from the Labor Force Survey.

Conclution: Fewer people of working age are looking for or have a job.

The pension problem

The question that worries everyone is how we will pay the pensions of the future. If more and more pensions have to be paid and the collection does not grow because the number of workers does not increase, there are fewer people to work and each time they contribute less. How will we pay pensions in the future?

If we take into account that pension spending is growing but Spanish production is also growing, perhaps we should establish an adequate tax rate that allows economic growth and collection in order to continue paying pensions..

Human Productivity

Since 2005, production in Spain has increased and has remained stable with almost 1.5 million fewer workers. This fact is only explained by the increased productivity thanks to technology and the robotization of many professions.

In our opinion this is the most interesting part of the ebook, where they offer us multiple links to interviews and book reviews about a optimistic robotic future.

In addition, they raise an interesting question: If robots work for us Will we be considered unemployed? Would robots pay a kind of personal income tax and Social Security to support us? Will they ask to maintain a population of 9 billion people?

The jobs of the future

The ebook of reveals the data of a survey carried out with more than 500 company executives. According to this survey, there will be 3 trends that will have the greatest impact on future work:

  • Comprehensive ergonomics: Employee homes as well as public spaces will be possible work environments.
  • Automation: The automation process could make some jobs obsolete and those based on creativity and interpersonal intelligence remain..
  • Changes in work patterns: Managers will need to be more effective in nurturing talent to ensure the long-term success of the organization.

Outperforming robots

According to all of the above, if you want to prevent a robot from stealing your job, you have to provide extra added value. This type of work will only be of two types:

Creative Works: Those where innovation is generated.

Interpersonal Jobs: Many times we want a human to be our interlocutor.

Examples of Courses to Train You in Future Jobs

On the Training website they offer selected courses from skills training to strengthen preparation for the jobs of the future. Precisely works based on the two previous points: creativity and interpersonality.

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